Difference: WhosComingToRegistry19032003 (21 vs. 22)

Revision 222005-12-07 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="Registry19032003"
(created by TonyLinde 30.03.2025@08:27:07)

Who's Coming To Registry19032003

This is the registration page for the Registry Kickoff meeting to be held in London 19-20th March 2003. It is in two sections: those who will be there in the flesh and those who attend via telecon.

In the flesh

Name Location Project Email Address Arrival Date/Time Leaving Date/Time
Tony Linde University of Leicester AstroGrid ael@star.le.ac.uk 19th 10:00 20th 14:00
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Strasbourg AVO derriere@astro.u-strasbg.fr 19th 09:00 20th 16:00
Andre Schaaff CDS, Strasbourg AVO schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr 19th 09:00 20th 16:00
Marco Leoni ESO, Garching AVO mleoni@eso.org 18th 16:00 20th 20:00
Elizabeth Auden Mullard Space Science Lab AstroGrid eca@mssl.ucl.ac.uk 19th 10:00 20th afternoon
NicholasWalton IoA, Cambridge AstroGrid naw@ast.cam.ac.uk 19th 10:00 20th 14:00
AlbertoMicol ESO, Garching AVO Alberto.Micol@eso.org 18th 18:00 20th 14:00
Mark Allen CDS, Strasbourg AVO allen@astro.u-strasbg.fr 19th 10:00 20th 15:00
AnitaRichards JBO AVO/AstroGrid amsr@jb.man.ac.uk 19th <11:00 19th > 18:00
Clive Davenhall University of Edinburgh AstroGrid acd@roe.c.uk 19th 10:00 20th 14:00
Clive Page University of Leicester AstroGrid cgp@star.le.ac.uk 19th 10:00 20th 14:00
Keith Noddle University of Leicester AstroGrid ktn@star.le.ac.uk 19th 10:00 20th 14:00


Note: please contact BobHanisch to get the phone number and access code for the telecon

Name Location Project Email Address Dialling in from Dial-in 19th? Dial-in 20th?
Bob Hanisch STScI US-NVO hanisch@stsci.edu Trash.STScI Yes Yes
Ray Plante NCSA US-NVO rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu NCSA Yes Yes
Ramon Williamson NCSA US-NVO ramonw@ncsa.uiuc.edu NCSA Yes Yes

Who's Coming To Registry19032003

This is the registration page for the Registry Kickoff meeting to be held in London 19-20th March 2003. It is in two sections: those who will be there in the flesh and those who attend via telecon.

In the flesh

Name Location Project Arrival Date/Time Leaving Date/Time
TonyLinde University of Leicester AstroGrid 19th 10:00 20th 14:00
SebastienDerriere CDS, Strasbourg AVO 19th 09:00 20th 16:00
AndreSchaaff CDS, Strasbourg AVO 19th 09:00 20th 16:00
MarcoLeoni ESO, Garching AVO 18th 16:00 20th 20:00
ElizabethAuden Mullard Space Science Lab AstroGrid 19th 10:00 20th afternoon
NicholasWalton IoA, Cambridge AstroGrid 19th 10:00 20th 14:00
AlbertoMicol ESO, Garching AVO 18th 18:00 20th 14:00
MarkAllen CDS, Strasbourg AVO 19th 10:00 20th 15:00
AnitaRichards JBO AVO/AstroGrid 19th <11:00 19th >18:00
CliveDavenhall University of Edinburgh AstroGrid 19th 10:00 20th 14:00
ClivePage University of Leicester AstroGrid 19th 10:00 20th 14:00
KeithNoddle University of Leicester AstroGrid 19th 10:00 20th 14:00


Note: please contact BobHanisch to get the phone number and access code for the telecon

Name Location Project Dialling in from Dial-in 19th? Dial-in 20th?
Bob Hanisch STScI US-NVO Trash.STScI Yes Yes
Ray Plante NCSA US-NVO NCSA Yes Yes
Ramon Williamson NCSA US-NVO NCSA Yes Yes
William O'Mullane JHU US-NVO JHU Yes/Partial No
William O'Mullane JHU US-NVO womullan@jhu.edu JHU Yes/Partial No
META TOPICMOVED by="MarcoLeoni" date="1046854405" from="IVOA.WhosCommingToRegistry19032003" to="IVOA.WhosComingToRegistry19032003"
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