Difference: UtypeTigerTeamMinTel11 (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22021-04-13 - GiuliaIafrate

META TOPICPARENT name="UtypesTigerTeam"
Utypes Tiger Team, Telecon of 2013-03-05

Present: Jesus, Mireille, Pat, Markus (minutes)

ML: Is there an agreement on a deadline for putting out our draft to a wider audience?

MD: No definite date has been put forward. We should be clear whether utypes point to DM elements or to "roles in prototypes" before we're going public.

JS: The stuff must be out by a couple of weeks before the interop by TCG order. So, we're talking mid-April.

JS: In the photometry DM, I'm having some problems with the utypes pointing to DM elements (as opposed to att.att.att). That's at least inconvenient.

MD: We need to postpone this discussion until Gerard and Omar are present. Meanwhile the att.att.att for 1:1 relationships, type-based otherwise worked really well for RegTAP.

MD: What else happened utypes-wise at the TCG telecon?

PD: The current usages document is now circulated within the exec. The deadline for the second document was mentioned before.

JS: The deadline with some weeks to the interop was agreed upon so people have time for discussion before actually sitting in the Heidelberg lecture hall.

ML: We should be covering simple lists of key-value pairs, too, and that should be explicit in the document.

MD: Well, complex data models cannot be covered by them, but true, if you have a simple data model (i.e., 1:1 relationships), a simple representation should be supported.

ML: PhotDM in VO-DML has no descriptions yet. That should really be
ML: PhotDMv1-1 in VO-DML has no descriptions yet. That should really be

JS: Gerard and I will worry about it.

Next telecon: Next week (Mar 12); Markus won't be there.


Revision 12013-03-05 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="UtypesTigerTeam"
Utypes Tiger Team, Telecon of 2013-03-05

Present: Jesus, Mireille, Pat, Markus (minutes)

ML: Is there an agreement on a deadline for putting out our draft to a wider audience?

MD: No definite date has been put forward. We should be clear whether utypes point to DM elements or to "roles in prototypes" before we're going public.

JS: The stuff must be out by a couple of weeks before the interop by TCG order. So, we're talking mid-April.

JS: In the photometry DM, I'm having some problems with the utypes pointing to DM elements (as opposed to att.att.att). That's at least inconvenient.

MD: We need to postpone this discussion until Gerard and Omar are present. Meanwhile the att.att.att for 1:1 relationships, type-based otherwise worked really well for RegTAP.

MD: What else happened utypes-wise at the TCG telecon?

PD: The current usages document is now circulated within the exec. The deadline for the second document was mentioned before.

JS: The deadline with some weeks to the interop was agreed upon so people have time for discussion before actually sitting in the Heidelberg lecture hall.

ML: We should be covering simple lists of key-value pairs, too, and that should be explicit in the document.

MD: Well, complex data models cannot be covered by them, but true, if you have a simple data model (i.e., 1:1 relationships), a simple representation should be supported.

ML: PhotDM in VO-DML has no descriptions yet. That should really be fixed.

JS: Gerard and I will worry about it.

Next telecon: Next week (Mar 12); Markus won't be there.

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