Difference: SourceDM (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52019-01-23 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

Source DM: Call For Scientific Requirements

During the spring 2018 Interop in Victoria, we had a hands-on session focused on the tools available to work with VO data models. The goal this session was to annotate data from different origins in order to make it inter-operable to eachother. The main concern expressed during this session was not related to the tools but to the lack of models for sources.

After some discussions, it appeared that having a global model for all missions and all archives would lead to a very complex model not usable in practice. The reason is that such a global model would have to merge all quantities of all user-cases it is supposed to cover.

It seemed to us more realistic to design a basic model, namely a core-model, with a reasonable set of quantities (ra, dec, ....) useful for all missions and to make it expendable with more specific components (e.g. parallax). So that a model aware tool could compare sources from different origins on the basis of the model components really instantiated. The data annotation process would also be simpler since only the core-model and some components of interest should be tagged.

The purpose of this page is to gather requirements from people involved in different missions and archives with the goal of proposing a draft in 2019. It is to be noted that Gaia people at ESA have already presented their own model proposal which is for us a good preliminary example of what is intended.

Core-model Components

  • ra : right ascension
  • dec : declination
  • name: source name
  • flux:photometric measurement or magnitude in several bands ,
  • doppler: radial velocity or redshift

LSST Specific Components


EUCLID Specific Components


CFIS Specific Components


GAIA Specific Components


CDS Specific Components


Exoplanet Specific Components


Chandra Archive


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