Difference: VOSociologyArea (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32012-06-26 - root

This is a work area for contributions to the article on the history, impact, and sociology of the VO that BobHanisch agreed to write for Andre Heck's book on Organizations, People, and Strategies in Astronomy.

The deadline for contributions is June 2011. Target length is 20 pages.

People who have expressed an interest in contributing to the effort are: FabioPasian, AndyLawrence, MasatoshiOhishi, DaveDeYoung, ChristopheArviset, FrancoiseGenova, OlegMalkov, and PeterQuinn.

Here is a tentative outline for the article.

  1. The origin of the VO concept
  2. The first VO organizations
  • Subsections on a few of the early national projects; I don't think there is space to do them all
  1. The creation of the IVOA and its organizational principles
  2. The growth and maturity of the IVOA
  3. The VO and the astronomical research community
  4. The impact of the VO on other research disciplines
  5. The role of the VO in education
  6. The future of the VO

Revision 22011-02-25 - BobHanisch

This is a work area for contributions to the article on the history, impact, and sociology of the VO that BobHanisch agreed to write for Andre Heck's book on Organizations, People, and Strategies in Astronomy.

The deadline for contributions is June 2011. Target length is 20 pages.

People who have expressed an interest in contributing to the effort are: FabioPasian, AndyLawrence, MasatoshiOhishi, DaveDeYoung, ChristopheArviset, FrancoiseGenova, and OlegMalkov.
People who have expressed an interest in contributing to the effort are: FabioPasian, AndyLawrence, MasatoshiOhishi, DaveDeYoung, ChristopheArviset, FrancoiseGenova, OlegMalkov, and PeterQuinn.
  Here is a tentative outline for the article.

  1. The origin of the VO concept
  2. The first VO organizations
  • Subsections on a few of the early national projects; I don't think there is space to do them all
  1. The creation of the IVOA and its organizational principles
  2. The growth and maturity of the IVOA
  3. The VO and the astronomical research community
  4. The impact of the VO on other research disciplines
  5. The role of the VO in education
  6. The future of the VO


Revision 12011-02-24 - BobHanisch

This is a work area for contributions to the article on the history, impact, and sociology of the VO that BobHanisch agreed to write for Andre Heck's book on Organizations, People, and Strategies in Astronomy.

The deadline for contributions is June 2011. Target length is 20 pages.

People who have expressed an interest in contributing to the effort are: FabioPasian, AndyLawrence, MasatoshiOhishi, DaveDeYoung, ChristopheArviset, FrancoiseGenova, and OlegMalkov.

Here is a tentative outline for the article.

  1. The origin of the VO concept
  2. The first VO organizations
  • Subsections on a few of the early national projects; I don't think there is space to do them all
  1. The creation of the IVOA and its organizational principles
  2. The growth and maturity of the IVOA
  3. The VO and the astronomical research community
  4. The impact of the VO on other research disciplines
  5. The role of the VO in education
  6. The future of the VO

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