Difference: IvoaTheory_SNAPDataModelOnlinDoc (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42008-02-14 - GerardLemson

META TOPICPARENT name="IVOATheorySimulationDatamodel"

SNAP data model, online doc

This page gives the Wiki version of the documentation for the model and wil supplant that document. See the following links for and

Below we list all the classes in the UML diagram. We use the definitions in this page

Table of Contents for classes

[TBD Order Alphabetically]

Template table

child element type name datatype description
name datatype description
  The following namespace prefixes are used to refere to other models
  • res: registry resource model
  • iid: IVO identifier model

class SNAPResource

child element type name datatype description
Attribute referenceURL anyURI URL where generic information about this resource can be obtained
Collection curation res:Curation Provides "standard" curation information about this resource. Borrowed from Resource model.
name datatype description
name string  
description string  
referenceURL anyURI URL where generic information about this resource can be obtained
curation res:Curation Provides "standard" curation information about this resource. Borrowed from Resource model.

class SNAPProtocol extends SNAPResource

child element type name datatype description
name datatype description
code anyURI  
version string  

class SNAPSimulator extendsSNAPProtocol


class SNAPSimulator extends SNAPProtocol


class SNAPExperiment extendsSNAPResource


class SNAPExperiment extends SNAPResource

child element type name datatype description
Attribute publisherDID string The identifier by which this experiment is identified in its archive. Any service working on the results of this experiment must understand this identifier as referring to the selected SNAPExperiment.
Reference protocol SNAPProtocol The protocol according to which this experiment was performed. Will in general be overridden by sub-classes of SNAPExperiment to indicate a sub-class of SNAPProtocol.
Collection parameter InputParameter The collection of simulator input parameters used in this simulation. These parameters must correspond to actual parameters that can be set on the simulator.
targetObject TargetObjectType An indication of the actual system that was being simulated. For example, star, jet, galaxy, large scale structure. The creation of this was the goal (were the targets) of the simulation
representation RepresentationObjectType Indicates the different object types used to represent the system that is being simulated/produced by the experiment.
snapshot Snapshot The collection of snapshots that are the individual results as function of time of the experiment.
name datatype description
publisherDID string The identifier by which this experiment is identified in its archive. Any service working on the results of this experiment must understand this identifier as referring to the selected SNAPExperiment.
protocol SNAPProtocol The protocol according to which this experiment was performed. Will in general be overridden by sub-classes of SNAPExperiment to indicate a sub-class of SNAPProtocol.
parameter InputParameter The collection of simulator input parameters used in this simulation. These parameters must correspond to actual parameters that can be set on the simulator.
targetObject TargetObjectType An indication of the actual system that was being simulated. For example, star, jet, galaxy, large scale structure. The creation of this was the goal (were the targets) of the simulation
targetProcess TargetProcess An indication of a physical process, the study of which was the (a) goal of the experiment. For example, gravitational clustering, cosmology, star formation.
representation RepresentationObjectType Indicates the different object types used to represent the system that is being simulated/produced by the experiment.
snapshot Snapshot The collection of snapshots that are the individual results as function of time of the experiment.

class SNAPSimulation extendsSNAPExperiment


class SNAPSimulation extends SNAPExperiment


class SNAPPostProcessing extendsSNAPExperiment


class SNAPPostProcessing extends SNAPExperiment


class SNAPProject extendsSNAPResource


class SNAPProject extends SNAPResource


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