name="IvoaTCG" |
TCG Meeting (online) - Tue, May 24 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
Meeting details
TCG Meeting - Tue, May 24 @20:00 UTC
- Existing
- Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to github.com/ivoa [ONGOING]
Meeting Agenda
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
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- There is still work to do to fill them in.
- Good topic for a Chair & V Chair to coordinate and get on the same page
- Also a good topic for a running mtg with your WG/IG list - gather details/ideas/invite volunteers
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- Good focus topic for a Chair & V Chair to coordinate and get on the same page
- ood topGic for a running mtg with your WG/IG list - gather details/ideas/invite volunteers
- Short semester - Next interop is early (Oct 18-20)
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- Plan to go over them at next TCG meeting - please get them done in next month if at all possible, next interop is early (Oct 18-20)
- Thank You for your Interop efforts!! Let's discuss ... In my project we call it a Post Mordem!!
- Attendence was once again good overall (188) and at each session (~50)
- How about presentations without the invitation for abstracts??
- Gathertown for the Hackathon - Thoughts on that event ??
- Theory/GWS session - few slides - lots of discussion/volunteering - puts emphasis on followup
- PRs
- TCG RFC Review - Status update???
- Measurements 1.0, Coordinates 1.0
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- To be voted and finalised at next TCG meeting.
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- To be voted and finalised at next TCG meeting - May24
- Errata/Notes/Vocab review
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- Look ahead topics for future meeting
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- Next TCG meeting: Wed, Jun 29 @20:00 UTC
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