Difference: SemanticsCalls-7 (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32022-09-21 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="SemanticsCalls"

Semantics Calls 7

The seventh edition of our telecon series will take place 2022-09-26 at 15:00 UTC. We will meet on the mumble server telco.g-vo.org (see http://mumble.info for a selection of clients or use the browser interface at https://telco.g-vo.org/mumble-web/).

Agenda (feel free to add items):

  • Current VEPs (standing item)
  • organisation, observatory, facility_name, instrument: status report
  • UCD List 1.5 progress
  • UCD-related Errata for SSAP (pos.outline;obs.field iso pos.outline;instr.fov, fixing meta.ref.url;meta.curation) and SLAP (meta.id;em.line iso em.line)
  • UCD trouble in SSAP and SLAP: status reports (pos.outline;instr.fov, fixing meta.ref.url;meta.curation, dealing with meta.id;em.line iso em.line)
  • arith.diff and arith.ratio in UCDs: Why are they S?
  • organisation, observatory, facility_name, instrument: status report
  • arith.diff and arith.ratio in UCDs: Why are they S?
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