Difference: WriteAStandardsRecord (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22016-06-08 - MarkusDemleitner


Writing Registry Records for IVOA Standards

Standard authors using IVOIDs in their standards (for instance, to give
Standard authors using IVOIDs in their standards (for instance, to give capability identifiers) must, others should submit registry records for their documents. This page tries to guide you through this process.
capability identifiers) must, others should submit registry records for their documents. This page tries to guide you through this process.

Starting a record from scratch

StandardarsRegExt would allow the tracking of the IVOA documents process, including notes, working drafts and proposed recommendations. In practice, at this point we rely on the web-based IVOA document repository for this, and the Registry is (almost) exclusively concerned with finished recommendations.
The format of the registry record is prescribed by

Starting a Record from Scratch

StandardsRegExt, but trying to work through that document and all the prerequisites just to write a record for your standard would be overkill.
Rather, start from a
The format of the registry record is prescribed by StandardsRegExt, but trying to work through that document and all the prerequisites just to write a record for your standard would be overkill.
template that is provided as part of the ivoatex authoring system; of course, it can be used without ivoatex, too.
If working with ivoatex in the recommended way, authors should have
Rather, start from a template that is provided as part of the ivoatex authoring system; of course, it can be used without ivoatex, too.
their standards record under version control, too. It is recommended to say
A filled-out example (albeit a bit artificial, since ivoatexDoc is just a Note) is part of ivoatexDoc.

If working with ivoatex in the recommended way, authors should have their standards record under version control, too. It is recommended to say

   svn copy ivoatex/stdrec-template.xml ExampleStandard.vor
and edit ExampleStandard.vor.
and edit ExampleStandard.vor.

Revision 12016-06-08 - MarkusDemleitner


Writing Registry Records for IVOA Standards

Standard authors using IVOIDs in their standards (for instance, to give capability identifiers) must, others should submit registry records for their documents. This page tries to guide you through this process.

Starting a record from scratch

The format of the registry record is prescribed by StandardsRegExt, but trying to work through that document and all the prerequisites just to write a record for your standard would be overkill.

Rather, start from a template that is provided as part of the ivoatex authoring system; of course, it can be used without ivoatex, too.

If working with ivoatex in the recommended way, authors should have their standards record under version control, too. It is recommended to say

   svn copy ivoatex/stdrec-template.xml ExampleStandard.vor

and edit ExampleStandard.vor.

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