Difference: VOSpace11Reg (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112007-12-07 - PaulHarrison

VOSpace home page

Discussion of the VOSpace 1.1 property registration schema

This is a discussion page for the XML schema for registering properties, views and protocols.

The aim is to define extensions or modifications to the IVOA standard registration schema that will enable us to register and describe VOSpace properties, views and protocols.

  Version 1.0 of the service specification refers to, but does not specify the XML schema for registering properties, views and protocols.

Although this discussion is associated with version 1.1 of the service specificication, the aim of this discussion is to define a registration schema that can be used by version 1.0 and 1.1 of the service specification.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals and to enable interested parties to discuss the changes.

Please add your suggestion to this page and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • 0 if you think the proposal is useful but needs more work
  • -1 if you disagree with the proposal

If you register a 0 or -1 vote, then please add a link to a page outlining your objections or comments.

Note - To bring this upto date old discussion topics have been moved here.

-- DaveMorris - 07 Dec 2007

Update the schema and examples

Can we update the schema and examples to match the latest schema from the registry group.


name vote comment
DaveMorris +1 proposer

Done -- PaulHarrison - 04 Jul 2007

The schema contains the following :

   <xsd:complexType name="PropertyDescriptionType">
         <xsd:extension base="vs:BaseParam">
            <xsd:attribute name="key" type="xsd:string">

But the example contains the following :

  <key name="size" xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProperty">
    <description>The size of the data item</description>

  1. The schema has attribute key, but the example has element key attribute name.
  2. The schema has complexType PropertyDescriptionType, but the example has xsi:type VOSpaceProperty

I suspect I might be looking at the wrong versions of things. Can you add the latest schema and example(s) as attachments to this page, so that we can track the changes.

-- DaveMorris - 13 Jul 2007

The schema contains the following :

 <xsd:attributeGroup name="identifier">
      <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:NCName" use="required">
However, I don't think this is used in the rest of the schema. In which case, can we remove it.

-- DaveMorris - 13 Jul 2007


name vote comment
DaveMorris +1 proposer

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