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META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: Security



Though our data may have zero commercial value (according to Jim Gray), we are still concerned about who can access them and ensuring that they and the services that we provide are not exploited for nefarious purposes. However, users don't care about protocols and standards - they care about better experience with enhanced privacy and security. We require simple to use, robust, and scalable solutions to the issues of authentication (who am I), authorization (what can I do) and delegation (how do I allow someone else to do something on my behalf) that work with all kinds of services and applications that the VO offers.

Single-Sign-On (SSO)

Single sign-on authentication means that you login once to a VO site or service and can then access any other VO site or service without repeating the authentication process. Conventional wisdom is that this should be done with digital signatures, but the standards for these signatures allow many different approaches. A specification for the authentication mechanisms that the VO should use is now an IVOA Recommendation.


The next aspects of the security infrastructure to consider are the delegation mechanism and community services and trust model:





Related material


Access control

The ability to control who has access to resources and what operations are permitted is a common task across the IVOA.


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