Difference: ProvDayApr2018 (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22018-04-19 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance Hack-a-thon Session @ in Asterics Tech Forum, 2018/04/17 Summary

Participants : Mireille Louys, Michele sanguillon, Ole Streicher , Markus Nullmeier, Markus Demleitner, François Bonnarel
Participants : Mireille Louys, Michele sanguillon, Ole Streicher , Markus Nullmeier, Markus Demleitner, François Bonnarel
* Markus D. *: how can we realize the simple thing : time series ---> progenitor
Markus D.: how can we realize the simple thing : time series ---> progenitor
  • Need some description of an Activity : Extraction of a mag from an image etc ..
  • Need some description of an Activity : Extraction of a mag from an image etc ..
  • Follow the Prov relations : wasDerivedFrom or wasGeneratedby + Activity ID+ Used
 Carlos's use-case: Provenance from points in a SED or light curve

Linking points in a data set to other data products : extracted image, extracted spectrum, etc. Is it simple to solve?

  • without the prov DM:
datalink + progenitor link if it exists
datalink + preview if we want to illustrate only the point via an image
datalink + progenitor link if it exists datalink + preview if we want to illustrate only the point via an image
  • with provenance info :
select the wasDerived relation in Prov : it will provide you with a progenitor if present.
select the wasDerived relation in Prov : it will provide you with a progenitor if present.
François : linking the prov info from Obscore :
François : linking the prov info from Obscore :
  this can be designed with a "prov" column which contains a link to a Prov document in one PROV format (PROV-N, or PROV-JSON)

IVOA PROV Data model design :

A suggestion to handle ActivityDescription by Ole

The PROV-N document is at https://provenance.ecs.soton.ac.uk/store/documents/118181/

The attached Figure contains:
The attached Figure contains:
* Top graph: representation of an activity executed on real data
* Below graph : Define a template for a an ActivityDescription here "musesci_post" with known roles, with context dependent names, for instance here in the muse:namespace
a Bundle class (W3C compatible) for expressing ActivityDescription
- solves the pb of roles
A realisation of an Activity:
* uses the activity template
* uses entities with used roles and generated roles defined in the bundle for description
Musesci_postT1A : Activity Instance
has relation "Used" with role "voprov:description" with instance Musesci_post:Bundle
All other "used" relation should instantiate a role defined in the related Bundle with domain specific namespace, here "muse:"
Bundle is a W3C class derived from an Entity.
This should be also possible in a VOTable serialisation
** Comment François * :

check that this can be coded into the VOTABLE serialsition as well.

* Suggestion Michèle * :

apply this template solution to a Pollux activity example, using 2 chained activity templates.

* Comment Mireille**:
+ by this construction we can gather in just one construct the description part of an Activity , together with the roles ( formally defined as attributes of UsedDescription)
+ the roles at execution can be validated agains the activity template .

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="prov-templates.png" attr="" comment="Ole's Activity template together with an instance of an Activity of this type" date="1524174398" name="prov-templates.png" path="prov-templates.png" size="117864" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 12018-04-19 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance Hack-a-thon Session @ in Asterics Tech Forum, 2018/04/17 Summary

Participants : Mireille Louys, Michele sanguillon, Ole Streicher , Markus Nullmeier, Markus Demleitner, François Bonnarel

* Markus D. *: how can we realize the simple thing : time series ---> progenitor


  • Need some description of an Activity : Extraction of a mag from an image etc ..
  • Follow the Prov relations : wasDerivedFrom or wasGeneratedby + Activity ID+ Used

Carlos's use-case: Provenance from points in a SED or light curve

Linking points in a data set to other data products : extracted image, extracted spectrum, etc. Is it simple to solve?

  • without the prov DM:
datalink + progenitor link if it exists
datalink + preview if we want to illustrate only the point via an image
  • with provenance info :
select the wasDerived relation in Prov : it will provide you with a progenitor if present.

François : linking the prov info from Obscore :

this can be designed with a "prov" column which contains a link to a Prov document in one PROV format (PROV-N, or PROV-JSON)

IVOA PROV Data model design :

A suggestion to handle ActivityDescription by Ole

The PROV-N document is at https://provenance.ecs.soton.ac.uk/store/documents/118181/

The attached Figure contains:

* Top graph: representation of an activity executed on real data
* Below graph : Define a template for a an ActivityDescription here "musesci_post" with known roles, with context dependent names, for instance here in the muse:namespace
a Bundle class (W3C compatible) for expressing ActivityDescription
- solves the pb of roles
A realisation of an Activity:
* uses the activity template
* uses entities with used roles and generated roles defined in the bundle for description
Musesci_postT1A : Activity Instance
has relation "Used" with role "voprov:description" with instance Musesci_post:Bundle
All other "used" relation should instantiate a role defined in the related Bundle with domain specific namespace, here "muse:"
Bundle is a W3C class derived from an Entity.
This should be also possible in a VOTable serialisation
** Comment François * :

check that this can be coded into the VOTABLE serialsition as well.

* Suggestion Michèle * :

apply this template solution to a Pollux activity example, using 2 chained activity templates.

* Comment Mireille**:
+ by this construction we can gather in just one construct the description part of an Activity , together with the roles ( formally defined as attributes of UsedDescription)
+ the roles at execution can be validated agains the activity template .

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