Difference: IvoaVOTable (37 vs. 38)

Revision 382009-06-12 - FrancoisOchsenbein

<--  * comments on this draft: VOTableRFC -->
  • Referencing STC in VOTable (V0.5, 14-Sep-2007): (HTML) (PDF) (obsolete)

  • XML-Schemas

    • VOTable 1.2-beta is the proposed new version of the XML-Schema for VOTable. It includes the modifications proposed for VOTable1.2 (essentially about INFO). It was tested on several code generators.

    Votable Sessions at Interop meetings

    VOTable Software

    VOTable available I/O libraries and tools


    • General working-group discussion archive.

    Model-based Alternative

    A spin-off effort has begun to develop a data model-based alternative data exchange mechanism. This new standard is (tentatively) titled the VODaX (Virtual Observatory Data eXchange) format. Since VODaX will be reliant upon an xml schema-based representation of the developing data model, a parallel effort has begun to develop this: see VODMX.

    META TOPICPARENT name="WebHome"

    IVOA VOTable

    VOTable is an XML format defined for the exchange of tabular data in the context of the Virtual Observatory.

    VOTable future release: Version 1.2 (in preparation)
    XML Schema (VOTable 1.2-beta) proposed new version of the XML-Schema for VOTable (feedback welcome, to be discussed in Baltimore 2008)
    XML Schema (VOTable 1.2-beta 2009-06-12) proposed new version of the XML-Schema for VOTable (following the Strasbourg discussions)
    Draft 2009-06-12
    PDF VOTable1.2
    Recommendation Draft
    HTML VOTable1.2
    Recommendation Draft

    VOTable latest release: Version 1.1 - August 11, 2004
    Definition XML Schema (standard reference) DTD (approximation derived from schema)
    Documentation HTML PDF

    VOTable previous release: Version 1.0 - April 15, 2002
    Definition DTD (standard reference) XML Schema (derived from DTD) XSL (basic stylesheet)</ td>
    Documentation HTML PDF LaTex</ td>

    Working Documents

    • Proposal for VOTable 1.2 (2008-10-21): (PDF) Draft version of VOTable1.2 Proposed Standard, to be discussed in Baltimore
    • Referencing STC in VOTable, V1.01 (HTML) corrects the errors mentioned (thank to Mark Taylor) (to be discusssed in Baltimore)
    • Proposal for VOTable 1.2: votable-1.2 (PDF) Draft version of VOTable1.2 Proposed Standard (superseded)
    • Referencing STC in VOTable (V0.8, 10-Sep-2008): (PDF) (superseded)
    • Proposed XML-Schema XML Schema (VOTable 1.2-beta)
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposals for the next version of VOTable" date="1065455268" name="votable-1x.html" path="votable-1x.html" size="25310" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Draft of VOTable 1.1" date="1069010500" name="VOTable-1-1.pdf" path="VOTable-1-1.pdf" size="349264" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="2nd draft of VOTable 1.1" date="1075056244" name="VOTable-1.09.pdf" path="VOTable-1.09.pdf" size="370666" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema for VOTable 1.093 (2004-04-04)" date="1081412476" name="VOTable-1.1.xsd" path="VOTable-1.1.xsd" size="17061" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.3"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="List of VOTable parsers and applications" date="1075890188" name="VOTableAvailableSoftware.html" path="D:\Sonali\IUCAA\docs\VOTableAvailableSoftware.html" size="15291" user="SonaliKale" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="3rd draft of VOTable 1.1" date="1075931062" name="VOTable-1.091.pdf" path="VOTable-1.091.pdf" size="378478" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="2004-04-04 version for VOTable-1.1" date="1081413327" name="VOTable-1.093.pdf" path="VOTable-1.093.pdf" size="424072" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.2"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="2004-06-04 version for VOTable-1.1" date="1086621414" name="VOTable-1.094.pdf" path="VOTable-1.094.pdf" size="440725" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Approximate DTD equivalent of 1.1 schema" date="1101125764" name="VOTable-1.1.dtd" path="VOTable-1.1.dtd" size="5761" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.2"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1189772228" name="note_stc.html" path="note_stc.html" size="36757" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1189772265" name="note_stc.pdf" path="note_stc.pdf" size="150469" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1189783830" name="VOTable-beta.xsd" path="VOTable-beta.xsd" size="20147" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in VOTable, version 0.8" date="1221407156" name="note_stc_v0.8.pdf" path="note_stc_v0.8.pdf" size="183109" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Draft version of VOTable 1.2" date="1221407298" name="votable-1.2.pdf" path="votable-1.2.pdf" size="402404" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Draft version of VOTable 1.2" date="1221563598" name="votable.pdf" path="votable.pdf" size="402967" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Version 1.01" date="1224440466" name="note_stc-2008-10-18.html" path="note_stc-2008-10-18.html" size="60636" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1224626716" name="votable-20081021.pdf" path="votable-20081021.pdf" size="409332" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.2"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1224626819" name="votable-20081022.pdf" path="votable-20081022.pdf" size="409332" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
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