Difference: MocInfo (19 vs. 20)

Revision 202018-05-28 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"


This page contains information about MOC, the Multi-Order Coverage map format.


MOC is defined by the MOC standard. The most recent version is Version 1.0, dated 2 July 2014.


  • MOCPy, a Python library to handle MOCs
  • MOCPy, a Python library to handle MOCs

MOC validators

MOC compatible tools

  • Topcat & STILTs [Starlink] (generation from catalogs / manipulation)
  • Aladin Desktop [CDS] (generation from images&catalogs / display / manipulation)
  • Aladin Lite [CDS] (display)
  • MIZAR [CNES] (display)
  • ESAsky [ESAC] (display)

MOC examples

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Moc.jar" attr="" comment="Moc 5.0 bytecode" date="1512395841" name="Moc.jar" path="Moc.jar" size="63685" user="PierreFernique" version="10"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MocSrc.jar" attr="" comment="Moc 5.0 source java code + examples" date="1508924522" name="MocSrc.jar" path="MocSrc.jar" size="47759" user="PierreFernique" version="9"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="jhealpixSmall.jar" attr="" comment="Java HEALPix 3.11 (obsoleted -> required for previous Moc 4.4 API)" date="1380019892" name="jhealpixSmall.jar" path="jhealpixSmall.jar" size="49871" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="healpix.essentials.jar" attr="" comment="Java HEALPix 3.3 minimal package (required for Moc4.5, 4.6, 4.7 API)" date="1452160735" name="healpix.essentials.jar" path="healpix.essentials.jar" size="69906" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Moc.fits" attr="h" comment="Moc FITS example" date="1452161081" name="Moc.fits" path="Moc.fits" size="8640" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
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