Difference: WebServiceTechUsedInIVOA (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

Web-service technology used by IVOA members

Before the interoperability meeting following ADASS 2003, members of the mailing-list grid@ivoa.net were asked what web-service technology they used. These are the responses.

  • ALMA: Java, Tomcat, "DB2 web-services".
  • AstroGrid: Axis, Tomcat, Java, Globus Toolkit 3; OGSA-DAI planned.
  • CDS: Tomcat, Axis, Java.
  • China-VO: Globus Toolkit 3, Java.
  • eStar: Perl SOAP::Lite, Globus Toolkit 1.
  • JVO: Globus Toolkit 2, Java, C, Tomcat; Globus Toolkit 3 and OGSA-DAI planned.
  • JHU: .NET, C#, SQL server; Condor, Globus; Axis, Resin Java.
  • MAST/GALEX: .NET, C#, SQL server.

"Votes" by project/institution:

DB2 web services1
Perl SOAP::Lite1
Globus 1/22
Globus 33
SQL server2

-- GuyRixon - 15 Oct 2003

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