Parquet In IVOANovember 5 2024 7:00PM UTC Online meeting22 Zoom participantsAgenda:The purpose of the meeting is to learn about different current Parquet-related efforts currently under way and identify synergies that can be channeled into possibly new IVOA standards.Agenda- Around the table short description of the groups and Parquet-related projects - Mark Taylor presentation on VOTable metadata with Parquet files - Jos de Bruijne Parquet Compression algorithms in Parquet - Path forward - Malta InteropMeeting minutes:Active groups using Parquet techonology:
Actions:- Mark T. and Gregory F-B will start drafting the note - Mark T. will make his presentation available so that others can comment on it - done - Mark T. wil present in the Apps session in Malta - Apps WG to support the efforst: create Twiki page with useful info, organize meetings post Interop as required, etc.<--
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