Difference: RadioastronomyInterestGroupFirstVirtualMeeting (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62020-07-02 - MarkLacy

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2020"

Radio Astronomy Interest Group

First Virtual Meeting 2020, July 2 via zoom

Telecon Agenda:

  • Presentation of CASDA VO services (James Dempsey)
  • Summary of radio-related IVOA meetings to date, including use cases for radio astronomy data in the VO (Mark Lacy)
  • Needs of the community for implementing VO standards and protocols
    • what's needed from data providers to make data visible in the VO.
    • points of contact between Observatories and VO experts.
  • Prototype of ObsTAP+DataLink services for visibility data discovery and access (F. Bonnarel)
  • Metadata for radio data that are not currently part of the VO's core metadata set ("ObsCore", see the specification ), but might be needed to be added, or placed in a supplement.
Uploading questions, comments and sharing notes during the meeting will be at : Etherpad Notes
Details for connection : zoom session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VisbilityDataDiscoveryAndAccess.pdf" attr="" comment="Visibility Data Discovery and Access using ObsTAP and DataLink" date="1593704923" name="VisbilityDataDiscoveryAndAccess.pdf" path="VisbilityDataDiscoveryAndAccess.pdf" size="2029209" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CASDA_VO_Use_Cases.pptx" attr="" comment="Use cases motivating the CASDA VO tools" date="1593685371" name="CASDA_VO_Use_Cases.pptx" path="CASDA_VO_Use_Cases.pptx" size="2343133" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CASDA_VO_Use_Cases.pdf" attr="" comment="Use cases motivating the CASDA VO tools" date="1593685680" name="CASDA_VO_Use_Cases.pdf" path="CASDA_VO_Use_Cases.pdf" size="360466" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"
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