Difference: IvoaVOTable (26 vs. 27)

Revision 272004-11-11 - MarcoLeoni





 VOTable is an XML format defined for the exchange of tabular data in the context of the Virtual Observatory.

VOTable latest release: Version 1.1 - August 11, 2004
Definition XML Schema (standard reference) DTD (approximation derived from schema)
Documentation HTML PDF

VOTable previous release: Version 1.0 - April 15, 2002
Definition DTD (standard reference) XML Schema (derived from DTD) XSL (basic stylesheet)
Documentation HTML PDF LaTex

Working Documents

Votable Sessions at Interop meetings

WG Roadmap

VOTable Software

VOTable available I/O libraries and tools


  • General working-group discussion archive.

Model-based Alternative

A spin-off effort has begun to develop a data model-based alternative data exchange mechanism. This new standard is (tentatively) titled the VODaX (Virtual Observatory Data eXchange) format. Since VODaX will be reliant upon an xml schema-based representation of the developing data model, a parallel effort has begun to develop this: see VODMX.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposals for the next version of VOTable" date="1065455268" name="votable-1x.html" path="votable-1x.html" size="25310" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Draft of VOTable 1.1" date="1069010500" name="VOTable-1-1.pdf" path="VOTable-1-1.pdf" size="349264" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="2nd draft of VOTable 1.1" date="1075056244" name="VOTable-1.09.pdf" path="VOTable-1.09.pdf" size="370666" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema for VOTable 1.093 (2004-04-04)" date="1081412476" name="VOTable-1.1.xsd" path="VOTable-1.1.xsd" size="17061" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="List of VOTable parsers and applications" date="1075890188" name="VOTableAvailableSoftware.html" path="D:\Sonali\IUCAA\docs\VOTableAvailableSoftware.html" size="15291" user="SonaliKale" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="3rd draft of VOTable 1.1" date="1075931062" name="VOTable-1.091.pdf" path="VOTable-1.091.pdf" size="378478" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="2004-04-04 version for VOTable-1.1" date="1081413327" name="VOTable-1.093.pdf" path="VOTable-1.093.pdf" size="424072" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="2004-06-04 version for VOTable-1.1" date="1086621414" name="VOTable-1.094.pdf" path="VOTable-1.094.pdf" size="440725" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Approximate DTD equivalent of 1.1 schema" date="1100171059" name="VOTable-1.1.dtd" path="VOTable-1.1.dtd" size="5604" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
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