Difference: ObsTAPdraftDiscussion (1 vs. 22)

Revision 222012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • Proposed Recommendation ( May 3rd)

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf
docx pdf
 Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

* release v1.0-20110305-2:

docx pdf
docx pdf
  The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  7. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  8. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  9. Suggestions for new UCDs to support ObsTAP: Click here for the discussion page
  10. Discovery of radial-velocity/redshift data : Click here for the discussion page
  11. Solar System : Click here for the discussion page

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.

I am a bit bothered by Collection and I don't know where it came from. If I read the draft correctly, this is an amalgam of datacenter, observatory, telescope, and instrument. This is not necessarily how repositories organize their data. It would be cleaner to keep the concepts separate.

I still object to forcing spectral limits in m. If we really (really) want to force a single unit, Hz makes much more sense. Wavelength is unnatural for frequency as well as energy-based data.

I am not sure that bibliographic references are helpful since they are likely to be incomplete and unevenly covered. Better leave that to bibliographic services.

Event lists are not by themselves multi-file. However, many datasets are by their nature multi-file. What do we do then with the access format, or even datatype?

It may be good to say explicitly that exposure time also takes into account deadtime (I mean, excludes it).

Release date does not explicitly say "public release" which is confusing. One has to read much further to find out that that is really what is meant.

-- ArnoldRots - 22 Mar 2011

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ObscoreDM WD" date="1299577675" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .pdf" size="1371799" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsCoreDM WD -Word2010" date="1299577734" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .docx" size="338636" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 212011-05-04 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • Proposed Recommendation ( April 19th)
docx pdf
  • Proposed Recommendation ( May 3rd)
  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

* release v1.0-20110305-2: docx pdf

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  7. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  8. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  9. Suggestions for new UCDs to support ObsTAP: Click here for the discussion page
  10. Discovery of radial-velocity/redshift data : Click here for the discussion page
  11. Solar System : Click here for the discussion page

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.

I am a bit bothered by Collection and I don't know where it came from. If I read the draft correctly, this is an amalgam of datacenter, observatory, telescope, and instrument. This is not necessarily how repositories organize their data. It would be cleaner to keep the concepts separate.

I still object to forcing spectral limits in m. If we really (really) want to force a single unit, Hz makes much more sense. Wavelength is unnatural for frequency as well as energy-based data.

I am not sure that bibliographic references are helpful since they are likely to be incomplete and unevenly covered. Better leave that to bibliographic services.

Event lists are not by themselves multi-file. However, many datasets are by their nature multi-file. What do we do then with the access format, or even datatype?

It may be good to say explicitly that exposure time also takes into account deadtime (I mean, excludes it).

Release date does not explicitly say "public release" which is confusing. One has to read much further to find out that that is really what is meant.

-- ArnoldRots - 22 Mar 2011


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ObscoreDM WD" date="1299577675" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .pdf" size="1371799" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsCoreDM WD -Word2010" date="1299577734" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .docx" size="338636" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 202011-04-19 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model
  • Proposed Recommendation ( April 19th)
docx pdf
  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss
Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss
  * release v1.0-20110305-2: docx pdf

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  7. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  8. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  9. Suggestions for new UCDs to support ObsTAP: Click here for the discussion page
  10. Discovery of radial-velocity/redshift data : Click here for the discussion page
  11. Solar System : Click here for the discussion page

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.

I am a bit bothered by Collection and I don't know where it came from. If I read the draft correctly, this is an amalgam of datacenter, observatory, telescope, and instrument. This is not necessarily how repositories organize their data. It would be cleaner to keep the concepts separate.

I still object to forcing spectral limits in m. If we really (really) want to force a single unit, Hz makes much more sense. Wavelength is unnatural for frequency as well as energy-based data.

I am not sure that bibliographic references are helpful since they are likely to be incomplete and unevenly covered. Better leave that to bibliographic services.

Event lists are not by themselves multi-file. However, many datasets are by their nature multi-file. What do we do then with the access format, or even datatype?

It may be good to say explicitly that exposure time also takes into account deadtime (I mean, excludes it).

Release date does not explicitly say "public release" which is confusing. One has to read much further to find out that that is really what is meant.

-- ArnoldRots - 22 Mar 2011


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ObscoreDM WD" date="1299577675" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .pdf" size="1371799" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsCoreDM WD -Word2010" date="1299577734" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .docx" size="338636" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 192011-03-22 - ArnoldRots

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

* release v1.0-20110305-2: docx pdf

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  7. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  8. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  9. Suggestions for new UCDs to support ObsTAP: Click here for the discussion page
  10. Discovery of radial-velocity/redshift data : Click here for the discussion page
  11. Solar System : Click here for the discussion page

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


I am a bit bothered by Collection and I don't know where it came from. If I read the draft correctly, this is an amalgam of datacenter, observatory, telescope, and instrument. This is not necessarily how repositories organize their data. It would be cleaner to keep the concepts separate.
I still object to forcing spectral limits in m. If we really (really) want to force a single unit, Hz makes much more sense. Wavelength is unnatural for frequency as well as energy-based data.
I am not sure that bibliographic references are helpful since they are likely to be incomplete and unevenly covered. Better leave that to bibliographic services.
Event lists are not by themselves multi-file. However, many datasets are by their nature multi-file. What do we do then with the access format, or even datatype?
It may be good to say explicitly that exposure time also takes into account deadtime (I mean, excludes it).
Release date does not explicitly say "public release" which is confusing. One has to read much further to find out that that is really what is meant.

-- ArnoldRots - 22 Mar 2011


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ObscoreDM WD" date="1299577675" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .pdf" size="1371799" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsCoreDM WD -Word2010" date="1299577734" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .docx" size="338636" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 182011-03-15 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

* release v1.0-20110305-2: docx pdf

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  7. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  8. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  9. Suggestions for new UCDs to support ObsTAP: Click here for the discussion page
  10. Discovery of radial-velocity/redshift data : Click here for the discussion page
  1. Solar System : Click here for the discussion page
  and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ObscoreDM WD" date="1299577675" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .pdf" size="1371799" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsCoreDM WD -Word2010" date="1299577734" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .docx" size="338636" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 172011-03-14 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

* release v1.0-20110305-2: docx pdf

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  7. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  8. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  9. Suggestions for new UCDs to support ObsTAP: Click here for the discussion page
  1. Discovery of radial-velocity/redshift data : Click here for the discussion page
  and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ObscoreDM WD" date="1299577675" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .pdf" size="1371799" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsCoreDM WD -Word2010" date="1299577734" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .docx" size="338636" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 162011-03-08 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss
* release v1.0-20110305-2: docx pdf
 The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  7. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  8. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  9. Suggestions for new UCDs to support ObsTAP: Click here for the discussion page

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ObscoreDM WD" date="1299577675" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .pdf" size="1371799" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsCoreDM WD -Word2010" date="1299577734" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110305-2 .docx" size="338636" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 152011-03-07 - JuanDeDiosSantanderVela

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  7. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  8. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  1. Suggestions for new UCDs to support ObsTAP: Click here for the discussion page
  and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 142011-03-07 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  1. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
  1. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  1. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  2. Suggestions for the draft SugText

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 132011-03-07 - JuanDeDiosSantanderVela

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
    • This is still being defined.
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  6. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
    • About the importance of polarization data
  1. em_min and em_max: in the current ObsTAP proposal they are allowed to be NULL. What does it entail? Click here for the discussion page
  1. Suggestions for the draft SugText
  and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 122011-03-07 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
This is still being defined.
    • This is still being defined.
  1. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
    • This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  1. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page
    • About the importance of polarization data
  1. Suggestions for the draft SugText

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 112011-03-07 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
This is still being defined.
  1. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  1. Discovery of Polarization data Click here for the discussion page

  1. Suggestions for the draft SugText

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 102011-03-04 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
This is still being defined.
  1. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.
  1. Suggestions for the draft SugText

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 92011-03-03 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • spectrum
      • cube
      • spectrum
      • sed
      • event
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • event
      • other
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  1. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  2. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  3. access_format Click here for the discussion page
This is still being defined.
  1. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 82011-03-03 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented. The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented.
      • image
      • spectrum
      • cube
      • sed
      • event
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • other
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services [note that the proponents of 'other' do not think this would actually happen]. 'other' would correspond to different types in different archive implementations. In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
    • The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. [Note: the proponents of having an 'other' category to permit extension do not think this possible abuse would actually be a problem since the subtype attribute already provides sufficient means to more fully specify the scientific type of a data product.] 'other' could correspond to different types in different archive implementations.
    • In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  1. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  1. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  2. access_format Click here for the discussion page
This is still being defined.
  1. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 72011-03-03 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented. The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
      • image
      • spectrum
      • cube
      • sed
      • event
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • other
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services [note that the proponents of 'other' do not think this would actually happen]. 'other' would correspond to different types in different archive implementations. In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field.
    • Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field. This field has long been free format in the other DAL interfaces (and in FITS before that) with no problem; it does not matter since it is merely a descriptive field intended for human consumption. Note also that even within the TAP_SCHEMA all schema elements (schemas, tables, columns, etc.) have a description field which is free format and this has never posed a problem.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  1. access_format Click here for the discussion page
This is still being defined.
  1. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 62011-03-03 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility, with an additional and optional subtype to let the data provider specify what that is (subtype should be free format):
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility to allow other science data products which do not fit into any existing category to be represented. The additional and optional 'subtype' attribute would allow the data provider to specify in more detail, in data-provider specific terms, what each data product is (subtype would be free format). Without the 'other' category there is no way to expose archive science data products which do not fit into any of the predefined categories, e.g., to fully represent all archive science data products or to prototype extension of the predefined types to new types of data. This would not interfere with global data discovery where one-and-the-same-query is posed to many services (since the standardized categories are still there and would be used where applicable) but would allow more focused queries to be posed to specific archives, allowing the VO to be used for science archive data access as well as global data discovery. In addition, the 'subtype' field would allow users to understand in more collection-specific terms what each data product actually is.
      • image
      • spectrum
      • cube
      • sed
      • event
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • other
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. 'other' would correspond to different types in different archive implementations. If other types are needed we could amend the document and extend this list without breaking existing services.
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services [note that the proponents of 'other' do not think this would actually happen]. 'other' would correspond to different types in different archive implementations. In either case if other types are needed we could eventually amend the document and extend the list of standard data product types without breaking existing services.
  1. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used).
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility. This continues the current situation in VO where Utypes are already specified to be case-insensitive; doing otherwise would invalidate standards which have been in place for several years, including both existing standards documents and implementations. Scientifically it is clearly safer to consider (for example) DataID.CreatorDID and DataId.CreatorDid (or various other permutations) to refer to the same data model attribute. In no case would we actually have tokens such as these which differ only in case, so performing a case insensitive comparision is clearly the safest approach. Given that Utypes are used all the way up into science applications code, and may pass through many layers of software before being used by a service, it is difficult to guarantee that case will be preserved, hence a case-insensitive comparision is wisest.
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used). [Note: some of us do not agree with this assertion; performing efficient searches on case insensitive strings is very doable, and in fact is done every day. Although the support for case-insensitive searches in DBMSes is variable, we have not yet found a case where it cannot be done efficiently, nor should this technical issue be the driver when scientific analyis will be at risk if data model elements cannot be identified merely due to a user confusion over upper or lower case terms.]
  1. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be a mandatory field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='cube'
      • obs_title='HI  cube'
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage.
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be an optional data model field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='image'
      • obs_title='Stokes I continuum image at 1420 Mhz'
Without this it could be very difficult for a human user to understand what a specific data product is. While the quantitative fields are essential for global discovery there is still a need for a human looking at the results of a search to understand what a specific data product is. Furthermore obs_title is already a mandatory field for all existing DAL interfaces, e.g., SIA, SSA. If not a mandatory field of ObsCore it should at least be an optional field.
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage. [Note: the proponents of obs_title already agreed that it could be optional. The main thing is to get it into the output metadata so that the user can understand what a specific data product is.].
  1. access_format Click here for the discussion page
This is still being defined.
  1. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
This attribute, and the general issue of dataset identifiers is well defined and has already been in use in existing standards for several years (e.g., ADS dataset identifiers, IVOA dataset identifiers as defined by the Registry, publisher dataset identifiers and others as used in SSA and Spectrum). However some of the authors felt that existing discussion of usage was needed. One serious issue is that the standard currently specifies that obs_publisher_did cannot be used in a WHERE clause, which defeats the whole idea of a dataset identifier being used to persistently identify and later retrieve or access specific datasets.

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 52011-03-03 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss
The authors could not agree on some important points. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to quickly take the necessary decisions and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics
The authors could not agree on some important points; others were still being worked on at the time the current draft of the specification was released. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to finalize these
soon and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics
 with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.

Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:

  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility, with an additional and optional subtype to let the data provider specify what that is (subtype should be free format):
      • image
      • spectrum
      • cube
      • sed
      • event
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • other
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. 'other' would correspond to different types in different archive implementations. If other types are needed we could amend the document and extend this list without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used).
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be a mandatory field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='cube'
      • obs_title='HI  cube'
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage.
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 42011-03-02 - AlbertoMicol

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss
The authors could not agree on some important points. It was therefore decided to post them on the twiki (see pages below) for an open discussion. We need to quickly take the necessary decisions and we ask for your help. Please find below the list of topics with indicated the two different perspectives among the co-authors.
Please provide your comments not in this page, but in each of the topic pages listed below:
  1. dataproduct_type: 'other' and subtype. Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 1.A: dataproduct_type should allow 7 well-defined types (see list below) plus 'other' to allow extensibility, with an additional and optional subtype to let the data provider specify what that is (subtype should be free format):
      • image
      • spectrum
      • cube
      • sed
      • event
      • timeseries
      • visibility
      • other
    • Option 1.B: It shall contain the first 7 types, but shall not contain 'other' nor a free format subtype because (1) this was not part of the requirements for ObsTAP (not a single use case covered this) (2) 'other' -along with a free format subtype- would open up the possibility for data providers to come up with their own schemas, therefore defeating the main idea of ObsTAP, that is, the possibility to send one-and-the-same-query to all obstap services. 'other' would correspond to different types in different archive implementations. If other types are needed we could amend the document and extend this list without breaking existing services.
  2. Best UTYPE string-format: for humans (camelCase), for DB systems (lowercase) Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 2.A: UTYPEs shall be treated as case-insensitive strings, favouring camelCase for readibility
    • Option 2.B: UTYPEs shall be lowercase to avoid confusion, to avoid extra code to handle all possible cases in clients, DBMSes, etc.. A case-insensitive string cannot be searched efficiently in all DBMSes. E.g. the clause WHERE LOWER(utype)='abc.def' forces a table scan (no index can generally be used).
  3. obs_title data model field: free format? Click here for the discussion page
    • Option 3.A: obs_title shall be a mandatory field, a free format string that allows data providers to describe any given dataset in more details than otherwise possible, e.g.:
      • dataproduct_type='cube'
      • obs_title='HI  cube'
    • Option 3.B: Not clear what the requirements are, and a completely free format field could be an issue. There is no time now to study this. Let's leave it optional until we clarify requirements and usage.
  4. access_format Click here for the discussion page
  5. Usage of obs_publisher_did Click here for the discussion page
  • List of points to be discussed during this period

Please provide your comments in each of the topic page listed here:

  1. DataProduct Type and Subtype
  2. Best FormatforUtype string: for humans, for DB systems
  3. FreeFormat data model fields : obs_title
  4. AccessFormat
  5. Various uses and possibilities for _obs_publisher_did_
  and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 32011-02-28 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review
    • release v1.0-20110228: Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss
    • release v1.0-20110228:
docx pdf Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

  • List of points to be discussed during this period

Please provide your comments in each of the topic page listed here:

  1. DataProduct Type and Subtype
  2. Best FormatforUtype string: for humans, for DB systems
  3. FreeFormat data model fields : obs_title
  4. AccessFormat
  5. Various uses and possibilities for _obs_publisher_did_

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 22011-02-28 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228: Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

  • List of points to be discussed during this period

Please provide your comments in each of the topic page listed here:

  1. DataProduct Type and Subtype
  2. Best FormatforUtype string: for humans, for DB systems
  3. FreeFormat data model fields : obs_title
  4. AccessFormat
  5. Various uses and possibilities for _obs_publisher_did_

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsTAP draft current version" date="1298924902" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.docx" size="356558" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="pdf version" date="1298924992" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20110228-1pdf.pdf" size="1757339" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"

Revision 12011-02-28 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObsDMCoreComponents"
+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228: Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

  • List of points to be discussed during this period

Please provide your comments in each of the topic page listed here:

  1. DataProduct Type and Subtype
  2. Best FormatforUtype string: for humans, for DB systems
  3. FreeFormat data model fields : obs_title
  4. AccessFormat
  5. Various uses and possibilities for _obs_publisher_did_

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.

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