Difference: PhotTranslationVodml (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22021-04-13 - GiuliaIafrate

META TOPICPARENT name="PhotometryDataModel"

Translation of PhotDM v1.0 to a VO-DML representation and updated version PhotDM1.1


Translation of PhotDMv1-1 v1.0 to a VO-DML representation and updated version PhotDM1.1

  M.Louys (CDS) Jesus Salgado ( ESAC)

The classes and attributes of PhotDM1.0 have been translated to a Modelio v 3.8.1 Project .

All description fields for classes and attributes were filled according to the specification PhotDM1.0 when possible.

Some complements in description fields are proposed and need further agreement by PhotDM1.0 authors.

The translation requires some changes in classes links following VODML rules and reuse of the ivoa types from ivoa model template.

This also implies minor changes in the text of the specification which will be upgrated to Photv1.1 following the standard document process.


Revision 12021-01-14 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="PhotometryDataModel"

Translation of PhotDM v1.0 to a VO-DML representation and updated version PhotDM1.1

M.Louys (CDS) Jesus Salgado ( ESAC)

The classes and attributes of PhotDM1.0 have been translated to a Modelio v 3.8.1 Project .

All description fields for classes and attributes were filled according to the specification PhotDM1.0 when possible.

Some complements in description fields are proposed and need further agreement by PhotDM1.0 authors.

The translation requires some changes in classes links following VODML rules and reuse of the ivoa types from ivoa model template.

This also implies minor changes in the text of the specification which will be upgrated to Photv1.1 following the standard document process.

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