name="IVOA.MarcoMolinaro" |
standards on the recommendation path
- DataLink-1.1
- WD progressing, new WD release (Q1-2021) after closing a few Pull Requests
- this might set the line for v.1.1
- further issues/features identified already for subsequent revision
- ADQL-2.1
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- issues progressing, a few to close before next Proposed REC (Q1 2021?)
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- issues progressing, a few to close before next Proposed REC (Q1 2021)
- DALI-1.2
- multipolygon still pending
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- otherwise ready for PRec+RFC (Q1-2021?)
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- otherwise ready for PRec+RFC (Q1-2021)
- ConeSearch-1.1 [in connection with TD IG]
- work will progress to close issues
- a new WD before Spring 2021 Interop
- ObjVisSAP
- PR-1.0 nearly there (Q1-2021 at max)
- implementations ready, RFC & REC should be possible by/at Spring Interop
- ProvTAP
- continues work towards mature WD status (by Spring Interop)
- TAPRegExt [in connection with Registry WD]
- started move to GitHub repo
- WD release in Q1/Q2-2021
- SIAP-2.0 / SODA-1.0
- moving to GitHub repo (partly already there, including issues)
- work on new WDs based on existing feedback (WDs by 2021 Spring Interop)
- EPN-TAP [DM WG connection]
- WD-2.0 ready for the community
- progress depending on feedback
- ObsLocTAP [managed by DM WG]
- RFC for PR-1.0 should finish by end 2020, REC by XMas?
other standards & activities
- SLAP-2.0 -> LineTAP solution
- preliminary internal (to authors) WD
- progress expected to be reported at Spring 2021 Interop
- ProvSAP (idle)
- Following Radio IG, TD IG activities for requirements
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- refer to the roadmaps of these IGs for details
- Spectroscopy data access could potentially lead new revisions
- file-oriented catalog data access: start of discussion
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