Difference: SemanticsCalls-2 (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22020-09-09 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="SemanticsCalls"
The first edition of the SemanticsCalls format will take place some time in October 2020.
The second edition of the SemanticsCalls format will take place some time in October 2020. We will use the infrastructure at https://telco.g-vo.org (i.e., mumble on telco.g-vo.org).
We will use the infrastructure at https://telco.g-vo.org (i.e., mumble on telco.g-vo.org).
  The pad for the collaborative minutes will be at https://pad.education/

Proposed agenda (feel free to put in new items):

  • Review of the last minutes
  • VEP review
  • Sembarebro progress report

Revision 12020-09-02 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="SemanticsCalls"
The first edition of the SemanticsCalls format will take place some time in October 2020. We will use the infrastructure at https://telco.g-vo.org (i.e., mumble on telco.g-vo.org).

The pad for the collaborative minutes will be at https://pad.education/

Proposed agenda (feel free to put in new items):

  • Review of the last minutes
  • VEP review
  • Sembarebro progress report

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