Difference: RegistryInterfacePre10Discussion (1 vs. 3)

Revision 22005-05-05 - RayPlante

META TOPICPARENT name="RegistryInterface"

Discussion of the Internal Registry Interface Working Draft

Open Discussion Topics

Below is a list of topics that we would like some feedback on. Follow the link to the specific page to get a full explanation of issue. You can respond either to the registry@ivoa.net mailing list or by editing the associated Twiki page.

The current questions are:

  1. Would it be useful for the harvesting interface to have a switch that allows harvesters to choose whether to get all records versus only thoses that originate from the harvestee?
  2. Should make the harvest() function independent of the searchable interface?
  3. Should we drop getRegistries() or redefine it?
  1. Would it be useful for the harvesting interface to have a switch that allows harvesters to choose whether to get all records versus only thoses that originate from the harvestee? Resolved
  2. Should make the harvest() function independent of the searchable interface? Resolved
  3. Should we drop getRegistries() or redefine it? Resolved
  1. Should we add a harvestFrom attribute to the VOResource schema?
  2. How should we handle namespace prefixes in ADQL queries?
  1. Should we add a VerificationLevel tag to VOResource?
  2. Should we more clearly separate out the metadata that is provided/edited by the registry from those provided by the publisher?
  3. Should we formally break away from the ADQL standard to define a Registry Query Language (RQL) based on ADQL?


Revision 12005-03-30 - RayPlante

META TOPICPARENT name="RegistryInterface"

Discussion of the Internal Registry Interface Working Draft

Open Discussion Topics

Below is a list of topics that we would like some feedback on. Follow the link to the specific page to get a full explanation of issue. You can respond either to the registry@ivoa.net mailing list or by editing the associated Twiki page.

The current questions are:

  1. Would it be useful for the harvesting interface to have a switch that allows harvesters to choose whether to get all records versus only thoses that originate from the harvestee?
  2. Should make the harvest() function independent of the searchable interface?
  3. Should we drop getRegistries() or redefine it?
  4. Should we add a harvestFrom attribute to the VOResource schema?
  5. How should we handle namespace prefixes in ADQL queries?

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