Difference: VOSI-1_1-Err-1 (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32018-08-29 - BrianMajor


VOSI-1.1 Erratum 1 - XML versioning clarification and corrections

Author: Brian Major - Grid and Web Services Working Group Chair
Date: 28 August 2018

The following Erratum amends the VOSI-1.1 recommendation.


In VOSI 1.1 (ref), the VOSITables schema was modified so that table elements could themselves be root documents. Aside from some text cleanup, this was the only change that would affect services and clients using VOSI. The namespace of the VOSITables schema remained at version 1.0 and the minor version of the schema was stated in the version attribute of the schema and set to 1.1.

However, the two other schemas defined in this standard (VOSICapabilities and VOSIAvailability) also had their minor version incremented to 1.1, even though they did not change. These schemas were (correctly) not uploaded to the IVOA XML Schema repository (ref), which creates an inconsistency between the schema in the document and what's available in the IVOA XML Schema repository.

The 1.1 VOSITables schema, which did change, was (correctly) uploaded to the IVOA XML Schema repository. However, since the namespace did not change, it should have replaced the existing VOSITables 1.0 schema instead of being a new and separate schema document. This process of updating the schema on minor schema changes is in accordance to the recommendations of the XML Schema Versioning Policies (ref).

Change of standards text

  • Appendix A: The Complete VOSICapabilities Schema: The value of the version attribute in root definition should be 1.0, not 1.1
  • Appendix B: The Complete VOSIAvailability Schema: The value of the version attribute in root definition should be 1.0, not 1.1
  • The IVOA XML Schema repository should should only have one XSD for VOSI which is labelled 1.0 and should match exactly the content of the schema defined in Appendix C: The Complete VOSITables Schema.

Impact Assessment

Those implementing VOSI 1.1 would find it confusing to see the inconsistencies between the schema defined in the standard and the schema published in the XML schema repository.
  • No impact is expected. If an implementor had chosen to copy the VOSI availability and/or VOSI capabilities schema files from the document rather than the schema repository, implementations will continue to work, as clients currently have no reason to interpret version attributes in those schemas.


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