Difference: ObsCoreTimeExtension ( vs. 1)

Revision 12024-07-18 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

ObsCoreTimeExtension :
Adding specific time related metadata for data discovery using the ObsCore /ObsTAP mechanism

This specification describes a list of time-related features to be used for querying TAP services based on ObsTAP .

This is proposed to improve queries for data products like light-curve, velocity-curve, time-cube, dynamical-spectrum, etc.

The proposal lists a set of time-related features describing sampling and period along the time axis, time coordinate system, etc.

This work was started in 2018 in the Time Domain Interest Group and stabilized more recently after discussion in the Data Model WG.

The Working draft document is available on Git : https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObscoreTimeExtension

and the PDF is attached below as well .

Feel free to comment this document :

  • by email on the dm mailing list (dm@ivoa.net)
  • by adding a paragraph below on this discussion page
  • on git by setting up issues
Many thanks for your interest and contribution.

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ObscoreTimeExtension-WD-2024-07-17.pdf" attr="" comment="Extension for time in the ObsCore standard. A proposal." date="1721315958" name="ObscoreTimeExtension-WD-2024-07-17.pdf" path="ObscoreTimeExtension-WD-2024-07-17.pdf" size="693465" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
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