Difference: WebNotify (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42005-12-20 - MarcoLeoni

WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself on the list below.

Note: It is helpful to insert your name in alphabetical order (by first name -- ignore the "Main.") -- then you can find your name (or not) more easily if you wish to remove it or confirm that you are on the list.

WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself on the list below.

Note: It is helpful to insert your name in alphabetical order (by first name -- ignore the "Main.") -- then you can find your name (or not) more easily if you wish to remove it or confirm that you are on the list.

Related topics: TWikiUsers, TWikiRegistration
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