Difference: VOSoftStdWorkshop03 (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52003-10-23 - MarcoLeoni


Virtual Observatory Software & Standards Workshop

Sunday 12 October 2003, Strasbourg, France

Detailed program:

13:00 - Introduction (Bob Hanisch)

13:05 - VOTable (Sonali Kale)

  • VOTable Parsers (Pallavi Kulkarni)
  • Developing VOTable-Based Applications

14:10 - Data Access Layer (Doug Tody)

* The XMM-Newton and ISO Cases (Pedro Osuna)
* Interfacing the CDS Aladin Image Service and Client Viewer (François Bonnarel)

16:00 - Break

15:15 - Web and Grid Services (André Schaaff)

18:00 - Close

List of tutorial pages:

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