Difference: VoeventWorkshop2 (43 vs. 44)

Revision 442005-12-11 - RobSeaman


The Second VOEvent Workshop

December 5 and 6, Tucson, Arizona

Tycho's Stella Nova


VOEvent is the emerging International Virtual Observatory standard for distributing timely notifications of transient celestial events. The VOEvent specification provides a method for alerting subscribers to celestial phenomena in need of rapid, often automatic, observational follow-up. The IVOA VOEvent working group is responsible for continuing to develop the specification and for motivating the development of conforming systems, interoperable with each other and with prior community resources.

A common vision for VOEvent was forged at the first VOEvent workshop at Caltech in April 2005. The fruits of that workshop included v1.0 of the VOEvent XML specification, as well as example packets and a schema for validating those packets. Initial transport prototypes have been designed and deployed, and as a result actual event streams from such phenomena as gamma ray bursts are being captured as conforming VOEvent packets.

At the second VOEvent workshop, we hope to continue rapid progress on resolving thorny technical issues such as the proper semantics for specifying astronomical space-time coordinates or for specifying the classification of astronomical objects and processes. In addition, renewed attention will be directed to understanding the science drivers common to all time domain astronomy. VOEvent does not exist in a vacuum, and seeks to both benefit from, and provide evolutionary benefit to, prior astronomical transient event alert systems.


Please contact Rob Seaman (seaman@noao.edu) as soon as convenient.


National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO)
950 N Cherry Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719

Or: Take the only exit out of the airport and go straight until you turn right on Kino Parkway; remain on Kino for several miles until you turn left into the main entrance of the University of Arizona; turn right on Cherry and right again into the NOAO visitors parking lot.

The sessions will take place in the Main Conference Room.


There is a list of Tucson hotels on the Univ. of Arizona visitor web pages. Click here for Tucson Hotels. The Four Points Sheraton is the absolutely closest hotel, but the University Marriott is better located with respect to restaurants and shops.

There are many unique things to do while in Tucson.





Some highlighted topics

  • What can VOEvent offer current telegrams? (CBAT, MPC, ATEL)
  • Interoperability with GCN including eStar & Raptor

  • LSST science operations
  • Gemini rapid response queue
  • UKIRT GRB observations & WFCAM alerts
  • SNe alerts from NOAO Supermacho and Essence surveys

  • Transport architecture (publishers, registries, IDs)
  • VOConcepts - namespaces for UCDs
  • STC/Lite (VO Space-Time Coordinates)
  • Alert authentication via embedded digital signatures

  • VOEvent-Net project
  • NVO Summer School VOEvent Demo

  • Contact seaman@noao.edu with suggestions or if you wish to make a presentation.


  • Monday and Tuesday, Dec 5-6, will consist of presentations, discussions, resolution of action items, etc., pertinent to all who are interested in sky transient astronomy.
  • Wednesday, Dec 7, a small group of projects actively planning prototype VOEvent alert networks will hold a mini-interop session. Contact seaman@noao.edu if you are interested in participating in Wednesday's session.


Monday, December 5

Tuesday, December 6

  • CBAT/MPC - Dan Green (see below)


Minor Planet Center

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

International Comet Quarterly

LSST       NOAO       NVO


Workshop photo | Workshop photo (bigger) | Workshop photo (biggest)

Workshop photo #2 | Workshop photo #2 (bigger) | Workshop photo #2 (biggest)


  • Workshop Poster:
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda for VOEvent II workshop" date="1133742299" name="VOEventII_Agenda.pdf" path="VOEventII_Agenda.pdf" size="1492953" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOEvent v1.0 specification - Rob Seaman" date="1133746073" name="VOEvent_spec.ppt" path="VOEvent_spec.ppt" size="771072" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="VOEvent v1.0 specification (PDF)" date="1133746695" name="VOEvent_spec.pdf" path="VOEvent_spec.pdf" size="16982820" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOConcepts / UCDs - Rick Hessman" date="1133758434" name="VOConcepts-VOEventII-2005.ppt" path="VOConcepts-VOEventII-2005.ppt" size="808448" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="eSTAR - Alasdair Allan" date="1133804835" name="eSTAREventNetwork.ppt" path="eSTAR Event Network.ppt" size="2355200" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="TALON/RAPTOR - Robert White" date="1133804922" name="VOWII.ppt" path="VOWII.ppt" size="4265984" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ESSENCE, Super Macho & DES - Chris Smith" date="1133806581" name="VOEvent05_ChrisSmith_pub.ppt" path="VOEvent05_ChrisSmith_pub.ppt" size="6982144" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="STC - Arnold Rots" date="1133809659" name="STCVOEvent.ppt" path="STC+VOEvent.ppt" size="33280" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Solar Physics - Frank Hill" date="1133813116" name="VOEventSolarPhysics.ppt" path="VOEvent & Solar Physics.ppt" size="14368256" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="LBT & VOEvent - Mark Wagner" date="1133813531" name="VOEvent2.Wagner.LBT.ppt" path="VOEvent2.Wagner.LBT.ppt" size="10903552" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Microlensing & follow-ups - Kem Cook" date="1133820546" name="VOMicrolensing.ppt" path="VOMicrolensing.ppt" size="859136" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Microlensing & follow-ups - Kem Cook" date="1133847386" name="VOMicrolensing_new.ppt" path="VOMicrolensing_new.ppt" size="892416" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC - Arnold Rots" date="1133847461" name="STCVOEvent_new.ppt" path="STC+VOEvent_new.ppt" size="53760" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Example SEC NOAA alerts & forecasts - Frank Hill" date="1133848362" name="ExampleSECNOAAalertsforecasts" path="Example SEC NOAA alerts & forecasts" size="1557" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="LSST & VOEvent - Robyn Allsman" date="1133882859" name="AllsmanVOEventTalkDec05.ppt" path="Allsman VOEventTalk Dec05.ppt" size="107520" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Near Earth Asteroid Transients - Ashish Mahabal" date="1133882941" name="mahabal_tucson_voevet2.ppt" path="mahabal_tucson_voevet2.ppt" size="5727232" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Where When with Regions - Arnold Rots" date="1133882978" name="WhereWhenwithRegions" path="WhereWhen with Regions" size="5372" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOEvent v1.0 specification (new) - Rob Seaman" date="1133883027" name="VOEvent_spec_new.ppt" path="VOEvent_spec_new.ppt" size="844800" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOEvent Net - Matthew Graham" date="1133884916" name="VOEventII.ppt" path="VOEventII.ppt" size="3610624" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="HETE - Nat Butler" date="1133888157" name="tucson_VOEvent_butler.ps" path="tucson_VOEvent_butler.ps" size="3264428" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOEvent transport - Andrew Drake" date="1133888218" name="VOEventNet_ajd.ppt" path="VOEventNet_ajd.ppt" size="229888" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="HTN workshop - Alasdair Allan" date="1133891432" name="ResultsoftheHTNWorkshop.ppt" path="Results of the HTN Workshop.ppt" size="471040" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Workshop photo" date="1133891522" name="CRW_7301Small.tif" path="CRW_7301 Small.tif" size="558932" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Workshop photo (bigger)" date="1133891603" name="CRW_7301Medium.tif" path="CRW_7301 Medium.tif" size="3430904" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Workshop photo (biggest)" date="1133892363" name="CRW_7301Large.tif" path="CRW_7301 Large.tif" size="12218752" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Workshop photo #2" date="1133892409" name="CRW_7302Small.tif" path="CRW_7302 Small.tif" size="562828" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Workshop photo #2 (bigger)" date="1133892747" name="CRW_7302Medium.tif" path="CRW_7302 Medium.tif" size="3391548" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Workshop photo #2 (biggest)" date="1133892821" name="CRW_7302Large.tif" path="CRW_7302 Large.tif" size="12104568" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andrea's version of Rick Hessman's VO vocabulary" date="1133904357" name="VO-standard-vocabulary_3.doc" path="VO-standard-vocabulary_3.doc" size="194560" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Workshop Poster" date="1134282712" name="VOEventsmall.jpg" path="VO Event small.jpg" size="347646" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
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