Difference: ProvDiscussionMay2018 (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32018-06-26 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

+ Proposed change of name for ProvDAL (François Bonnarel):

During the TCG meeting, it has been objected that the name ProvDAL was confusing. Just because in DAL WG, everything is .... DAL !!! I (FB° must confess that I think that I was the one who introduced the name RovDAL , by proximity with "SimDAL". Just because SimDAL is strongly bound to a model and has a PARAMETER based interface. But actually this name (SimDAL) is very atypical in the VO and not reallly appropriate. On the other side, everything which has a parameter based interface, is called Simple Access Protocol in the VO (SSAP, SIAP 1 or 2, SLAP, SCS,...) thus marking an opposition with using adql based interface which has much more query complexity. So after thinking to it and eliminating other bad options we made a consensus on ProvSAP for "Provenance simple access protocol"). I hope that everybody in the group is happy with that. ProvSAP and ProvTAP are easlly distinguished this way.

--> + Proposed change of name for ProvDAL (François Bonnarel):

During the TCG meeting, it has been objected that the name ProvDAL was confusing. Just because in DAL WG, everything is .... DAL !!! I (FB° must confess that I think that I was the one who introduced the name Pr ovDAL , by proximity with "SimDAL". Just because SimDAL is strongly bound to a model and has a PARAMETER based interface. But actually this name (SimDAL) is very atypical in the VO and not reallly appropriate.

On the other side, everything which has a parameter-based interface, is called Simple Access Protocol in the VO (SSAP, SIAP 1 or 2, SLAP, SCS,...) thus marking an opposition with using ADQL based interface which offers much more query complexity. So after thinking to it and eliminating other bad options we made a consensus on ProvSAP for "Provenance simple access protocol"). I hope that everybody in the group is happy with that. ProvSAP and ProvTAP are easily distinguished this way.

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