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Revision 122012-08-28 - MarkAllen


IVOA Standing Committee on Science Priorities

The IVOA Committee on Science Priorities (CSP) is something of interest to every astronomer who is interested in using the Virtual Observatory to facilitate research. The IVOA has always recognized the need to place useful VO services and tools in the hands of astronomers, but in the early days of the IVOA there was a predominant focus on establishing standards for VO infrastructure. But it soon became clear to the IVOA Exec that the effectiveness of VO tools and services and their “take-up” by the worldwide astronomy community was lagging behind other development work. There was evidence that unless significant adoption of VO tools and services by the astronomy community occurred in the very near future, the entire VO effort would be in jeopardy.

Thus in 2008 an ad hoc IVOA committee on take-up was established; its mission was to determine what the IVOA could do to facilitate this effort. This committee recognized that within the VO community there was insufficient awareness of the scientific needs and requirements of the astronomy research population, and within the astronomy community there was little awareness of the VO at all. The ad hoc committee initiated several efforts within the IVOA to increase this awareness, but a growing recognition of the importance of the take-up issue made it clear that a temporary ad hoc committee was not a viable solution to this problem. As a result, in 2009 the IVOA Executive established a Standing Committee of the Exec, which is the IVOA Committee on Science Priorities. The primary objective of the CSP “is to identify research needs of the worldwide astronomy community than can benefit from VO related tools and services, and to take action within the context of the IVOA to assist in placing such tools and services into the research community.”

The CSP is responsible for special science sessions at IVOA meetings, for identifying essential science capabilities that are affect by IVOA activities and ensuring coordination among IVOA Working Groups and Interest Groups in quickly establishing standards for such capabilities, and for fostering cross communication among the astronomy communities and VO projects within the IVOA. The CSP members are chosen by the Exec; the Chair of the TCG is a member ex-officio, and the current chair of the CSP is Mark Allen (Observatoire de Strasbourg, Euro-VO).

Further details about the CSP and its activities can be found below, and any comments and suggestions about the CSP are most welcome. Please contact the current chair of the CSP, or any CSP member with your thoughts and ideas.

Committee Members:


Terms of Reference (PDF)


Date Minutes
20 May 2010 PDF


<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Coordinator Status
ObsTap David Schade monitoring implementation
Search for Classes/List of Objects Mark Allen monitoring implementation
SED Builder Evanthia Hatziminaoglou and Paolo Padovani  

Projects in Development:

Project Status
Time Series Collecting use cases and collating existing information
Radio Astronomy Collecting use cases
Time Series Collecting use cases and collating existing information Use Case development page
Radio Astronomy Collecting use cases Use Case development page
  Previous Committee Members


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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1284474491" name="IVOA_CSP_Minutes_20_May_2010.pdf" path="IVOA_CSP_Minutes_20_May_2010.pdf" size="39330" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
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