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Theoretical Data UCD Proposal

This page is intended to be a UCD suggestions collecting point for quantities used in simulations (cosmological, stellar, ...). The aim is to help the integration of theoretical data inside the VO.
This page is specific for theoretical data UCDs, for more general requirements regarding Theory inside the VO please have a look at MiguelCerviño's IVOA Theory: General Requirements page.

The final goal is provide a set of UCDs to be submitted via the RFM (Request For Modification) web form and then, if approved, to be added to the Standard UCD1+ Common Vocabulary.

Note. Please, before adding your suggestions, have a look at these IVOA documents:

Hereafter you can find a table where you can add your UCDs and comment those already suggested by other people interested in this field. If some ideas seem not to fit into the table schema at page bottom there's also a part devoted to other comments and suggestions.

Open discussion UCD table

proposed UCD
<-- -->
Sorted descending
Description Remarks Comments
src.sigma8 initial spectrum normalization parameter    
src.omega.stellar stellar content density parameter   just a few examples of omegas (add all the others you need)
src.omega.radiation radiation related density parameter   just a few examples of omegas (add all the others you need)
src.omega.matter matter density parameter   just a few examples of omegas (add all the others you need)
src.omega.lambda cosmological constant related density parameter   just a few examples of omegas (add all the others you need)
src.omega.baryon baryon content density parameter   just a few examples of omegas (add all the others you need)
src.omega density parameters of the universe to be used as root for all omegas used or alone to indicate the the global density parameter  
src.hubble0 Hubble constant, H0, equals the Hubble parameter at z=0   These 2 UCDs can maybe be simplified into one
src.hubble hubble paramater, H   These 2 UCDs can maybe be simplified into one
src.cosmologicalmodel? cosmological model used Lambda Cold Dark Matter, other  
src.boxsize linear dimension of the cosmological box simultaed    
phys.temperature.speclike spectrum-like temperature    
phys.temperature.massweighted mass-weighted temperature    
phys.temperature.emissionweighted emission-weighted temperature    
phys.radius.rhocritic.NNN NNN times the rhocritic-radius extensions to the critical radius concept, with NNN usually 200, 500, 2500 Another way to define such relations could be use a src.rhocritic word and then the compounds like phys.radius;src.rhocritic. This ucd can also be used to specify where some quantities are evaluated, i.e. phys.temperature.speclike;phys.radius.rhocritic
phys.radius.rhocritic radius (of an object, say a cluster of galaxies) where the density equals the critical density of the universe the critical density is used as a comparing term to other densities, also used as a reference for the above mentioned density parameters. Usually one describes radial distances inside clusters, for example, as N times the radius where the density equals the critical density Another way to define such relations could be use a src.rhocritic word and then the compounds like phys.radius;src.rhocritic. This ucd can also be used to specify where some quantities are evaluated, i.e. phys.temperature.speclike;phys.radius.rhocritic
??? gas or gas related propose a way to define objects interesting in simulation but not only in simulations, like gas, stars, galaxies. These UCDs can be useful as S words to specify to what the quantities are referred to, i.e. phys.mass of what? a star? the halo of a galaxy? maybe using object.gas?
??? dark matter related propose a way to define objects interesting in simulation but not only in simulations, like gas, stars, galaxies. These UCDs can be useful as S words to specify to what the quantities are referred to, i.e. phys.mass of what? a star? the halo of a galaxy? object.dm?
??? stars or stellar objects related propose a way to define objects interesting in simulation but not only in simulations, like gas, stars, galaxies. These UCDs can be useful as S words to specify to what the quantities are referred to, i.e. phys.mass of what? a star? the halo of a galaxy? object.stellar?
??? code used for the simulation    
... ...and so on propose a way to define objects interesting in simulation but not only in simulations, like gas, stars, galaxies. These UCDs can be useful as S words to specify to what the quantities are referred to, i.e. phys.mass of what? a star? the halo of a galaxy?  

Other Notes and Comments
  • There are many quantities related to cosmology. An idea can be adding the cosm category in UCDs removing the S word phys.cosmology. (Same also is true for other fields)
    • supporting: simplify some UCDs
    • against: complicate UCD Vocabulary

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