Difference: UCDList_1-7_RFM (1 vs. 18)

Revision 182025-02-14 - GiuliaIafrate

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.7

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.7 Request For Modifications, from Jan 2025 to now

Proposed RFMs

***** currently in construction ***

Still in discussion from RFM 1.6

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi ( VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

BC [2023-06-22]: what about using `stat.distribution` which would be more generic (with possible child `stat.distribution.cumulative` or `stat.distribution.histogram`) ?

BC [2024-03-21]: pending , needs more discussion

Proposal from M.Louys ( VEP-UCD-015)

  • Proposed term: phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude
  • Proposed description: Amplitude measured by a pulse analyser after a particle or radiation detector (photon, gamma ray, ...).
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: In event-list data product obtained in X-ray or Gamma-ray, the need to characterise the raw measure provided by the detector has appeared. A similar requirement was formulated for radio data as well.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data coming out of a detector and not calibrated yet. The need for such a term was mentionned during the preparation of the IVOA Note "VO Data discovery for High Energy data sets".
  • Used-in: Chandra event-list, CTA event-list before calibration.
  • Discussion:
    • There may be an overlap with the proposal for "phys.adu" in VEP-UCD-14.txt. To be discussed.
    • [2024-03-21] Existing UCD for pulse: "src.var.pulse" and for amplitude: "src.var.amplitude" (but with E prefix, which should be changed Q to have this word applied to any other primary word)
  • BC [2024-03-21]: Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".
    • proposed solution: * "src.var.amplitude;src.var.pulse;stat.uncalib"
  • ML [2025-02-12] currently discussed again with the HEIG interest Group.

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

See VEP-UCD-016 document for discussions.

Generic comment: We need "Used-in" sections to be filled.


  • ML [2025-02-12] pending , need a new iteration for clarification of requested terms .

Summary for iteration UCDList1.6 to UCDList1.7

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.7

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="h" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="h" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="h" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1711129635" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" size="26910" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 172025-02-12 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6


Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.7

  This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).


UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Jan 2024 to now


UCDList v1.7 Request For Modifications, from Jan 2025 to now


Proposed RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5
***** currently in construction ***

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
Still in discussion from RFM 1.6

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi ( VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again
BC [2023-06-22]: "meta.coverage" proposition discussed in VEP

Decision: implement "meta.coverage" as proposed in VEP-UCD-003.

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

BC [2023-06-22]: accepted in VEP, to be used with meta.id as primary.

If `pos.lambert` is not used currently in registry => possibly deprecate and move to `pos.projection.lambert` ?

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

BC [2023-06-22]: no objection, but ML to discuss again with Ada.

BC [2024-03-21]: proposed term: "time.period.pulsation" with Label "Period of pulsation or oscillation of a body or a phenomenon"

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
 Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

BC [2023-06-22]: what about using `stat.distribution` which would be more generic (with possible child `stat.distribution.cumulative` or `stat.distribution.histogram`) ?

BC [2024-03-21]: pending , needs more discussion


Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)


Proposal from M.Louys ( VEP-UCD-015)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Proposed description: a value to state the level of confidence for a detection, usually in percent (?).
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

BC [2023-06-22]: Would be useful for a column providing the confidence level used to derive min/max values of a distribution. Could be associated with `stat.stdev` or `stat.percentile` (would require change `stat.stdev` to Q). Examples:

  • 3 sigma confidence level => value = 3 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.stdev`
  • 95 % confidence level => value = 95 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.percentile`
To be checked if applicable in some Vizier tables.

BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution:

  • New Term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Action: Addition
  • Label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Prefix: P

  • Update Term: stat.stdev
  • Action: Modification
  • Prefix: Q

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-012)

  • Proposed term: phys.inspiralSpin
  • Proposed description: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Prefix: Q
  • Label: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Rationale: In the study of binary mergers, the notion of spin for each component of the system
determines the dynamics of the system and differs from the angular momentum already defined as a ucd term.

BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-013)

  • Proposed term: stat.falsePositive
  • Proposed description: Related to false alarm or false positive detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of false alarm in detection problems.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:

BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

  • Proposed term: stat.falseNegative
  • Proposed description: Related to missed or false negative detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of missed or false negative detection.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:

BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

Proposal from B.Cecconi (VEP-UCD-014)

  • Proposed term: phys.adu
  • Proposed description: Analog to digital units, raw samples of an instrument, not converted into physical unit.
  • Prefix: P
  • Description: The raw data samples, often referred to as analog-to-digital-units (ADU). They are not converted yet into physical units. In other words, the transfer function of the instrument has not been applied.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data. This term was mentionned during the preparation of the ObsCore for Radioastronomy extension. The first atom word ('phys.') could be something else (like 'meta.').
  • Used-in:
    • Dataset examples:
      • cassini_rpws.epn_core table (on voparis-tap-maser TAP server), containing raw, calibrated and derived products.
  • Discussion [2024-03-21]
    • in the ObsCore Radio extension (as of this date): "In the current UCD vocabulary (UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.5) there appear to be no primary words suitable to describe raw SD data. o_ucd=phot.flux.density, which fits well for appropriate data, does not seem appropriate, since the single dish measured quantity is expressed in raw counts coming from the digitisation of a voltage signal generated in the receiver chain by the incoming electromagnetic field. Further discussion on o_ucd is ongoing within the Semantics WG."
    • A proposal could be to use the secondary word "stat.uncalib" to indicate the "raw" status of the quantity, but a primary UCD word must be used, such as "phot.count", or "phys.current" (or "phys.voltage" which doesn't exist yet)
    • Conceptually the "stat.adu" is referring to the output of an analogue-to-digital sampler.
    • If we add "phys.voltage", a solution would be phys.voltage;stat.uncalib

  • BC [2024-03-21]: Proposed change:
    • New term: phys.voltage
    • Prefix: Q
    • Description: Electric potential difference over a distance or measured by an instrument.

Proposal from M.Louys (VEP-UCD-015)

  • Proposed term: phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude
  • Proposed description: Amplitude measured by a pulse analyser after a particle or radiation detector (photon, gamma ray, ...).
  • Proposed description: Amplitude measured by a pulse analyser after a particle or radiation detector (photon, gamma ray, ...).
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: In event-list data product obtained in X-ray or Gamma-ray, the need to characterise the raw measure provided by the detector has appeared. A similar requirement was formulated for radio data as well.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data coming out of a detector and not calibrated yet. The need for such a term was mentionned during the preparation of the IVOA Note "VO Data discovery for High Energy data sets".
  • Used-in: Chandra event-list, CTA event-list before calibration.
  • Discussion:
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data coming out of a detector and not calibrated yet. The need for such a term was mentionned during the preparation of the IVOA Note "VO Data discovery for High Energy data sets".
  • Used-in: Chandra event-list, CTA event-list before calibration.
  • Discussion:
    • There may be an overlap with the proposal for "phys.adu" in VEP-UCD-14.txt. To be discussed.
    • There may be an overlap with the proposal for "phys.adu" in VEP-UCD-14.txt. To be discussed.
    • [2024-03-21] Existing UCD for pulse: "src.var.pulse" and for amplitude: "src.var.amplitude" (but with E prefix, which should be changed Q to have this word applied to any other primary word)
  • BC [2024-03-21]: Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".
  • BC [2024-03-21]: Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".
    • proposed solution: * "src.var.amplitude;src.var.pulse;stat.uncalib"
  • ML [2025-02-12] currently discussed again with the HEIG interest Group.

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science


Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters with new terms proposed.

Example Proposal for new term humidity under the subtree obs.atmos.

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assessment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under the cud node 'obs.atmos'.

On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.

The proposal for adding a obs.atmos subtree to the UCD tree is explained in Proposal for obs.atmos subtree

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science


Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

 List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data
See VEP-UCD-016 document for discussions.
See VEP-UCD-016 document for discussions.
Generic comment: We need "Used-in" sections to be filled.
Generic comment: We need "Used-in" sections to be filled.

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6

  • ML [2025-02-12] pending , need a new iteration for clarification of requested terms .

Summary for iteration UCDList1.6 to UCDList1.7


UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6


UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.7

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
pos.moc VEP-UC-003 meta.coverage for general meta.coverage
    rely on xtype to clarify ST-Moc, T-Moc, etc.  
Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="h" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="h" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="h" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1711129635" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" size="26910" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 162024-05-24 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Jan 2024 to now

Proposed RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

BC [2023-06-22]: "meta.coverage" proposition discussed in VEP

Decision: implement "meta.coverage" as proposed in VEP-UCD-003.

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

BC [2023-06-22]: accepted in VEP, to be used with meta.id as primary.

If `pos.lambert` is not used currently in registry => possibly deprecate and move to `pos.projection.lambert` ?

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

BC [2023-06-22]: no objection, but ML to discuss again with Ada.

BC [2024-03-21]: proposed term: "time.period.pulsation" with Label "Period of pulsation or oscillation of a body or a phenomenon"

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

BC [2023-06-22]: what about using `stat.distribution` which would be more generic (with possible child `stat.distribution.cumulative` or `stat.distribution.histogram`) ?

BC [2024-03-21]: pending , needs more discussion

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Proposed description: a value to state the level of confidence for a detection, usually in percent (?).
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

BC [2023-06-22]: Would be useful for a column providing the confidence level used to derive min/max values of a distribution. Could be associated with `stat.stdev` or `stat.percentile` (would require change `stat.stdev` to Q). Examples:

  • 3 sigma confidence level => value = 3 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.stdev`
  • 95 % confidence level => value = 95 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.percentile`
To be checked if applicable in some Vizier tables.

BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution:

  • New Term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Action: Addition
  • Label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Prefix: P

  • Update Term: stat.stdev
  • Action: Modification
  • Prefix: Q

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-012)

  • Proposed term: phys.inspiralSpin
  • Proposed description: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Prefix: Q
  • Label: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Rationale: In the study of binary mergers, the notion of spin for each component of the system
determines the dynamics of the system and differs from the angular momentum already defined as a ucd term.

BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-013)

  • Proposed term: stat.falsePositive
  • Proposed description: Related to false alarm or false positive detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of false alarm in detection problems.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:

BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

  • Proposed term: stat.falseNegative
  • Proposed description: Related to missed or false negative detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of missed or false negative detection.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:

BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

Proposal from B.Cecconi (VEP-UCD-014)

  • Proposed term: phys.adu
  • Proposed description: Analog to digital units, raw samples of an instrument, not converted into physical unit.
  • Prefix: P
  • Description: The raw data samples, often referred to as analog-to-digital-units (ADU). They are not converted yet into physical units. In other words, the transfer function of the instrument has not been applied.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data. This term was mentionned during the preparation of the ObsCore for Radioastronomy extension. The first atom word ('phys.') could be something else (like 'meta.').
  • Used-in:
    • Dataset examples:
      • cassini_rpws.epn_core table (on voparis-tap-maser TAP server), containing raw, calibrated and derived products.
  • Discussion [2024-03-21]
    • in the ObsCore Radio extension (as of this date): "In the current UCD vocabulary (UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.5) there appear to be no primary words suitable to describe raw SD data. o_ucd=phot.flux.density, which fits well for appropriate data, does not seem appropriate, since the single dish measured quantity is expressed in raw counts coming from the digitisation of a voltage signal generated in the receiver chain by the incoming electromagnetic field. Further discussion on o_ucd is ongoing within the Semantics WG."
    • A proposal could be to use the secondary word "stat.uncalib" to indicate the "raw" status of the quantity, but a primary UCD word must be used, such as "phot.count", or "phys.current" (or "phys.voltage" which doesn't exist yet)
    • Conceptually the "stat.adu" is referring to the output of an analogue-to-digital sampler.
    • If we add "phys.voltage", a solution would be phys.voltage;stat.uncalib

  • BC [2024-03-21]: Proposed change:
    • New term: phys.voltage
    • Prefix: Q
    • Description: Electric potential difference over a distance or measured by an instrument.

Proposal from M.Louys (VEP-UCD-015)

  • Proposed term: phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude
  • Proposed description: Amplitude measured by a pulse analyser after a particle or radiation detector (photon, gamma ray, ...).
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: In event-list data product obtained in X-ray or Gamma-ray, the need to characterise the raw measure provided by the detector has appeared. A similar requirement was formulated for radio data as well.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data coming out of a detector and not calibrated yet. The need for such a term was mentionned during the preparation of the IVOA Note "VO Data discovery for High Energy data sets".
  • Used-in: Chandra event-list, CTA event-list before calibration.
  • Discussion:
    • There may be an overlap with the proposal for "phys.adu" in VEP-UCD-14.txt. To be discussed.
    • [2024-03-21] Existing UCD for pulse: "src.var.pulse" and for amplitude: "src.var.amplitude" (but with E prefix, which should be changed Q to have this word applied to any other primary word)
  • BC [2024-03-21]: Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".
    • proposed solution: * "src.var.amplitude;src.var.pulse;stat.uncalib"

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters with new terms proposed.

Example Proposal for new term humidity under the subtree obs.atmos.

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assessment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under the cud node 'obs.atmos'.

On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.

The proposal for adding a obs.atmos subtree to the UCD tree is explained in Proposal for obs.atmos subtree

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

See VEP-UCD-016 document for discussions.

Generic comment: We need "Used-in" sections to be filled.


Summary for iteration UCDList1.6 to UCDList1.7


Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6


UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  
pos.moc VEP-UC-003 meta.coverage for general meta.coverage
    rely on xtype to clarify ST-Moc, T-Moc, etc.  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="h" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="h" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="h" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1711129635" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" size="26910" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 152024-03-22 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Jan 2024 to now

Proposed RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

BC [2023-06-22]: "meta.coverage" proposition discussed in VEP

Decision: implement "meta.coverage" as proposed in VEP-UCD-003.

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

BC [2023-06-22]: accepted in VEP, to be used with meta.id as primary.

If `pos.lambert` is not used currently in registry => possibly deprecate and move to `pos.projection.lambert` ?

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

BC [2023-06-22]: no objection, but ML to discuss again with Ada.

BC [2024-03-21]:proposed term: "time.period.pulsation" with Label "Period of pulsation or oscillation of a body or a phenomenon"
BC [2024-03-21]: proposed term: "time.period.pulsation" with Label "Period of pulsation or oscillation of a body or a phenomenon"

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

BC [2023-06-22]: what about using `stat.distribution` which would be more generic (with possible child `stat.distribution.cumulative` or `stat.distribution.histogram`) ?

BC [2024-03-21]: pending , needs more discussion

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Proposed description: a value to state the level of confidence for a detection, usually in percent (?).
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

BC [2023-06-22]: Would be useful for a column providing the confidence level used to derive min/max values of a distribution. Could be associated with `stat.stdev` or `stat.percentile` (would require change `stat.stdev` to Q). Examples:

  • 3 sigma confidence level => value = 3 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.stdev`
  • 95 % confidence level => value = 95 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.percentile`
To be checked if applicable in some Vizier tables.
Proposed solution:
BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution:
  • New Term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Action: Addition
  • Label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Prefix: P

  • Update Term: stat.stdev
  • Action: Modification
  • Prefix: Q

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-012)

  • Proposed term: phys.inspiralSpin
  • Proposed description: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Prefix: Q
  • Label: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Rationale: In the study of binary mergers, the notion of spin for each component of the system
determines the dynamics of the system and differs from the angular momentum already defined as a ucd term.
Proposed solution: Accept
BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-013)

  • Proposed term: stat.falsePositive
  • Proposed description: Related to false alarm or false positive detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of false alarm in detection problems.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:
Proposed solution: Accept
BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

  • Proposed term: stat.falseNegative
  • Proposed description: Related to missed or false negative detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of missed or false negative detection.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:
Proposed solution: Accept
BC [2024-03-21]:Proposed solution: Accept

Proposal from B.Cecconi (VEP-UCD-014)

  • Proposed term: phys.adu
  • Proposed description: Analog to digital units, raw samples of an instrument, not converted into physical unit.
  • Prefix: P
  • Description: The raw data samples, often referred to as analog-to-digital-units (ADU). They are not converted yet into physical units. In other words, the transfer function of the instrument has not been applied.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data. This term was mentionned during the preparation of the ObsCore for Radioastronomy extension. The first atom word ('phys.') could be something else (like 'meta.').
  • Used-in:
    • Dataset examples:
      • cassini_rpws.epn_core table (on voparis-tap-maser TAP server), containing raw, calibrated and derived products.
  • Discussion [2024-03-21]
    • in the ObsCore Radio extension (as of this date): "In the current UCD vocabulary (UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.5) there appear to be no primary words suitable to describe raw SD data. o_ucd=phot.flux.density, which fits well for appropriate data, does not seem appropriate, since the single dish measured quantity is expressed in raw counts coming from the digitisation of a voltage signal generated in the receiver chain by the incoming electromagnetic field. Further discussion on o_ucd is ongoing within the Semantics WG."
    • A proposal could be to use the secondary word "stat.uncalib" to indicate the "raw" status of the quantity, but a primary UCD word must be used, such as "phot.count", or "phys.current" (or "phys.voltage" which doesn't exist yet)
    • Conceptually the "stat.adu" is referring to the output of an analogue-to-digital sampler.
    • If we add "phys.voltage", a solution would be phys.voltage;stat.uncalib
  • Proposed change:
  • BC [2024-03-21]: Proposed change:
    • New term: phys.voltage
    • Prefix: Q
    • Description: Electric potential difference over a distance or measured by an instrument.

Proposal from M.Louys (VEP-UCD-015)

  • Proposed term: phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude
  • Proposed description: Amplitude measured by a pulse analyser after a particle or radiation detector (photon, gamma ray, ...).
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: In event-list data product obtained in X-ray or Gamma-ray, the need to characterise the raw measure provided by the detector has appeared. A similar requirement was formulated for radio data as well.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data coming out of a detector and not calibrated yet. The need for such a term was mentionned during the preparation of the IVOA Note "VO Data discovery for High Energy data sets".
  • Used-in: Chandra event-list, CTA event-list before calibration.
  • Discussion:
    • There may be an overlap with the proposal for "phys.adu" in VEP-UCD-14.txt. To be discussed.
    • [2024-03-21] Existing UCD for pulse: "src.var.pulse" and for amplitude: "src.var.amplitude" (but with E prefix, which should be changed Q to have this word applied to any other primary word)
  • Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".
    • proposed solution: "src.var.amplitude;src.var.pulse;stat.uncalib"
  • BC [2024-03-21]: Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".
    • proposed solution: * "src.var.amplitude;src.var.pulse;stat.uncalib"

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters New terms proposal :TBC
List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters with new terms proposed.
Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)
Example Proposal for new term humidity under the subtree obs.atmos.
  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assessment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under the cud node 'obs.atmos'.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......


On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
The proposal for adding a obs.atmos subtree to the UCD tree is explained in Proposal for obs.atmos subtree

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

See VEP-UCD-016 document for discussions.

Generic comment: We need "Used-in" sections to be filled.

Summary for iteration UCDList1.6 to UCDList1.7

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="h" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="h" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="h" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1711129635" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023-v2.xlsm" size="26910" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 142024-03-21 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Jan 2024 to now

Proposed RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

BC [2023-06-22]: "meta.coverage" proposition discussed in VEP

Decision: implement "meta.coverage" as proposed in VEP-UCD-003.

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

BC [2023-06-22]: accepted in VEP, to be used with meta.id as primary.

If `pos.lambert` is not used currently in registry => possibly deprecate and move to `pos.projection.lambert` ?

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition
 BC [2023-06-22]: no objection, but ML to discuss again with Ada.
BC [2024-03-21]:proposed term: "time.period.pulsation" with Label "Period of pulsation or oscillation of a body or a phenomenon"

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

BC [2023-06-22]: what about using `stat.distribution` which would be more generic (with possible child `stat.distribution.cumulative` or `stat.distribution.histogram`) ?

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Proposed description: a value to state the level of confidence for a detection, usually in percent (?).
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

BC [2023-06-22]: Would be useful for a column providing the confidence level used to derive min/max values of a distribution. Could be associated with `stat.stdev` or `stat.percentile` (would require change `stat.stdev` to Q). Examples:

  • 3 sigma confidence level => value = 3 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.stdev`
  • 95 % confidence level => value = 95 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.percentile`
To be checked if applicable in some Vizier tables.
Proposed solution:

  • New Term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Action: Addition
  • Label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Prefix: P

  • Update Term: stat.stdev
  • Action: Modification
  • Prefix: Q

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-012)

  • Proposed term: phys.inspiralSpin
  • Proposed description: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Prefix: Q
  • Label: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Rationale: In the study of binary mergers, the notion of spin for each component of the system
determines the dynamics of the system and differs from the angular momentum already defined as a ucd term.
Proposed solution: Accept

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-013)

  • Proposed term: stat.falsePositive
  • Proposed description: Related to false alarm or false positive detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of false alarm in detection problems.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:
Proposed solution: Accept

  • Proposed term: stat.falseNegative
  • Proposed description: Related to missed or false negative detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of missed or false negative detection.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:
Proposed solution: Accept

Proposal from B.Cecconi (VEP-UCD-014)

  • Proposed term: phys.adu
  • Proposed description: Analog to digital units, raw samples of an instrument, not converted into physical unit.
  • Prefix: P
  • Description: The raw data samples, often referred to as analog-to-digital-units (ADU). They are not converted yet into physical units. In other words, the transfer function of the instrument has not been applied.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data. This term was mentionned during the preparation of the ObsCore for Radioastronomy extension. The first atom word ('phys.') could be something else (like 'meta.').
  • Used-in:
    • Dataset examples:
      • cassini_rpws.epn_core table (on voparis-tap-maser TAP server), containing raw, calibrated and derived products.
  • Discussion [2024-03-21]
    • in the ObsCore Radio extension (as of this date): "In the current UCD vocabulary (UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.5) there appear to be no primary words suitable to describe raw SD data. o_ucd=phot.flux.density, which fits well for appropriate data, does not seem appropriate, since the single dish measured quantity is expressed in raw counts coming from the digitisation of a voltage signal generated in the receiver chain by the incoming electromagnetic field. Further discussion on o_ucd is ongoing within the Semantics WG."
    • A proposal could be to use the secondary word "stat.uncalib" to indicate the "raw" status of the quantity, but a primary UCD word must be used, such as "phot.count", or "phys.current" (or "phys.voltage" which doesn't exist yet)
    • Conceptually the "stat.adu" is referring to the output of an analogue-to-digital sampler.
    • If we add "phys.voltage", a solution would be phys.voltage;stat.uncalib
  • Proposed change: add "phys.voltage"
  • Proposed change:
    • New term: phys.voltage
    • Prefix: Q
    • Description: Electric potential difference over a distance or measured by an instrument.

Proposal from M.Louys (VEP-UCD-015)

  • Proposed term: phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude
  • Proposed description: Amplitude measured by a pulse analyser after a particle or radiation detector (photon, gamma ray, ...).
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: In event-list data product obtained in X-ray or Gamma-ray, the need to characterise the raw measure provided by the detector has appeared. A similar requirement was formulated for radio data as well.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data coming out of a detector and not calibrated yet. The need for such a term was mentionned during the preparation of the IVOA Note "VO Data discovery for High Energy data sets".
  • Used-in: Chandra event-list, CTA event-list before calibration.
  • Discussion:
    • There may be an overlap with the proposal for "phys.adu" in VEP-UCD-14.txt. To be discussed.
    • [2024-03-21] Existing UCD for pulse: "src.var.pulse" and for amplitude: "src.var.amplitude" (but with E prefix, which should be changed Q to have this word applied to any other primary word)
  • Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".
    • proposed solution: "src.var.amplitude;src.var.pulse;stat.uncalib"

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters New terms proposal :TBC

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

See VEP-UCD-016 document for discussions.

Generic comment: We need "Used-in" sections to be filled.

Summary for iteration UCDList1.6 to UCDList1.7

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 132024-03-21 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Jan 2024 to now

Proposed RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

BC [2023-06-22]: "meta.coverage" proposition discussed in VEP

Decision: implement "meta.coverage" as proposed in VEP-UCD-003.

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

BC [2023-06-22]: accepted in VEP, to be used with meta.id as primary.

If `pos.lambert` is not used currently in registry => possibly deprecate and move to `pos.projection.lambert` ?

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition BC [2023-06-22]: no objection, but ML to discuss again with Ada.

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

BC [2023-06-22]: what about using `stat.distribution` which would be more generic (with possible child `stat.distribution.cumulative` or `stat.distribution.histogram`) ?

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Proposed description: a value to state the level of confidence for a detection, usually in percent (?).
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

BC [2023-06-22]: Would be useful for a column providing the confidence level used to derive min/max values of a distribution. Could be associated with `stat.stdev` or `stat.percentile` (would require change `stat.stdev` to Q). Examples:

  • 3 sigma confidence level => value = 3 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.stdev`
  • 95 % confidence level => value = 95 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.percentile`
To be checked if applicable in some Vizier tables.

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-012)

  • Proposed term: phys.inspiralSpin
  • Proposed description: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Prefix: Q
  • Label: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Rationale: In the study of binary mergers, the notion of spin for each component of the system
determines the dynamics of the system and differs from the angular momentum already defined as a ucd term.

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-013)

  • Proposed term: stat.falsePositive
  • Proposed description: Related to false alarm or false positive detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of false alarm in detection problems.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:

  • Proposed term: stat.falseNegative
  • Proposed description: Related to missed or false negative detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of missed or false negative detection.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:

Proposal from B.Cecconi (VEP-UCD-014)

  • Proposed term: phys.adu
  • Proposed description: Analog to digital units, raw samples of an instrument, not converted into physical unit.
  • Prefix: P
  • Description: The raw data samples, often referred to as analog-to-digital-units (ADU). They are not converted yet into physical units. In other words, the transfer function of the instrument has not been applied.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data. This term was mentionned during the preparation of the ObsCore for Radioastronomy extension. The first atom word ('phys.') could be something else (like 'meta.').
  • Used-in:
    • Dataset examples:
      • cassini_rpws.epn_core table (on voparis-tap-maser TAP server), containing raw, calibrated and derived products.
  • Discussion [2024-03-21]
    • in the ObsCore Radio extension (as of this date): "In the current UCD vocabulary (UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.5) there appear to be no primary words suitable to describe raw SD data. o_ucd=phot.flux.density, which fits well for appropriate data, does not seem appropriate, since the single dish measured quantity is expressed in raw counts coming from the digitisation of a voltage signal generated in the receiver chain by the incoming electromagnetic field. Further discussion on o_ucd is ongoing within the Semantics WG."
    • A proposal could be to use the secondary word "stat.uncalib" to indicate the "raw" status of the quantity, but a primary UCD word must be used, such as "phot.count", or "phys.current" (or "phys.voltage" which doesn't exist yet)
    • Conceptually the "stat.adu" is referring to the output of an analogue-to-digital sampler.
    • If we add "phys.voltage", a solution would be phys.voltage;stat.uncalib
  • Proposed change: add "phys.voltage"

Proposal from M.Louys (VEP-UCD-015)

  • Proposed term: phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude
  • Proposed description: Amplitude measured by a pulse analyser after a particle or radiation detector (photon, gamma ray, ...).
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: In event-list data product obtained in X-ray or Gamma-ray, the need to characterise the raw measure provided by the detector has appeared. A similar requirement was formulated for radio data as well.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data coming out of a detector and not calibrated yet. The need for such a term was mentionned during the preparation of the IVOA Note "VO Data discovery for High Energy data sets".
  • Used-in: Chandra event-list, CTA event-list before calibration.
  • Discussion:
    • There may be an overlap with the proposal for "phys.adu" in VEP-UCD-14.txt. To be discussed.
    • [2024-03-21] Existing UCD for pulse: "src.var.pulse" and for amplitude: "src.var.amplitude" (but with E prefix, which should be changed Q to have this word applied to any other primary word)
  • Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters New terms proposal :TBC

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data
See VEP-UCD-016 document for discussions.

Generic comment: We need "Used-in" sections to be filled.


Summary for iteration UCDList1.6 to UCDList1.7

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 122024-03-21 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).


UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to now


UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Jan 2024 to now


Proposed RFMs

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

 Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

BC [2023-06-22]: "meta.coverage" proposition discussed in VEP

Decision: implement "meta.coverage" as proposed in VEP-UCD-003.


  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

BC [2023-06-22]: accepted in VEP, to be used with meta.id as primary.

If `pos.lambert` is not used currently in registry => possibly deprecate and move to `pos.projection.lambert` ?

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition BC [2023-06-22]: no objection, but ML to discuss again with Ada.

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

BC [2023-06-22]: what about using `stat.distribution` which would be more generic (with possible child `stat.distribution.cumulative` or `stat.distribution.histogram`) ?

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves


Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)


Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Proposed label: Level of confidence for a detection or classification process
  • Proposed description: a value to state the level of confidence for a detection, usually in percent (?).
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

BC [2023-06-22]: Would be useful for a column providing the confidence level used to derive min/max values of a distribution. Could be associated with `stat.stdev` or `stat.percentile` (would require change `stat.stdev` to Q). Examples:

  • 3 sigma confidence level => value = 3 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.stdev`
  • 95 % confidence level => value = 95 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.percentile`
To be checked if applicable in some Vizier tables.

Proposal from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-012)

  • Proposed term: phys.inspiralSpin
  • Proposed description: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Prefix: Q
  • Label: Effective inspiral spin in binary mergers  (used in GW detections )
  • Rationale: In the study of binary mergers, the notion of spin for each component of the system
determines the dynamics of the system and differs from the angular momentum already defined as a ucd term.

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-013)

  • Proposed term: stat.falsePositive
  • Proposed description: Related to false alarm or false positive detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of false alarm in detection problems.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:

  • Proposed term: stat.falseNegative
  • Proposed description: Related to missed or false negative detection
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: Used to evaluate the rate of missed or false negative detection.
  • Rationale:Needed for support of catalogs of events detection in various multi- messenger data collections.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves detection (LIGO, Virgo) and in event detections more generally.
  • Discussion:

Proposal from B.Cecconi (VEP-UCD-014)

  • Proposed term: phys.adu
  • Proposed description: Analog to digital units, raw samples of an instrument, not converted into physical unit.
  • Prefix: P
  • Description: The raw data samples, often referred to as analog-to-digital-units (ADU). They are not converted yet into physical units. In other words, the transfer function of the instrument has not been applied.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data. This term was mentionned during the preparation of the ObsCore for Radioastronomy extension. The first atom word ('phys.') could be something else (like 'meta.').
  • Used-in:
    • Dataset examples:
      • cassini_rpws.epn_core table (on voparis-tap-maser TAP server), containing raw, calibrated and derived products.
  • Discussion [2024-03-21]
    • in the ObsCore Radio extension (as of this date): "In the current UCD vocabulary (UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.5) there appear to be no primary words suitable to describe raw SD data. o_ucd=phot.flux.density, which fits well for appropriate data, does not seem appropriate, since the single dish measured quantity is expressed in raw counts coming from the digitisation of a voltage signal generated in the receiver chain by the incoming electromagnetic field. Further discussion on o_ucd is ongoing within the Semantics WG."
    • A proposal could be to use the secondary word "stat.uncalib" to indicate the "raw" status of the quantity, but a primary UCD word must be used, such as "phot.count", or "phys.current" (or "phys.voltage" which doesn't exist yet)
    • Conceptually the "stat.adu" is referring to the output of an analogue-to-digital sampler.
    • If we add "phys.voltage", a solution would be phys.voltage;stat.uncalib
  • Proposed change: add "phys.voltage"

Proposal from M.Louys (VEP-UCD-015)

  • Proposed term: phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude
  • Proposed description: Amplitude measured by a pulse analyser after a particle or radiation detector (photon, gamma ray, ...).
  • Prefix: Q
  • Description: In event-list data product obtained in X-ray or Gamma-ray, the need to characterise the raw measure provided by the detector has appeared. A similar requirement was formulated for radio data as well.
  • Rationale: This term would be useful to refer to raw data coming out of a detector and not calibrated yet. The need for such a term was mentionned during the preparation of the IVOA Note "VO Data discovery for High Energy data sets".
  • Used-in: Chandra event-list, CTA event-list before calibration.
  • Discussion:
    • There may be an overlap with the proposal for "phys.adu" in VEP-UCD-14.txt. To be discussed.
    • [2024-03-21] Existing UCD for pulse: "src.var.pulse" and for amplitude: "src.var.amplitude" (but with E prefix, which should be changed Q to have this word applied to any other primary word)
  • Proposed change: "src.var.amplitude" prefix set to "Q".

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters New terms proposal :TBC

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6


Summary for iteration UCDList1.6 to UCDList1.7


UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 112023-06-22 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to now

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again
BC [2023-06-22]: "meta.coverage" proposition discussed in VEP

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.
BC [2023-06-22]: accepted in VEP, to be used with meta.id as primary.

If `pos.lambert` is not used currently in registry => possibly deprecate and move to `pos.projection.lambert` ?


Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition
BC [2023-06-22]: no objection, but ML to discuss again with Ada.

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.
BC [2023-06-22]: what about using `stat.distribution` which would be more generic (with possible child `stat.distribution.cumulative` or `stat.distribution.histogram`) ?

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:
BC [2023-06-22]: Would be useful for a column providing the confidence level used to derive min/max values of a distribution. Could be associated with `stat.stdev` or `stat.percentile` (would require change `stat.stdev` to Q). Examples:
  • 3 sigma confidence level => value = 3 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.stdev`
  • 95 % confidence level => value = 95 and ucd = `stat.confidenceLevel;stat.percentile`
To be checked if applicable in some Vizier tables.

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters New terms proposal :TBC

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 102023-05-11 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to now

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters New terms proposal :TBC

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site" date="1683783985" name="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" path="ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf" size="63333" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 92023-05-10 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to now

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters

New terms proposal : [[][First proposal for new terms]]
New terms proposal :TBC
  Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data
List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 82023-05-09 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).


UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to ?


UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to now


Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

Proposed RFMs for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites


Proposals from A. Micol : UCD tags for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites


Proposals from A. Micol , ESO Archive

  List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters
 New terms proposal : [[][First proposal for new terms]]

 Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......


Proposed RFMs - modification suggestions for planetary science

Proposals from J. Berthier , IMCCE, Paris Observatory

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : UCDs Requests for Planetary data

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" attr="" comment="RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier" date="1683639603" name="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" path="ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf" size="23906" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 72023-03-12 - GiuliaIafrate

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to ?

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

Proposals from A. Micol : UCD tags for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters

New terms proposal : [[][First proposal for new terms]]


Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.pdf" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / PDF format" date="1678474092" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.pdf" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.pdf" size="103099" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 62023-03-10 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to ?

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

Proposals from A. Micol : UCD tags for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters

New terms proposal : First proposal for new terms
New terms proposal : [[][First proposal for new terms]]


Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6

UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved

UCD proposals rejected and solved

Term VEP-UCD link Suggestion Use instead
xxx   can combine existing UCD  

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / to be discussed" date="1678474042" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm" size="26718" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.pdf" attr="" comment="3rd proposal / PDF format" date="1678474092" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.pdf" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.pdf" size="103099" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 52023-03-02 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to ?

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

  • phys.rotMeasure (concept already existing as phys.polarization.rotMeasure)

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:


Proposed RFMs - suggestions for ucd tags for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites.
Proposed by A. Micol


Proposals from A. Micol : UCD tags for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites

 List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters

New terms proposal : First proposal for new terms


Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......


Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6 (TBC)

UCD applied changes for UCDList1.6 (TBC)


UCD proposals not solved yet


Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6


UCD proposal applied as changes for UCDList1.6

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005    
xxx VEP-UCD-yy.txt action approved
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004   discuss further the uses cases
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003   discuss further the uses cases to disentangle meaning and format
pos.projection     discuss further the uses cases
<--! * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup -->

UCD proposals rejected and solved


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 42023-03-02 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to ?

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

  • phys.rotMeasure (concept already existing as phys.polarization.rotMeasure)

Still in discussion from RFM 1.5

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for ucd tags for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites.
Proposed by A. Micol

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters

New terms proposal : First proposal for new terms


Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6 (TBC)

UCD applied changes for UCDList1.6 (TBC)

UCD proposals not solved yet

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005    
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004   discuss further the uses cases
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003   discuss further the uses cases to disentangle meaning and format
pos.projection     discuss further the uses cases

<--! * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup -->


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" attr="" comment="revised ambient" date="1677767468" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx" size="25956" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 32022-10-24 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to ?

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

  • phys.rotMeasure (concept already existing as phys.polarization.rotMeasure)

Proposed RFMs



Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description: ...Statistical skewness, third moment of normalised data distribution function
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: ...This term was proposed actually...
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:The statistical moments (except for the mean value) don't have the same units as the observed quantity, and thus those are another quantity extracted from the data. We propose to set the prefix to P.
2022-09-28 ML: proposal in this RFM

  • Proposed term: stat.kurtosis
  • Proposed description: Statistical kurtosis, fourth moment of normalised data distribution function
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: This term was proposed actually by Veronique Delouille after FITSKeyword evaluation for solar datasets. Would complete the stat properties within the UCD tree. Would be useful for other data as well.
  • Used-in: SDO/AIA FITS keywords
  • Discussion: Skewness is related to the asymetry of the distribution, and the kurtosis helps to identify outliers.
2022-01-17 ML: to be proposed for adoption to the UCD Board /

2022-03-14 ML: updated definition in VEP-UCD-001 on vespa repo

  • Proposed term: stat.mad
Still in discussion from RFM 1.5
  • Proposed description: Statistical median absolute deviation from median
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: This term was proposed actually by Veronique Delouille after FITS Keyword evaluation for solar datasets. This is a robust quantity to measure the spread of values in a data set when the statistics is not a normal distribution. Would complete the stat properties within the UCD tree. Would be useful for other data as well.
  • Used-in: ? This terms is used for a robust estimation of standard deviation in signal ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation ) and hence I think we should keep it. But at the moment I cannot really provide an example of its use in solar physics. I checked the Solarnet FITS keywords recommendation (live document is at http://sdc.uio.no/open/solarnet/ ) and what they define as 'datamad' as the mean absolute deviation from the mean, avg( abs( x-avg(x) ) ), because this is what they use for the Gregor high resolution telescope.
  • Discussion: Similar to stat.stdev, but using median operators instead of the mean.
2022-01-17 ML proposal : we may need more examples of this statistical feature and an example to see it in action ?

2022-02-01 VD adds some precisions on the definitions

2022-03-14 ML: updated definition in VEP-UCD-001 on vespa repo

2022-05-20 ML: include in proposed Endorsed Note PEN UCDList 1.5


Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for datasets issued in the science domain of gravitational waves

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: GW studies produce maps of the sky with regions showing detection likelihood at particular confidence level . Such a confidence level can be a selection criteria for a map, or a dataset in general.
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:

Proposed RFMs - suggestions for ucd tags for Ambiant Conditions at telescopes sites.
Proposed by A. Micol

List of terms and concepts to cover (open for discussion) : ESO VLT Ambient parameters

New terms proposal : First proposal for new terms


Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for A. Micol (???)

  • Proposed term: obs.atmos.humidity
  • Proposed description:
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: Ambient conditions measure various physical parameters at telescope site to monitor turbulence, seeing, etc.
  • Used-in: ESO FITS keywords for observations at Paranal , etc .
  • Discussion: Some of these parameters are general, some have a very specific definition for the assment of physical conditions at the telescope's site. Their meaning may be restricted to a the local definition of the measure at the site. In this case , such terms can be branched under obs.atmos.
On the contrary general terms can be branched below phys.*.
  • TBC......


Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6 (TBC)

UCD applied changes for UCDList1.6 (TBC)


UCD proposals not solved yet


UCD proposals not solved yet

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005    
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004   discuss further the uses cases
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003   discuss further the uses cases to disentangle meaning and format
pos.projection     discuss further the uses cases

<--! * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup -->

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666627102" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods" size="15947" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" attr="" comment="first proposal / to be discussed" date="1666627525" name="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" path="UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf" size="44150" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" attr="" comment="list of terms to discuss" date="1666628387" name="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" path="UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods" size="32899" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 22022-10-18 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to ?

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

  • phys.rotMeasure (concept already existing as phys.polarization.rotMeasure)

Proposed RFMs

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description: ...Statistical skewness, third moment of normalised data distribution function
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: ...This term was proposed actually...
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:The statistical moments (except for the mean value) don't have the same units as the observed quantity, and thus those are another quantity extracted from the data. We propose to set the prefix to P.
2022-09-28 ML: proposal in this RFM

  • Proposed term: stat.kurtosis
  • Proposed description: Statistical kurtosis, fourth moment of normalised data distribution function
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: This term was proposed actually by Veronique Delouille after FITSKeyword evaluation for solar datasets. Would complete the stat properties within the UCD tree. Would be useful for other data as well.
  • Used-in: SDO/AIA FITS keywords
  • Discussion: Skewness is related to the asymetry of the distribution, and the kurtosis helps to identify outliers.
2022-01-17 ML: to be proposed for adoption to the UCD Board /

2022-03-14 ML: updated definition in VEP-UCD-001 on vespa repo

  • Proposed term: stat.mad
  • Proposed description: Statistical median absolute deviation from median
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: This term was proposed actually by Veronique Delouille after FITS Keyword evaluation for solar datasets. This is a robust quantity to measure the spread of values in a data set when the statistics is not a normal distribution. Would complete the stat properties within the UCD tree. Would be useful for other data as well.
  • Used-in: ? This terms is used for a robust estimation of standard deviation in signal ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation ) and hence I think we should keep it. But at the moment I cannot really provide an example of its use in solar physics. I checked the Solarnet FITS keywords recommendation (live document is at http://sdc.uio.no/open/solarnet/ ) and what they define as 'datamad' as the mean absolute deviation from the mean, avg( abs( x-avg(x) ) ), because this is what they use for the Gregor high resolution telescope.
  • Discussion: Similar to stat.stdev, but using median operators instead of the mean.
2022-01-17 ML proposal : we may need more examples of this statistical feature and an example to see it in action ?

2022-02-01 VD adds some precisions on the definitions

2022-03-14 ML: updated definition in VEP-UCD-001 on vespa repo

2022-05-20 ML: include in proposed Endorsed Note PEN UCDList 1.5


Proposals from BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-002)

UCD-SCI Answer: REJECTED. This term already exist as phys.polarization.rotMeasure

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6 (TBC)

UCD applied changes for UCDList1.6 (TBC)


UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step


UCD proposals not solved yet

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005    
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004   discuss further the uses cases
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003   discuss further the uses cases to disentangle meaning and format
pos.projection     discuss further the uses cases

<--! * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup -->


Revision 12022-09-28 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6

This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the UCD List Maintenance recommendation. The UCDListMaintenancePage summarises the past and current RFMs.

The third (on going) iteration for the Request for modifications of UCD terms is summarized in the following content.

These terms are submitted for evaluation to the UCD science committee (see details in the Maintenance Specification document).

UCDList v1.6 Request For Modifications, from Oct 2022 to ?

Accepted RFMs

Pending RFMs

From UCDList 1.3 RFM: pos.rotation, pos.euleraAngle, pos.quaternion, ... pos.heliocentric, pos.heliographic, etc .. postponed for better understanding

From UCDList 1.4 RFM: stat.histogram (use case to be further detailed). See further discussion below.

Rejected RFMs

  • phys.rotMeasure (concept already existing as phys.polarization.rotMeasure)

Proposed RFMs

Proposals from M.Louys , S.Derriere for P. Chanial (VEP-UCD-011)

  • Proposed term: stat.confidenceLevel
  • Proposed description: ...Statistical skewness, third moment of normalised data distribution function
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: ...This term was proposed actually...
  • Used-in: Gravitational waves catalogs
  • Discussion:The statistical moments (except for the mean value) don't have the same units as the observed quantity, and thus those are another quantity extracted from the data. We propose to set the prefix to P.
2022-09-28 ML: proposal in this RFM

  • Proposed term: stat.kurtosis
  • Proposed description: Statistical kurtosis, fourth moment of normalised data distribution function
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: This term was proposed actually by Veronique Delouille after FITSKeyword evaluation for solar datasets. Would complete the stat properties within the UCD tree. Would be useful for other data as well.
  • Used-in: SDO/AIA FITS keywords
  • Discussion: Skewness is related to the asymetry of the distribution, and the kurtosis helps to identify outliers.
2022-01-17 ML: to be proposed for adoption to the UCD Board /

2022-03-14 ML: updated definition in VEP-UCD-001 on vespa repo

  • Proposed term: stat.mad
  • Proposed description: Statistical median absolute deviation from median
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale: This term was proposed actually by Veronique Delouille after FITS Keyword evaluation for solar datasets. This is a robust quantity to measure the spread of values in a data set when the statistics is not a normal distribution. Would complete the stat properties within the UCD tree. Would be useful for other data as well.
  • Used-in: ? This terms is used for a robust estimation of standard deviation in signal ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation ) and hence I think we should keep it. But at the moment I cannot really provide an example of its use in solar physics. I checked the Solarnet FITS keywords recommendation (live document is at http://sdc.uio.no/open/solarnet/ ) and what they define as 'datamad' as the mean absolute deviation from the mean, avg( abs( x-avg(x) ) ), because this is what they use for the Gregor high resolution telescope.
  • Discussion: Similar to stat.stdev, but using median operators instead of the mean.
2022-01-17 ML proposal : we may need more examples of this statistical feature and an example to see it in action ?

2022-02-01 VD adds some precisions on the definitions

2022-03-14 ML: updated definition in VEP-UCD-001 on vespa repo

2022-05-20 ML: include in proposed Endorsed Note PEN UCDList 1.5

Proposals from BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-002)

UCD-SCI Answer: REJECTED. This term already exist as phys.polarization.rotMeasure

Proposals from StephaneErard (VEP-UCD-003)

  • Proposed term: pos.moc
  • Proposed description: Multi-order coverage
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing a MOC (of any type, e.g, temporal, spatial, both, or any future MOC types)
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion:The closest term available is pos.contour, but it doesn't seem adequate for multi-order coverage.
Sci-UCD Discussion: Three cases:
  • a VOTable field is tagged with "pos.moc", in this case, the xtype attribute must be present to tell what is the encoding of the MOC
  • "pos.moc" is in the EpnCore "measurement_type", to advertise the content of the product. Could be used with "dataproduct_type", to tell which axes are in the MOC (e.g., 'im' for classical MOC, 'mo' for STMOC, 'ts' for TMOC...)
  • A VOTable field with URLs pointing to MOC products. The UCD would be "meta.ref.url;pos.moc"
ML: To be discussed again

  • Proposed term: pos.projection
  • Proposed description: Geometric projection
  • Prefix: S
  • Rationale: This term is used to tag a parameter containing the projection in use, or to identified parameters that have been projected onto a map (map projected products).
  • Used-in: EPNcore-2.0
  • Discussion: The current UCD List contains `pos.lambert` which is a specific projection type, which can't cover all the needs for geometric projection tagging.

Sci-UCD Discussion: during EPN-TAP RFC review, MarkTaylor proposed to have Q prefixes for both pos.moc and pos.projection.

Proposal from AdaNebot (VEP-UCD-004)

  • Proposed term: time.period.oscillation
  • Proposed description: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or oscillations)
  • Prefix: Q
  • Rationale: This term is used to measure periods in oscillating phenomena.
  • Used-in: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/487/3/3523/5512602
  • Discussion: This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies. This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, etc ...
2022-05-20 ML pending . More discussion to refine a clear definition

Proposal from MarkusDemleitner & BaptisteCecconi (VEP-UCD-005, initially in UCDList 1.4 RFM)

  • Proposed term: stat.histogram
  • Proposed description: An array-like object with counts or ratios in bins
  • Prefix: P
  • Rationale:
  • Used-in:
  • Discussion: See VEP-UCD-005, and UCDList 1.4 RFM for the detailed discussion.
Sci-UCD Further Discussion: The same discussion as that of pos.moc applies for the use cases. Depending on how what is tagged, P or S flag should be used, and a specific dataproduct_type may also be needed to advertise a product in an ObsTAP or EPN-TAP table.

Summary for iteration UCDList1.5 to UCDList1.6 (TBC)

UCD applied changes for UCDList1.6 (TBC)

UCD proposals not solved yet --> for next step

Term VEP-UCD link Modification Type Decision
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005    
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004   discuss further the uses cases
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003   discuss further the uses cases to disentangle meaning and format
pos.projection     discuss further the uses cases

<--! * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup -->

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