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IVOA Interop May 2010 Registration and Participants


IVOA Interop May 2010 Participants

  • UPDATED: 2010.05.11
  • UPDATED: 2010.05.18
  • Click on column heading to sort
  • NOTE: if your name is highlighted, you have not indicated if you plan to attend the banquet - please e-mail michael.peddle@nrc.gc.ca and indicate if you if you intend to attend the banquet.

Name Institution
Allen, Mark Observatoire de Strasbourg
Berriman, Graham IPAC- Caltech
Boch, Thomas CDS
Cui, Chenzhou National Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences
Derriere, Sebastien CDS
Dower, Theresa STScI
Dowler, Pat NRC-HIA
Fabbiano, Giuseppina Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Fay, Jonathan  
Fay, Jonathan  
Fernique, Pierre CDS
Gassmann, Brice CDS
Gaudet, Séverin NRC-HIA
Graham, Matthew Caltech
Hanisch, Robert STScI/VAO
Hinshaw, Dean NASA- High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research
Komiya, Yutaka NAOJ
Mantelet, Grégory CDS
Michel, Laurent Observatoire de Strasbourg
Ohishi, Masatoshi NAOJ
Pasian, Fabio INAF
Pasian, Fabio INAF
Pevunova, Olga Caltech
Schaaff, Andre CDS-CNRS
Schade, David NRC-HIA
Smareglia, Riccardo INAF
Thompson, Randy STScI
Tody, Douglas NRAO
Williams, Roy Caltech
Wozniak, Herve Observatoire de Strasbourg
Zografou, Panagoula SAO
Zolotukhin, Ivan Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Micol, Alberto ESO
Zolotukhin, Ivan Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Micol, Alberto ESO
Savalle,Renaud CNRS
Seaman, Rob NOAO
Rino, Bruno ESO
Durand, Daniel NRC-HIA
Walton,Nicholas IoA, Cambridge
Chilingarian, Igor CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Chilingarian, Igor CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Rodrigo Blanco,Carlos CABC(CSIC-INTA)
Shih, Albert Observatoire de Paris
Vianna, Daniel Instituto de Astronomia e Geofisica
Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia ESO
Capelato, Hugo INPE
Rots, Arnold SAO
Taylor, Mark Bristol U.
Roy, Fabrice LUTH-Observatoire de Paris
Normand, Jonathan Observatoire de Paris
Cerviño, Miguel IAA-CSIC
Arviset, Christophe ESA-ESAC
Ooghe, Benjamin CNRS/LERMA/ENS/ObsPM
Moreau, Nicolas Observatoire de Paris
McGlynn, Tom NASA-GSFC
Le Petit, Franck LUTH VO-Paris Data Centre
Ramella, Massimo INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
Gangloff, Michel CDPP
Doe, Stephen Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Salgado, Jesus ESAVO-ESA
Evans, Janet SAO
Kembhavi, Ajit IUCAA
Padovani, Paolo ESO
Louys, Mireille LSIIT-CDS
Manzato, Patrizia INAF
Lawrence, Andy University of Edinburgh
Bonnarel,Francois CDS
Budavari, Tamas JHU
Noddle, Keith University of Edinburgh
Roberts, Aaron NASA-GFSC
Fitzpatrick, Mike NOAO
Plante, Raymond NCSA
Crabtree, Dennis NRC-HIA
D'Abrusco, Raffaele CfA
Ochsenbein , Francois Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
De Young, David NOAO
Emery, Sarah Caltech
Lemson, Gerard  
Nandrekar, Deoyani Johns Hopkins U
Nieto-Santisteban, Maria  
Bunn, Sarah Caltech
Shirasaki, Yuji NAOJ
Mizumoto, Yoshihiko NAOJ
Genova, Françoise CDS
Hill, Norm NRC-HIA
Major, Brian University of Victoria
Burke, Jeff NRC-HIA
Kavelaars, JJ NRC-HIA
Kim, Jaiwon MPE
Longo, Giuseppe University Federico II
Zurek, Dave AMNH
Goliath, Sharon NRC-HIA
Grimstrup, Arne University of Calgary
Benson, Kevin MSSL
<--|Savalle,Renaud |CNRS|-->

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