Difference: PostRFCSTCComments (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22012-06-26 - root

Additional Post-RFC comments on STC v1.31

These are some additional comments that really should have been posted during the RFC period. They are included here now in case any of them are helpful either in preparing the final version or developing the next version.

From RayPlante:

In general, every term introduced in section 4--that is, every class name and every bit of controlled vocabulary--needs a clear semantic definition. Each coordinate system needs a definition, but in particular, one is especially needed for "Healpix". We need a reference for the "Healpix specification". The second sentence refers to "the base class". What base class is this? Need a period at the end of the sentence. "conceivably" is too vague a word for a specification. Who/what defines the enumerated list? Perhaps you should add "chosen by the application" to the end of this sentence. Who is the "one" being referred to in the 2nd sentence. I recommend you change all uses of the indefinite "one" to "applications".

4.3.1: What is frame_id? Where is it introduced? Please add a reference to where this is defined (especially if it is later in the document). A web or literature reference to JPL's DE200 and DE405 is needed here. The 2nd sentence after the formulas where it says "we should, at some point, probably..." is too editorial for a specification. I recommend setting this off in some way, like with a note box, to separate the commentary from the specification.

-- RayPlante - 10 Jul 2007

Revision 12007-07-10 - RayPlante

Additional Post-RFC comments on STC v1.31

These are some additional comments that really should have been posted during the RFC period. They are included here now in case any of them are helpful either in preparing the final version or developing the next version.

From RayPlante:

In general, every term introduced in section 4--that is, every class name and every bit of controlled vocabulary--needs a clear semantic definition. Each coordinate system needs a definition, but in particular, one is especially needed for "Healpix". We need a reference for the "Healpix specification". The second sentence refers to "the base class". What base class is this? Need a period at the end of the sentence. "conceivably" is too vague a word for a specification. Who/what defines the enumerated list? Perhaps you should add "chosen by the application" to the end of this sentence. Who is the "one" being referred to in the 2nd sentence. I recommend you change all uses of the indefinite "one" to "applications".

4.3.1: What is frame_id? Where is it introduced? Please add a reference to where this is defined (especially if it is later in the document). A web or literature reference to JPL's DE200 and DE405 is needed here. The 2nd sentence after the formulas where it says "we should, at some point, probably..." is too editorial for a specification. I recommend setting this off in some way, like with a note box, to separate the commentary from the specification.

-- RayPlante - 10 Jul 2007

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