Difference: VOSpaceHome (1 vs. 28)

Revision 282018-06-20 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The proposed recommendation is available here.


VOSpace 2.1

VOSpace 2.1 contains minor additions and corrections to the RESTful version 2.0.


The current Working draft is available here.


Custom URIs

The VOSpace specification allows 3rd parties to define custom properties, protocols and views simply by choosing a unique URI to represent them.

The following URLs link to some examples of custom properties, protocols and views.

Note - this list is for information only, and is not intended to be a definitive list of approved properties, protocols or views.

It is possibly to use custom properties, protocols and views in VOSpace messages that are not in this list. However, if you want other people to use your custom URIs, then adding them to this list will enable people to find out about them.

VOSpace 2.2 or 3.0

A list of future VOSpace changes or enhancements are listed here:
A list of future potential VOSpace changes, enhancements and discussion items are listed here:
  • New parameter on getNode the sets the sort field on the node children? Support reverse sorting too?
  • Change StandardIDs to match the pattern of TAP 1.1:
    • Make use of the UWSRegExt interface type fields: type="uws:Sync" and type="uws:Async"
    • Single standardID for the specification
  • Remove the internal-facing VOSpace standard capabilities, as noted by DaveMorris here: VOSpace 2.1 RFC
  • Changes from François Bonnarel from the 2.1 RFC VOSpace 2.1 RFC
    • A model diagram like the one in fig 2 with all the classes, not only "node". Relationships should be shown but no need to do a full UML diagram.
    • A couple of diagrams showing where Web service operations occur (VOSPACE to client. Client to VOSPACE. Inside a VOSPACE. From: VOspace to another One etc...)
  • Ability to sort on alternate columns in both ascending and descending order (eg lastModfied, contentLength). CADC has implemented this.
  • Ability to sort on alternate columns in both ascending and descending order (eg lastModfied, contentLength). CADC has implemented this.
  • In the transfer object, the 'direction' can conflict with the protocol URI. For example, the direction can be 'pullFromVoSpace' and the protocol can be 'HTTP-PUT'. This could be cleaned up to remove error cases.
  • Section 4, Access Control: Version 3.0 should state access control policies at the Node level, or should this be considered orthogonal? * Custom views: views that clients create and use to do work/data reduction at the physical storage location.
  • JPEG2000 Interactive Protocol (JPIP) and VOSpace? A number of articles on Astronomy and Computing
  • move /views and /properties to a registry extension?
  • From Pierre Fernique on the VOSpace 2.1 RFC page:
    • There are many OPTIONAL elements in the this standard. It is not so good for the interoperability (and concretelly we have very few VOSPace clients). I would suggest in the next standard version to avoid (if possible) too many optional features (either remove it, or impose it)
    • The auto generation of a unique URI is an important function. Presently it is implemented (optional) as a kind of "hack" via a reserved suffix keywork ".auto" to the URI. I am thinking that this important feature could be implemented in a better way, as a creatorNode parameter or something like this.




group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v2.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
CADC v2.0 http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/vospace vos://cadc.nrc.ca!vospace v2.1 in progress

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: grid@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 272018-06-06 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The proposed recommendation is available here.


VOSpace 2.1

VOSpace 2.1 contains minor additions and corrections to the RESTful version 2.0.


The current Working draft is available here.


Custom URIs

The VOSpace specification allows 3rd parties to define custom properties, protocols and views simply by choosing a unique URI to represent them.

The following URLs link to some examples of custom properties, protocols and views.

Note - this list is for information only, and is not intended to be a definitive list of approved properties, protocols or views.

It is possibly to use custom properties, protocols and views in VOSpace messages that are not in this list. However, if you want other people to use your custom URIs, then adding them to this list will enable people to find out about them.

VOSpace 2.2 or 3.0

A list of future VOSpace changes or enhancements are listed here:

  • New parameter on getNode the sets the sort field on the node children? Support reverse sorting too?
  • Change StandardIDs to match the pattern of TAP 1.1:
    • Make use of the UWSRegExt interface type fields: type="uws:Sync" and type="uws:Async"
    • Single standardID for the specification
  • Remove the internal-facing VOSpace standard capabilities, as noted by DaveMorris here: VOSpace 2.1 RFC
  • Changes from François Bonnarel from the 2.1 RFC VOSpace 2.1 RFC
    • A model diagram like the one in fig 2 with all the classes, not only "node". Relationships should be shown but no need to do a full UML diagram.
    • A couple of diagrams showing where Web service operations occur (VOSPACE to client. Client to VOSPACE. Inside a VOSPACE. From: VOspace to another One etc...)
  • Ability to sort on alternate columns in both ascending and descending order (eg lastModfied, contentLength). CADC has implemented this.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v2.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
CADC v2.0 http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/vospace vos://cadc.nrc.ca!vospace v2.1 in progress

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: grid@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 262018-05-25 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The proposed recommendation is available here.


VOSpace 2.1

VOSpace 2.1 contains minor additions and corrections to the RESTful version 2.0.


The current Working draft is available here.


Custom URIs

The VOSpace specification allows 3rd parties to define custom properties, protocols and views simply by choosing a unique URI to represent them.

The following URLs link to some examples of custom properties, protocols and views.

Note - this list is for information only, and is not intended to be a definitive list of approved properties, protocols or views.

It is possibly to use custom properties, protocols and views in VOSpace messages that are not in this list. However, if you want other people to use your custom URIs, then adding them to this list will enable people to find out about them.

VOSpace 2.2 or 3.0

A list of future VOSpace changes or enhancements are listed here:

  • New parameter on getNode the sets the sort field on the node children? Support reverse sorting too?
  • Change StandardIDs to match the pattern of TAP 1.1:
    • Make use of the UWSRegExt interface type fields: type="uws:Sync" and type="uws:Async"
    • Single standardID for the specification
  • Changes from François Bonnarel from the 2.1 RFC VOSpace 2.1 RFC
    • A model diagram like the one in fig 2 with all the classes, not only "node". Relationships should be shown but no need to do a full UML diagram.
    • A couple of diagrams showing where Web service operations occur (VOSPACE to client. Client to VOSPACE. Inside a VOSPACE. From: VOspace to another One etc...)



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v2.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
CADC v2.0 http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/vospace vos://cadc.nrc.ca!vospace v2.1 in progress

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: grid@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 252018-05-25 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The proposed recommendation is available here.


VOSpace 2.1

VOSpace 2.1 contains minor additions and corrections to the RESTful version 2.0.


The current Working draft is available here.


Custom URIs

The VOSpace specification allows 3rd parties to define custom properties, protocols and views simply by choosing a unique URI to represent them.

The following URLs link to some examples of custom properties, protocols and views.

Note - this list is for information only, and is not intended to be a definitive list of approved properties, protocols or views.

It is possibly to use custom properties, protocols and views in VOSpace messages that are not in this list. However, if you want other people to use your custom URIs, then adding them to this list will enable people to find out about them.


VOSpace 2.1 or 3.0


VOSpace 2.2 or 3.0

  A list of future VOSpace changes or enhancements are listed here:
  • New parameter on getNode the sets the sort field on the node children? Support reverse sorting too?
  • Change StandardIDs to match the pattern of TAP 1.1:
    • Make use of the UWSRegExt interface type fields: type="uws:Sync" and type="uws:Async"
  • New parameter on getNode the sets the sort field on the node children? Support reverse sorting too?
  • Change StandardIDs to match the pattern of TAP 1.1:
    • Make use of the UWSRegExt interface type fields: type="uws:Sync" and type="uws:Async"
    • Single standardID for the specification
  • Changes from François Bonnarel from the 2.1 RFC VOSpace 2.1 RFC
    • A model diagram like the one in fig 2 with all the classes, not only "node". Relationships should be shown but no need to do a full UML diagram.
    • A couple of diagrams showing where Web service operations occur (VOSPACE to client. Client to VOSPACE. Inside a VOSPACE. From: VOspace to another One etc...)



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v2.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
CADC v2.0 http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/vospace vos://cadc.nrc.ca!vospace v2.1 in progress

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: grid@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 242018-05-24 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The proposed recommendation is available here.


VOSpace 2.1

VOSpace 2.1 contains minor additions and corrections to the RESTful version 2.0.


The current Working draft is available here.


Custom URIs

The VOSpace specification allows 3rd parties to define custom properties, protocols and views simply by choosing a unique URI to represent them.

The following URLs link to some examples of custom properties, protocols and views.

 Note - this list is for information only, and is not intended to be a definitive list of approved properties, protocols or views.
It is possibly to use custom properties, protocols and views in VOSpace messages that are not in this list.
It is possibly to use custom properties, protocols and views in VOSpace messages that are not in this list. However, if you want other people to use your custom URIs, then adding them to this list will enable people to find out about them.
However, if you want other people to use your custom URIs, then adding them to this list will enable people to find out about them.

VOSpace 3.0


VOSpace 2.1 or 3.0

This area acts as a placeholder for future VOSpace changes and enhancements.
A list of future VOSpace changes or enhancements are listed here:
  • New parameter on getNode the sets the sort field on the node children? Support reverse sorting too?
  • Change StandardIDs to match the pattern of TAP 1.1:
    • Make use of the UWSRegExt interface type fields: type="uws:Sync" and type="uws:Async"
    • Single standardID for the specification
    • Remove the internal-facing VOSpace standard capabilities, as noted by DaveMorris here: VOSpace 2.1 RFC



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v2.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
CADC v2.0 http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/vospace vos://cadc.nrc.ca!vospace v2.1 in progress

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: grid@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 232016-06-08 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The proposed recommendation is available here.


VOSpace 2.1

VOSpace 2.1 contains minor additions and corrections to the RESTful version 2.0.


The current Working draft is available here.



Custom URIs

The VOSpace specification allows 3rd parties to define custom properties, protocols and views simply by choosing a unique URI to represent them.

The following URLs link to some examples of custom properties, protocols and views.

Note - this list is for information only, and is not intended to be a definitive list of approved properties, protocols or views.

It is possibly to use custom properties, protocols and views in VOSpace messages that are not in this list. However, if you want other people to use your custom URIs, then adding them to this list will enable people to find out about them.


VOSpace 3.0

This area acts as a placeholder for future VOSpace changes and enhancements.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v2.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
CADC v2.0 http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/vospace vos://cadc.nrc.ca!vospace v2.1 in progress

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: grid@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 222014-10-05 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The proposed recommendation is available here.


VOSpace 2.1

VOSpace 2.1 contains minor additions and corrections to the RESTful version 2.0.


The current Working draft is available here.



VOSpace 3.0

This area acts as a placeholder for future VOSpace changes and enhancements.




group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v2.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
CADC v2.0 http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/vospace vos://cadc.nrc.ca!vospace v2.1 in progress

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: grid@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 212014-10-05 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The latest version of the Working Draft is available here.
The proposed recommendation is available here.



VOSpace 2.1

VOSpace 2.1 contains minor additions and corrections to the RESTful version 2.0.


The current Working draft is available here.




group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
ESO v2.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
CADC v2.0 http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/vospace vos://cadc.nrc.ca!vospace v2.1 in progress

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm
The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: grid@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 202014-01-07 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace


IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace




 Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.
There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.
There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.
  VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

 VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:



VOSpace 1.1

 VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.



Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
 The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
 In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
 If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.





VOSpace 2.0

 VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The latest version of the Working Draft is available here.



VOSpace 2.1





group version endpoint VOSpace root
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm
The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history


 The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 192012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:



VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.



Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.

In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.

If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The latest version of the Working Draft is available here.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history


  The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 182010-10-14 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.

In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.

If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


The first version of the Working Draft is available here.
The latest version of the Working Draft is available here.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 172009-05-21 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.

The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.

In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.

The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.

If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


Nothing ready quite yet.
The first version of the Working Draft is available here.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 162008-10-07 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent these standard URIs.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard protocols:
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.
The following URIs will be used to represent the standard views:
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then it may want to advertise the other versions as capabilities.
In order to register VOSpace services in an IVOA registry, the service capabilities need to identified using a standard URI.
One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.
The following URIs will be used to represent the service capabilities:
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then these capability URIs can also be used within a VOSpace service to identify different VOSpace capabilities for a node.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.




VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


Nothing ready quite yet.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 152008-10-07 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent these standard URIs.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.
If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then it may want to advertise the other versions as capabilities.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


Nothing ready quite yet.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 142008-10-07 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.



Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent these standard URIs.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


Nothing ready quite yet.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 132008-10-06 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"



IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace

This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.
The main participants in developing this standard are :
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Paul Harrison (ESO)


Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification is now an IVOA Recommendation.
There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.
This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.
VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:



VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.







Version 2.0



Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.

VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


This version on the specification is under discussion.
Nothing ready quite yet.




Version 1.0 history





group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports
The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history



The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :



group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl" date="1223325325" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl" size="56496" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema" date="1223325355" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd" size="54832" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 122008-03-11 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Paul Harrison (ESO)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification is now an IVOA Recommendation. This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.


Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.




Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 1.0 history


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL" date="1205254714" name="vospace.wsdl" path="vospace.wsdl" size="51728" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema" date="1205254780" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd" size="53488" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"

Revision 112008-01-29 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
Version 1.0 of the specification is now an IVOA Recommendation.
 This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.


Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.




Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 1.0 history


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 102008-01-07 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA Proposed Recommendation. This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.


Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 1.0 history


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 92007-10-30 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA Proposed Recommendation. This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.



Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 1.0 history


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 82007-10-01 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA Proposed Recommendation. This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.



Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 1.0 history


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace usage note version 0.1" date="1191255539" name="VOSpace-Usage.odt" path="VOSpace-Usage.odt" size="206292" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 72007-06-27 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA Proposed Recommendation. This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.



Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 1.0 history


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports


Revision 62007-06-26 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA working draft.
Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
 This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.



Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 1.0 history


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports


Revision 52007-05-29 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA working draft. This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.



Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.



Version 1.0 history


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion. The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.

The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports

Revision 42007-05-17 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA working draft. This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion.

The discussion about the registry schema is now linked to version 1.1 of the service specification.


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :



group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.



Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.



Revision 32007-05-01 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.

The main participants in developing this standard are :

  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)
  • Guy Rixon (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA working draft. This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.


The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion.


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 of aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.
Version 1.1 aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.


Version 2.0

Version 2.0 of the specification is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.
Version 2.0 is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.



Revision 22007-05-01 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"



V1.0 Specification

This is the main page for the VOSpace working group.
The main participants in developing this standard are :
  • Paul Harrison (ESO)
  • Matthew Graham (CalTech)
  • Dave Morris (AstroGrid)

Version 1.0

Discussion page and examples of WSDL and XML schema for the VOSpace-1 service is here.
Version 1.0 of the specification has been submitted as an IVOA working draft.
This covers the node identifiers and metadata, a flat file space, and the data transfer methods.
Discussion page for specification is here



V1.0 Implementations

The registry schema for describing propeties, formats etc is still under discussion.


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :


group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO http://vops1.hq.eso.org:8080/vospace/services/VOSpacePort vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports
ESO vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 of aims to extend the VOSpace-1.0 specification to include links and containers.


This version on the specification is under discussion.



Version 2.0

Version 2.0 of the specification is a longer term project looking at changing the service from a SOAP service to a REST based service.


This version on the specification is under discussion.



Revision 12006-11-10 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"


V1.0 Specification


Discussion page and examples of WSDL and XML schema for the VOSpace-1 service is here.

Discussion page for specification is here

V1.0 Implementations

group endpoint VOSpace Root Notes
ESO http://vops1.hq.eso.org:8080/vospace/services/VOSpacePort vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ http transports

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