Difference: RegistryTelecon2019A (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22019-06-14 - TheresaDower

META TOPICPARENT name="2019ARoadmap"

Teleconference via Harvard-Smithsonian Webex, 2019-06-13


Christophe Arviset, Markus Demleitner, Theresa Dower, Juan Gonzales, Costas Vrioni, (Menelaus Perdikas, Yulie and Peter, RofR)


  • Follow up on XSD versions for # in identifiers fix: Markus, Theresa, Peter
  • Finish validation fixes for STScI Registry: Theresa
  • Determine where RofR is pulling "full searchable registry" or not, as updated for RI1.1, to get DaCHS back in: Yulie, Markus
  • Update VOResource 1.1 copy used by RofR: any RofR maintainer
  • RofR - set up to run confict checker, re-harvest, and validator on agreed cadence: RofR maintainers

Agenda and Notes:


Updates on validation status from College Park 2018 Interop to Paris 2019 Interop.
* Basic validation status, what has changed, been fixed, etc?
* What, if anything still needs to be done for perfect validation?
These reports from:
* Euro-VO full searchable registry

- Fully validated. Passes RofR validation.

- Changes to registry resource.
- New Portal: http://evor-int.esac.esa.int/evor/
  - Remaining issues - how to update automatically? What cadence?

* STScI full searchable registry

- Major improvements made. Still does not pass. Hoping for July/August 2019.

* DaCHS? (not currently listed as full.)

- Not currently listed. Where does RofR get "full" list from?

- Markus: needs to re-register as full in a way that counts as full for RofR

- RofR gets their listing based on another capability than RegTAP?

- Yulie and Theresa and Markus - sort out by email after telecon

* Report from RofR and from the Euro-VO report: Note resolved and/or continuing issues BETWEEN registries, i.e. with conflicting authorities.

- Resolved: 1 found in April 2019 and resolved. Conflict checker run at RofR, no new conflicts found as of 2019-06-12

Updates from RofR
* registry self-identification records

- April, harvested all regardless of validation status

- Tools exist for harvesting all registries. No automated pipeline (yet).

- Remaining questions: How often should we validate all registries? Send validation automatically report or no? Only records that validate?

- Markus: proposing reharvest registry self-ID every day but validate less often? Because validation of an entire registry is expensive but harvesting ID record is fast.

- Yulie: in case of connection issues / missing documents: follow up by hand, don't automatically remove anything. Re-harvest weekly to start. Can run conflict checker more often (daily).

- Menelaus: currently doing just before the interop.

* What, if any, updates were made to extra validation rules

- additional resource validations beyond XSD. Action to RofR: add to RofR page somewhere before next interop or validation report.

* What, if any, updates were made to standards records as included in the RofR

- VOResource 1.1 copy in RofR needs updated.

- Action on Markus: put newest VOResource 1.1 on document repository.

- RofR needs to change how it looks for full searchable registries to match RI 1.1. (Action on Peter codewise. Yulie, Theresa, Markus, Peter follow up by email)

Validation update re # in identifiers issue.
* IdentifierURI - should STAY reference to resource record. without #

* TapRegExt anyURI - there is an errata for allowing anyURI (i.e. allownig #) in places where the # has been a conflict

* Action on Theresa: start email thread - Markus, Peter, Yulie, etc: what newest document/standard/xsd versions in sync will make this problem go away.

Revision 12019-06-13 - TheresaDower

META TOPICPARENT name="2019ARoadmap"

Updates on validation status from College Park 2018 Interop to Paris 2019 Interop.
* Basic validation status, what has changed, been fixed, etc?
* What, if anything still needs to be done for perfect validation?
These reports from:
* Euro-VO full searchable registry

- Fully validated. Passes RofR validation.

- Changes to registry resource.

- Remaining issues - how to update automatically? What cadence?

* STScI full searchable registry

- Major improvements made. Still does not pass. Hoping for July/August 2019.

* DaCHS? (not currently listed as full.)

- Not currently listed. Where does RofR get "full" list from?

- Markus: needs to re-register as full in a way that counts as full for RofR

- RofR gets their listing based on another capability than RegTAP?

- Yulie and Theresa and Markus - sort out by email after telecon

* Report from RofR and from the Euro-VO report: Note resolved and/or continuing issues BETWEEN registries, i.e. with conflicting authorities.

- Resolved: 1 found in April 2019 and resolved. Conflict checker run at RofR, no new conflicts found as of 2019-06-12

Updates from RofR
* registry self-identification records

- April, harvested all regardless of validation status

- Tools exist for harvesting all registries. No automated pipeline (yet).

- Remaining questions: How often should we validate all registries? Send validation automatically report or no? Only records that validate?

- Markus: proposing reharvest registry self-ID every day but validate less often? Because validation of an entire registry is expensive but harvesting ID record is fast.

- Yulie: in case of connection issues / missing documents: follow up by hand, don't automatically remove anything. Re-harvest weekly to start. Can run conflict checker more often (daily).

- Menelaus: currently doing just before the interop.

* What, if any, updates were made to extra validation rules

- additional resource validations beyond XSD. Action to RofR: add to RofR page somewhere before next interop or validation report.

* What, if any, updates were made to standards records as included in the RofR

- VOResource 1.1 copy in RofR needs updated.

- Action on Markus: put newest VOResource 1.1 on document repository.

- RofR needs to change how it looks for full searchable registries to match RI 1.1. (Action on Peter codewise. Yulie, Theresa, Markus, Peter follow up by email)

Validation update re # in identifiers issue.
* IdentifierURI - should STAY reference to resource record. without #

* TapRegExt anyURI - there is an errata for allowing anyURI (i.e. allownig #) in places where the # has been a conflict

* Action on Theresa: start email thread - Markus, Peter, Yulie, etc: what newest document/standard/xsd versions in sync will make this problem go away.

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