Difference: STCparsers (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="FootprintAccessProtocol"

Parsers for Space Time Coordinates: STC

List of Available Resources

  • GAVO STC library
    • [[IVOA.MarkusDemleitner][Markus Demleitner]parses what's basically a slight superset of STC-S and can do "some things" (TM) with the result. Within the context of the server package (http://soft.g-vo.org/dachs), I derive coverage information of registry purposes from it, generate utypes, and use it to turn ADQL regions into something that pgSphere can deal with. I've not touched the footprint issue as such, though.

  • AST C library
    • Developed by David Berry, has a STC-S parser and provides bindings to Python, Perl, Java, ...

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