Difference: ObsCoreDMvOnedotOne (9 vs. 10)

Revision 102016-02-14 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"

ObsCore version 1.1 -Update for axes dimensions

The most recent revision of the Observation Core component Data Model specification is attached below and linked WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160127.pdf .
The most recent revision of the Observation Core component Data Model specification is attached below and linked as
Last changes are briefly listed in the "Changes section" and revised text in the document is colored in green or purple so you can spot the changes easily between version Obscore1.0 and this one.
WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160214.pdf .
Thanks for your comments either to insert below or on the dm list.
Last changes are briefly listed in the "Changes section" and revised text in the document is colored in green or purple or red so you can spot the changes easily between version Obscore1.0 and this one.
Thanks for your comments.

You may insert them below on the page or send them on the dm list.


Added Use-cases with axes dimensions

The appendix A in this working draft has been completed with various use-cases considered for using axes dimensions. These are listed below, with the corresponding ADQL queries formed on the data model items. Special links to TAP servers are provided to execute these queries on the fly.
The appendix A in this working draft has been completed with various use-cases considered for using axes dimensions.
A DALI Example propotype is currently developped in order to illustrate various use-cases and describe the corresponding queries

that can be built with Obscore & ObsTAP .


Working Examples and Implementations

2 ObsTAP services are currently serving ObsTAP 1.1.
Two ObsTAP services are currently serving ObsTAP 1.1.
  The following links provide direct access through TapHandle. Others applications can be used to connect to these services (e.g. TopCat)

Comments from all working groups including DM and DAL working groups

insert your comments here ....:-)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20150605.pdf" attr="" comment="Working draft for the 1.1 of the ObsCore DM/ObsTAP specification" date="1433770746" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20150605.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20150605.pdf" size="2120112" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160127.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1453847108" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160127.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160127.pdf" size="2167203" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160127.docx" attr="" comment="Obscore1.1 updateJanuary27" date="1453847156" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160127.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160127.docx" size="517499" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160214.pdf" attr="" comment="Update for Obscore1.1" date="1455476859" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160214.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160214.pdf" size="2162282" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160214.docx" attr="" comment="Word version Obscore1.1" date="1455477516" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160214.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.1-20160214.docx" size="516109" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
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