Difference: VOUnitsRFC (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52012-09-03 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

VOUnits 1.0 RFC

This is the RFC centre for the IVOA VOUnits 1.0 Proposed Recommendation.

The VOUnits document is intended to describe existing and recommended practice for writing units specifications in IVOA protocols:

  • Abstract: This document describes common practices in manipulating units in astronomical metadata and will define a means of consistent representation within VO services. The core of the document contains the rules for writing string representations of unit labels, called VOUnits.
Existing commentary:

Note on implementations: This document does not define a protocol, but summarises existing practice, and recommends good practice for future IVOA specification. In consequence, the existing software which parses units specifications (summarised in the document) can be regarded as 'implementations' of the document. In addition, the Unity library, which was written in part to validate some of the document's conclusions, can be regarded as an implementation of the standard.


Please follow roughly the following pattern:

Off-line comments (2012 August)

Norman Gray received some direct comments from Tim Jenness and Markus Demleitner. These were in part typo-level comments, but included some more significant points about the substance of the document. Many thanks to both.
Norman Gray received some direct comments from Tim Jenness and Markus Demleitner. These were in part typo-level comments, but included some more significant points about the substance of the document. Many thanks to both.
  • Mismatch between table 8 and appendix A.4 (noted: to be fixed in next version)
  • Various style/readability points about included grammars (clarified)
  • Unclear discussion about what units are permitted/recommended/deprecated (included new summary table of unit recommendations)
  • Perhaps mention ISO-80000-13 and IEEE-1541 binary prefixes (kibi-, mibi-, etc) (noted, and text added to the document to confirm that we don't, and don't intend to, talk about these)
  • Discussion of candela vs centi-day and similar (noted, and text possibly clarified; not completely sure what to do here)
  • No discussion of records/arrays of units (noted, and text clarified)
 -- NormanGray (2012-09-02)

Additional comments from Markus (2012-09-03)

  • We should at least consider allowing "modern-style" floats (2.2e19 rather than 2.2 10+19); it's still more ambiguity, but in this case it's probably helping a lot towards what people expect.
  • We definitely should allow float mantissas to have no dot at all, i.e., have them match [0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?. It's the right thing mathematically, and it'll save a world of confusion.

-- MarkusDemleitner - 2012-09-03


One response (yyyy mm dd)

Response, response, response


Comments from TCG (WG and IG chairs)

TCG Chair & Vice Chair (Séverin Gaudet and Matthew Graham)

Applications (Mark Taylor and Pierre Fernique)

Data Access Layer (Patrick Dowler and Mike Fitzpatrick)

Data Model (Jesus Salgado and Omar Laurino)

Grid&Web Sevices (Andreas Wicenec and André Schaaff)

Registry (Gretchen Greene and Pierre Le Sidaner)

Semantics (Norman Gray and Mireille Louys)

VOEvent (Matthew Graham and John Swinbank)

Data Curation & Preservation IG (Alberto Accomazzi)

Knowledge Discovery in Databases IG (Giuseppe Longo)

Theory IG (Franck Le Petit and Rick Wagner)

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