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Discussion: IVOA/Astropy/Astroquery/PyVO Collaboration


Discussion: IVOA/Astropy/Astroquery/PyVO Collaboration

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With the success of the Astropy hack sessions at the 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting (see summary slides https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpMay2019/AstropySprintWrapup.pdf) and significant VO-related development in PyVO, Astroquery and Astropysince, this is an opportunity to discuss some details of the collaboration to help ensure its continued success.

A draft agenda is suggested below. Please add notes there to help inform and guide the discussions as well as suggesting other potential topics to cover in this or future meetings.

The time schedule is ambitious, so topics may need to be abbreviated (or skipped), but let's try to at least establish the next step for the discussion (splinter meeting, github discussion, etc.).


Schedule Summary

Introduction (Bruno Merin) (10')

Session DateTime UTC UTC-08:00 UTC-05:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
Discussion Session May 25 15:00 May 25 08:00 May 25 11:00 May 25 17:00 May 25 23:00 May 26 01:00

Discussion Session


A brief high-level review of the goals and recent history of IVOA/Astropy to help set the context for the discussions.

Motivation: Clear synergies between Astropy and IVOA
Goal: Improve collaboration between the groups
Many major archives have modules in Astroquery (Note to Bruno: there is also a NED package in Astroquery)-> Thanks, corrected ! ;)
Great uptake of astropy/astroquery
E.g., usage of astroquery is a large fraction of archive traffic.

Decided in Paris that pyvo is best place for VO code, including TAP client implementations

What have we learned in these 2 years? What works and what can we do better?
Where to handle VOTable metadata? E.g., Where to support creation of SkyCoord objects from VOTable sources?
How to unify TAP code?

Tim: General feeling from last 2 years is how to get ESA to contribute code (speaking of TAP).

How to ensure/increase contributions in general?

PyVO in the last years: New TAP development, SIA2, DataLink, PRs from various groups. When we started it was kind of a dead project, but it is more active now, and we're keeping up with builds, new Astropy versions. CADC and ALMA is using pyvo TAP.
Acknowledging the value of being part of the Astropy family and infrastructure!

Can move more things to pyvo (SAMP, vo_consearch, maybe more)

Where to Handle VOTable Metadata (All - 15')

Time: Tuesday May 25 15:00 UTC

Astropy has a very solid VOTable parser and writer which is able to recognize and validate some, but not all, of the metadata elements. What has been particularly elusive is doing something meaningful based on the metadata such as creating SkyCoord objects for rows in a source catalog VOTable. With efforts underway in the Data Model working group to make the metadata more rigorous and unambiguous, automatic mapping to Astropy objects may become both more possible and more desired (see the presentations and discussions in the Data Model Workshop sessions this week https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/DMWorkshop). A natural question then is where do such implementations belong (PyVO, Astropy, other)?

Related discussion: https://github.com/astropy/astroquery/issues/2036

Related to this, I have started a vo module in Astroquery. The idea is to implement the generic Astroquery API using PyVO components: Reg for discovering the service, TAP for querying it, VOTable, Datalink and SODA to retrieve the data, etc. The module could query multiple services and combine the results. The question of the best home for the module also apply here: Astroquery or PyVO?

Related discussion: https://github.com/astropy/astroquery/pull/1679

Other services that are missing:
1. VOSpace client (CADC has a client but requires some effort to be ported over in PyVO)
2. ?

Markus: On question of what can go into pyvo, a pragmatic approach is appropriate. Allow new (experimental, PoC) code in pyvo much like Topcat does.
Some metadata is so basic (e.g., coords) it should be in Astropy. Higher level things like interpreting a time series should be in PyVO. But really no general rule for the middle ground.

Christine: Can have experimental code, perhaps marked as such.

Tim: Different categories on non-standard code: Code that's never expected to be part of a standard, and code that is working towards a (at least potential) standard. Maybe just doc annotations!

MarkCD: Working on this implementation: vizier_pm_anime.gif
but don't know where to go with that code. With a clear statement that pyvo is the place for this, Mark would be interested in being actively involved. More generally, if the IVOA had a more clear path defined for how to develop/integrate prototype code, more developers would be involved, and that experience would make the prototype packages easier to migrate. e.g. The rama package I used (developed by Omar Laurino), is a prototype 'proof-of-concept' type code, and as the annotation question becomes resolved, migrating this into a higher profile package is a natural evolution.

Gerard: Would pyvo be a place for data model implementations, including generator from vodml to those classes.

Laurent: Will present on possible path to interpretting metadata in pyvo. Thursday May 27 15:00 UTC

Unifying PyVO's TAP with Astroquery's TAPPlus (All - 15')

With the success of the Astropy hack sessions at the 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting (summary slides) and significant VO-related development in PyVO, Astroquery and Astropy since, this is an opportunity to discuss some details of the collaboration to help ensure its continued success.

One of the goals coming out of the Paris meeting was to refactor Astroquery modules to use TAP features implemented in PyVO instead of those implemented in the Astroquery TAPPlus module.

PyVO TAP evolved substantially since then, but is not identical to TAPPlus either in feature set or usability details. How do we move forward towards identifying and implementing the changes needed in PyVO to be able to deprecate TAPPlus and refactor the Astroquery modules that use it?

Related discussion: https://github.com/astropy/astroquery/pull/2034

Note that PyVO is already used in Astroquery with 2 modules: alma and cadc (NOTE: nasa_exoplanet_archive also uses it pending PR review). 2 years ago, it was indentified that one main feature that TAPPlus missing in PyVO was table uploads. The feature has not been added to PyVO because it's not part of the standard. The discussion here could very well be how to add prototype features to PyVO before changes to the standard are proposed. Or should they be added at all before they make it to the standard?

Christine: No standard table upload. TAPPlus way is good. CADC way is good. No easy way to go from TAPPlus to pyvo when upload is involved. Perhaps refactor table upload into a separate class/module.

Oh, table upload was always there in TAP (though not mandatory). It's persistent uploads that's tricky, and that mainly because that only works with authentication.

Markus: table upload has been in TAP from the start... it's persistent uploads that are tricky.
Mark Taylor : Like Markus, says, tap upload is in the standard.
Jesus Salgado : yes, volatile TAP upload is normal TAP. credentials for persistent upload is the problem

Javier: Can TAPPlus functionality in pyvo?

Tim: We clearly don't want to duplicate features, but where features are distinct, then it makes sense. How can we schedule that work?

Bruno: Somewhat under the impression that non-standard code didn't belong in pyvo. That seems resolved. Other issue was resource limitations especially with Gaia load.

Christine: Really comes down to when will the work be done?

Janet: What's the right communication mechanism?

Christine: E-mail is not the answer. Github issue tracker should be the primary mechanism. The astropy #pyvo slack channel is also useful.

Governance and Process Improvements (All - 10')

Discussion topics are suggested below with an accompanying outline in the Etherpad link. Please add notes there to help inform and guide the discussions as well as suggesting other potential topics to cover in this or future meetings.
  • PyVO is currently an Astropy affiliated package, though there were initial plans to work towards a status of coordinated package. Let's clarify the differences and practical impacts and set expectations/goals for future.
  • IVOA participation in Astropy projects seems generally good. What are some ways to improve?
The time schedule is ambitious, so topics may need to be abbreviated (or skipped), but let's try to at least establish the next step for the discussion (splinter meeting, github discussion, etc.).

Next Steps (All - 5')

Speaker(s) Title and Abstract Time Material
Bruno Merin


A brief high-level review of the goals and recent history of IVOA/Astropy to help set the context for the discussions.


Should we schedule splinter meetings or hack sessions to continue work on any topic? What homework should be completed prior to such a meeting?

PyVO/Astroquery Training Links


Unifying PyVO's TAP with Astroquery's TAPPlus

One of the goals coming out of the Paris meeting was to refactor Astroquery modules to use TAP features implemented in PyVO instead of those implemented in the Astroquery TAPPlus module.

PyVO TAP evolved substantially since then, but is not identical to TAPPlus either in feature set or usability details. How do we move forward towards identifying and implementing the changes needed in PyVO to be able to deprecate TAPPlus and refactor the Astroquery modules that use it?


Where to Handle VOTable Metadata

Astropy has a very solid VOTable parser and writer which is able to recognize and validate some, but not all, of the metadata elements. What has been particularly elusive is doing something meaningful based on the metadata such as creating SkyCoord objects for rows in a source catalog VOTable. With efforts underway in the Data Model working group to make the metadata more rigorous and unambiguous, automatic mapping to Astropy objects may become both more possible and more desired (see the presentations and discussions in the Data Model Workshop sessions this week). A natural question then is where do such implementations belong (PyVO, Astropy, other)?


Governance and Process Improvements

  • PyVO is currently an Astropy affiliated package, though there were initial plans to work towards a status of coordinated package. Let's clarify the differences and practical impacts and set expectations/goals for future.
  • IVOA participation in Astropy projects seems generally good. What are some ways to improve?


Next Steps

Should we schedule splinter meetings or hack sessions to continue work on any topic? What homework should be completed prior to such a meeting?

Moderator: TBD, Notetaker: Tom Donaldson, notes: Etherpad link

CDS tutorials

NAVO Tutorial notebooks:
Comprehensive PyVO course by GAVO

Simple PyVO examples (work in progress) by Hendrik

ADASS 2020 tutorial with jupyter notebooks

astroquery narrative documentation, with lots of examples for many modules:

Revision 32021-05-24 - TomDonaldson


Applications Sessions Schedule - IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting


Discussion: IVOA/Astropy/Astroquery/PyVO Collaboration

  [back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-08:00 UTC-05:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
Applications May 25 20:30 May 25 13:30 May 25 16:30 May 25 22:30 May 26 04:30 May 26 06:30
Discussion Session May 25 15:00 May 25 08:00 May 25 11:00 May 25 17:00 May 25 23:00 May 26 01:00
Apps/DAL May 27 05:00 May 26 22:00 May 27 01:00 May 27 07:00 May 27 13:00 May 27 15:00



Discussion Session

Time: Tuesday May 25 20:30 UTC
Time: Tuesday May 25 15:00 UTC
Speaker(s) Title and Abstract Time Material
With the success of the Astropy hack sessions at the 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting (summary slides) and significant VO-related development in PyVO, Astroquery and Astropy since, this is an opportunity to discuss some details of the collaboration to help ensure its continued success.
Pierre Fernique, Ada Nebot, Sébastien Derriere

Status on MOCs in the IVOA

We will present the current status of the "MOC: Multi-Order Coverage map version 2.0" document, and in particular the differences and progresses from the current standard, and the exension to the time domain with TMOC and STMOC expanding the SMOC capabilities. We will discuss the implementation of the new capabilities in libraries, applications, and the description of existing datasets. The presentation will be followed by a short demonstration of STMOC usage on simple science cases.

Dave Morris

Registering IVOA software in ESCAPE

The European ESCAPE project is creating a registry of software linked to the project. Our work package in ESCAPE is tasked with promoting IVOA standards andsoftware within ESCAPE. We have started a discussion in ESCAPE about how to promote IVOA software in the context of ESCAPE. This session is to raise the same discussion at the IVOA, collecting thoughts ideas and suggestions about how to promote IVOA software to other communities.

Baptiste Cecconi


EOSC experiment for automated deployment of TAP service

Jiri Nadvornik

HDF5 and the VO

An emerging practice in machine learning is to combine data from different domains, such as spectra and images, to gain additional knowledge. Combining such data brings its own challenges which we solved by using HDF5 for creating a specialized data model. It is used to store and process combined spectra and images efficiently.

In this talk, I will discuss the possibility to connect HDF5 via VO protocols to existing tools, such as Topcat or Aladin to explore the combined data

Moderator: Raffaele, Notetaker: Tom, notes: Etherpad link
Discussion topics are suggested below with an accompanying outline in the Etherpad link. Please add notes there to help inform and guide the discussions as well as suggesting other potential topics to cover in this or future meetings.


Time: Thursday May 27 05:00 UTC Please see the DAL schedule for details on this joint session between the Applications and Data Access Layer working groups.
The time schedule is ambitious, so topics may need to be abbreviated (or skipped), but let's try to at least establish the next step for the discussion (splinter meeting, github discussion, etc.).
Speaker(s) Title and Abstract Time Material
Bruno Merin


A brief high-level review of the goals and recent history of IVOA/Astropy to help set the context for the discussions.


Unifying PyVO's TAP with Astroquery's TAPPlus

One of the goals coming out of the Paris meeting was to refactor Astroquery modules to use TAP features implemented in PyVO instead of those implemented in the Astroquery TAPPlus module.

PyVO TAP evolved substantially since then, but is not identical to TAPPlus either in feature set or usability details. How do we move forward towards identifying and implementing the changes needed in PyVO to be able to deprecate TAPPlus and refactor the Astroquery modules that use it?


Where to Handle VOTable Metadata

Astropy has a very solid VOTable parser and writer which is able to recognize and validate some, but not all, of the metadata elements. What has been particularly elusive is doing something meaningful based on the metadata such as creating SkyCoord objects for rows in a source catalog VOTable. With efforts underway in the Data Model working group to make the metadata more rigorous and unambiguous, automatic mapping to Astropy objects may become both more possible and more desired (see the presentations and discussions in the Data Model Workshop sessions this week). A natural question then is where do such implementations belong (PyVO, Astropy, other)?


Governance and Process Improvements

  • PyVO is currently an Astropy affiliated package, though there were initial plans to work towards a status of coordinated package. Let's clarify the differences and practical impacts and set expectations/goals for future.
  • IVOA participation in Astropy projects seems generally good. What are some ways to improve?


Next Steps

Should we schedule splinter meetings or hack sessions to continue work on any topic? What homework should be completed prior to such a meeting?


Moderator: TBD, Notetaker: Tom Donaldson, notes: Etherpad link


Revision 22021-05-21 - TomDonaldson


Applications Sessions Schedule - IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-08:00 UTC-05:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
Applications May 25 20:30 May 25 13:30 May 25 16:30 May 25 22:30 May 26 04:30 May 26 06:30
Apps/DAL May 27 05:00 May 26 22:00 May 27 01:00 May 27 07:00 May 27 13:00 May 27 15:00


Time: Tuesday May 25 20:30 UTC

Speaker(s) Title and Abstract Time Material
Pierre Fernique, Ada Nebot, Sebastien Derriere

Status on MOCs in the IVOA

We will present the current status of the "MOC: Multi-Order Coverage map version 2.0" document, and in particular the differences and progresses from the current standard, and the exension to the time domain with TMOC and STMOC expanding the SMOC capabilities. We will discuss the implementation of the new capabilities in libraries, applications, and the description of existing datasets. The presentation will be followed by a short demonstration of STMOC usage on simple science cases.

Dave Morris

Registering IVOA software in ESCAPE

The European ESCAPE project is creating a registry of software linked to the project. Our work package in ESCAPE is tasked with promoting IVOA standards andsoftware within ESCAPE. We have started a discussion in ESCAPE about how to promote IVOA software in the context of ESCAPE. This session is to raise the same discussion at the IVOA, collecting thoughts ideas and suggestions about how to promote IVOA software to other communities.

Baptiste Cecconi


EOSC experiment for automated deployment of TAP service

Jiri Nadvornik

HDF5 and the VO

An emerging practice in machine learning is to combine data from different domains, such as spectra and images, to gain additional knowledge. Combining such data brings its own challenges which we solved by using HDF5 for creating a specialized data model. It is used to store and process combined spectra and images efficiently.

In this talk, I will discuss the possibility to connect HDF5 via VO protocols to existing tools, such as Topcat or Aladin to explore the combined data

Pierre Fernique, Ada Nebot, Sébastien Derriere

Status on MOCs in the IVOA

We will present the current status of the "MOC: Multi-Order Coverage map version 2.0" document, and in particular the differences and progresses from the current standard, and the exension to the time domain with TMOC and STMOC expanding the SMOC capabilities. We will discuss the implementation of the new capabilities in libraries, applications, and the description of existing datasets. The presentation will be followed by a short demonstration of STMOC usage on simple science cases.

Dave Morris

Registering IVOA software in ESCAPE

The European ESCAPE project is creating a registry of software linked to the project. Our work package in ESCAPE is tasked with promoting IVOA standards andsoftware within ESCAPE. We have started a discussion in ESCAPE about how to promote IVOA software in the context of ESCAPE. This session is to raise the same discussion at the IVOA, collecting thoughts ideas and suggestions about how to promote IVOA software to other communities.

Baptiste Cecconi


EOSC experiment for automated deployment of TAP service

Jiri Nadvornik

HDF5 and the VO

An emerging practice in machine learning is to combine data from different domains, such as spectra and images, to gain additional knowledge. Combining such data brings its own challenges which we solved by using HDF5 for creating a specialized data model. It is used to store and process combined spectra and images efficiently.

In this talk, I will discuss the possibility to connect HDF5 via VO protocols to existing tools, such as Topcat or Aladin to explore the combined data

  Moderator: Raffaele, Notetaker: Tom, notes: Etherpad link


Time: Thursday May 27 05:00 UTC Please see the DAL schedule for details on this joint session between the Applications and Data Access Layer working groups.


Revision 12021-05-21 - TomDonaldson


Applications Sessions Schedule - IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-08:00 UTC-05:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
Applications May 25 20:30 May 25 13:30 May 25 16:30 May 25 22:30 May 26 04:30 May 26 06:30
Apps/DAL May 27 05:00 May 26 22:00 May 27 01:00 May 27 07:00 May 27 13:00 May 27 15:00


Time: Tuesday May 25 20:30 UTC

Speaker(s) Title and Abstract Time Material
Pierre Fernique, Ada Nebot, Sebastien Derriere

Status on MOCs in the IVOA

We will present the current status of the "MOC: Multi-Order Coverage map version 2.0" document, and in particular the differences and progresses from the current standard, and the exension to the time domain with TMOC and STMOC expanding the SMOC capabilities. We will discuss the implementation of the new capabilities in libraries, applications, and the description of existing datasets. The presentation will be followed by a short demonstration of STMOC usage on simple science cases.

Dave Morris

Registering IVOA software in ESCAPE

The European ESCAPE project is creating a registry of software linked to the project. Our work package in ESCAPE is tasked with promoting IVOA standards andsoftware within ESCAPE. We have started a discussion in ESCAPE about how to promote IVOA software in the context of ESCAPE. This session is to raise the same discussion at the IVOA, collecting thoughts ideas and suggestions about how to promote IVOA software to other communities.

Baptiste Cecconi


EOSC experiment for automated deployment of TAP service

Jiri Nadvornik

HDF5 and the VO

An emerging practice in machine learning is to combine data from different domains, such as spectra and images, to gain additional knowledge. Combining such data brings its own challenges which we solved by using HDF5 for creating a specialized data model. It is used to store and process combined spectra and images efficiently.

In this talk, I will discuss the possibility to connect HDF5 via VO protocols to existing tools, such as Topcat or Aladin to explore the combined data


Moderator: Raffaele, Notetaker: Tom, notes: Etherpad link


Time: Thursday May 27 05:00 UTC Please see the DAL schedule for details on this joint session between the Applications and Data Access Layer working groups.

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