Difference: SampPapers (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82015-01-12 - MarkTaylor




Published papers, presentations, tutorial material etc about SAMP can be listed here.

  • "SAMP, the Simple Application Messaging Protocol: Letting applications talk to each other", arXiv 1501.01139, accepted for VO special issue of Astronomy and Computing
  • "SAMP, the Simple Application Messaging Protocol: Letting applications talk to each other", 2015arXiv150101139T, accepted for VO special issue of Astronomy and Computing

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adass2012-bof-mbt.pdf" attr="" comment="ADASS presentation on SAMP architecture, JSAMP and sampjs" date="1352325089" name="adass2012-bof-mbt.pdf" path="adass2012-bof-mbt.pdf" size="173003" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
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