Difference: SemanticsCalls (1 vs. 17)

Revision 172022-10-05 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 162022-09-08 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 152022-03-15 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 142022-02-25 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 132022-01-18 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 122021-12-07 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 112021-09-16 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 102021-09-06 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 92021-06-07 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 82021-03-04 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 72020-11-26 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 62020-11-19 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 52020-10-21 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 42020-09-02 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 32020-08-25 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 22020-08-07 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.


Revision 12020-07-22 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF technology in the VO. The meetings are open to anyone, and people are encouraged to call in when the consider writing a VEP.

Follow the links below for agendae and minutes.

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