Difference: VOSpace11SpecDiscussion (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32012-06-26 - root


VOSpace home page
VOSpace home page
VOSpace 1.1 specification
VOSpace 1.1 specification

Discussion of the VOSpace 1.1 specification

This is a discussion page for the VOSpace 1.1 service specification.

VOSpace data model

  • Should capabilities only exist on the ContainerNode?

Inheritable properties

  • If a property is also declared on a child, which value takes priority?
  • How are properties registered as inheritable?

Container views

  • What are the names of the children nodes (for a container format that is imported to a container node)?
  • Are the children nodes Structured_/_UnstructuredDataNodes?
  • What is the default and is this settable?
  • How does the service identify what it considers to be archive formats?


  • What members other than uri and endpoint should a Capability have, e.g. param to specify additional arguments that might be required for access?

Web service operations


  • Do we want this operation?


  • Do we need both a LinkFound and a ContainerNotFound exception or does the latter work for both cases?


  • Are wildcards allowed in the property URIs - find me all nodes where any property matches this regular expression?


  • If a Node already exists at the target URI and it is a ContainerNode, should it be overwritten by the target Node or should the target Node become a chld of the ContainerNode? This also applies to pullToVoSpace.

Revision 22008-02-05 - MatthewGraham


 VOSpace home page

VOSpace 1.1 specification

Discussion of the VOSpace 1.1 specification

This is a discussion page for the VOSpace 1.1 service specification.


VOSpace data model

  • Should capabilities only exist on the ContainerNode?

Inheritable properties

  • If a property is also declared on a child, which value takes priority?
  • How are properties registered as inheritable?

Container views

  • What are the names of the children nodes (for a container format that is imported to a container node)?
  • Are the children nodes Structured_/_UnstructuredDataNodes?
  • What is the default and is this settable?
  • How does the service identify what it considers to be archive formats?


  • What members other than uri and endpoint should a Capability have, e.g. param to specify additional arguments that might be required for access?

Web service operations


  • Do we want this operation?


  • Do we need both a LinkFound and a ContainerNotFound exception or does the latter work for both cases?


  • Are wildcards allowed in the property URIs - find me all nodes where any property matches this regular expression?


  • If a Node already exists at the target URI and it is a ContainerNode, should it be overwritten by the target Node or should the target Node become a chld of the ContainerNode? This also applies to pullToVoSpace.


Revision 12008-01-29 - MatthewGraham


VOSpace home page

VOSpace 1.1 specification

Discussion of the VOSpace 1.1 specification

This is a discussion page for the VOSpace 1.1 service specification.

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