Difference: RegistryInterfacesNext (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32019-02-05 - MarkusDemleitner

*Note*: This was an early prototype for the -Next pages and hence didn't have a version number in it yet. This page is superseded by RegistryInterfaces-1_1-Next
 This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions for RegistryInterfaces. A new version of the document is scheduled for 2016; most importantly, the entire section on the search interface will be removed from it.

Next version draft

There's a draft of a 1.1 document at http://ivoa.net/Documents/RegistryInterface/20160413/

Specification Problems

As Noticed by Menelaos, the correct handling of relocations of authorities (i.e., it moves from one publishing registry to another) is subtle. For more robustness, I propose to recommend the adoption of two rules, one for the searchable, one for the publishing registry, more or less like this:

(1) Searchable registries detecting a move of an authority from one registry to another should schedule a full reharvest of both the originating and the receiving registry.

(2) When an authority moves from one registry to another, deleted records should be moved along if at all possible. The originating registry should stop handing out records with the moved authority immediately, at least not within its ivo_managed set. In particular, it should not generate deleted records for the records that left the registry.

Suggested Extensions

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