Difference: WebStatistics (758 vs. 759)

Revision 7592019-12-28 - TWikiGuest


Statistics for Sandbox Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
2019-12 1633 0 0 341 WebHome
247 TestTopic0
143 WebCreateNewTopic
135 WebSearch
 92 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 68 JamesDempseySandbox
 66 InterOpMay2019Edu
 61 WebSearchAdvanced
 43 WebPreferences
 29 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
2019-12 1636 0 0 342 WebHome
248 TestTopic0
143 WebCreateNewTopic
135 WebSearch
 92 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 69 JamesDempseySandbox
 66 InterOpMay2019Edu
 61 WebSearchAdvanced
 43 WebPreferences
 29 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
2019-11 2659 0 0 432 WebSearch
421 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
404 WebHome
305 WebCreateNewTopic
238 TestTopic0
173 JamesDempseySandbox
120 WebSearchAdvanced
114 InterOpMay2019Edu
 84 WebPreferences
 48 May2018IVOAProgram
2019-10 2369 0 0 448 WebSearch
425 WebCreateNewTopic
374 WebHome
144 WebSearchAdvanced
 97 TestTopic0
 91 JamesDempseySandbox
 57 WebPreferences
 57 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 56 WebChanges
 53 InterOpMay2019Edu
2019-09 4325 0 0 2065 WebSearch
1322 WebCreateNewTopic
258 WebSearchAdvanced
 88 WebHome
 43 WebPreferences
 40 JamesDempseySandbox
 38 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 33 JQueryPluginExamples
 26 MarkTaylorSandbox
 23 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
2019-08 2994 0 0 1369 WebSearch
950 WebCreateNewTopic
112 WebSearchAdvanced
106 WebHome
 33 WebPreferences
 29 JamesDempseySandbox
 25 InterOpOctober2012
 24 MarkTaylorSandbox
 24 JQueryPluginExamples
 18 HotelInformation
2019-07 698 0 0 146 WebCreateNewTopic
 75 WebHome
 57 WebSearch
 31 WebSearchAdvanced
 25 JamesDempseySandbox
 15 AttractionsHeritageSites
 15 MireilleLouysSandbox
 15 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 14 SanboxValidators
 14 InterOpMay2019Edu
2019-06 1010 0 0 307 WebCreateNewTopic
110 WebSearch
 74 WebHome
 63 WebSearchAdvanced
 28 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 20 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 20 WebChanges
 19 WebPreferences
 17 May2018IVOAProgram
 17 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
2019-05 2629 18 0 479 WebHome
472 WebCreateNewTopic
308 JamesDempseySandbox
210 WebSearch
143 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
127 WebPreferences
124 WebSearchAdvanced
 58 TestTopic0
 41 MireilleLouysSandbox
 40 May2018IVOAProgram
 16 MireilleLouys
  2 ChenzhouCui
2019-04 415 0 0  97 WebHome
 46 WebCreateNewTopic
 15 WebChanges
 13 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 13 JamesDempseySandbox
 11 WebTopicList
 11 May2018IVOAProgram
 10 WebTopMenu
 10 WebNotify
 10 WebPreferences
2019-03 582 0 0 126 WebCreateNewTopic
 90 WebHome
 62 WebSearch
 31 WebSearchAdvanced
 28 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 22 WebNotify
 22 WebChanges
 16 TestTopic0
 13 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 10 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
2019-02 283 0 0  50 WebHome
 16 SanboxValidators
 15 WebTopicList
 15 WebPreferences
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebCreateNewTopic
 12 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 12 HelenTranSandbox
 12 JQueryPluginExamples
 11 JamesDempseySandbox
2019-01 1141 1 0 256 WebHome
112 WebCreateNewTopic
 74 WebSearchAdvanced
 68 WebSearch
 51 JamesDempseySandbox
 48 WebPreferences
 36 WebChanges
 35 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 34 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 34 HelenTranSandbox
  1 JamesDempsey
2018-12 1505 0 0 268 WebCreateNewTopic
131 WebHome
 96 WebSearch
 65 WebSearchAdvanced
 56 WebPreferences
 52 WebChanges
 46 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
 42 WebTopicList
 42 WebNotify
 41 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
2018-11 1646 0 0 424 WebCreateNewTopic
206 WebHome
194 WebSearch
118 WebSearchAdvanced
 45 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 34 WebChanges
 31 WebNotify
 28 WebPreferences
 27 HelenTranSandbox
 27 MarkTaylorSandbox
2018-10 1922 1 0 482 WebCreateNewTopic
315 WebHome
247 WebSearch
120 WebSearchAdvanced
 75 WebPreferences
 39 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 39 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 31 WebChanges
 29 May2018IVOAProgram
 27 WebNotify
  1 JamesDempsey
2018-09 1297 0 0 284 WebCreateNewTopic
199 WebHome
108 WebSearch
 59 WebPreferences
 47 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 46 WebSearchAdvanced
 40 WebChanges
 32 May2018IVOAProgram
 30 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 28 JamesDempseySandbox
2018-08 1323 0 0 280 WebCreateNewTopic
173 WebHome
144 WebSearch
 56 WebSearchAdvanced
 47 WebChanges
 41 WebPreferences
 40 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 38 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 31 WebNotify
 28 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
2018-07 1206 3 0 243 WebHome
118 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
117 WebCreateNewTopic
 56 WebPreferences
 54 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 50 WebSearch
 46 WebSearchAdvanced
 39 WebChanges
 31 May2018IVOAProgram
 28 WebNotify
  3 JamesDempsey
2018-06 1183 0 0 256 WebHome
135 WebCreateNewTopic
 70 WebSearch
 60 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 55 WebSearchAdvanced
 43 WebPreferences
 41 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 35 May2018IVOAProgram
 34 WebChanges
 28 HelenTranSandbox
2018-05 2626 0 0 638 WebHome
613 WebCreateNewTopic
195 WebSearch
112 WebSearchAdvanced
 99 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 88 WebPreferences
 61 WebChanges
 52 May2018IVOAProgram
 47 WebNotify
 43 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
2018-04 2339 0 0 1048 WebHome
397 WebCreateNewTopic
 91 WebSearch
 78 WebChanges
 70 WebNotify
 61 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 51 WebSearchAdvanced
 43 SarahWeissmanSandbox
 42 RedirectPluginDestination
 39 UpdateInfoPluginTest
2018-03 2296 0 0 994 WebHome
271 WebCreateNewTopic
137 WebSearch
 83 WebSearchAdvanced
 61 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 53 WebChanges
 52 WebNotify
 49 RedirectPluginDestination
 44 SarahWeissmanSandbox
 42 WebTopMenu
2018-02 1726 0 0 827 WebHome
171 WebCreateNewTopic
 88 WebSearch
 53 WebNotify
 39 WebChanges
 37 RedirectPluginDestination
 33 SanboxValidators
 29 WebPreferences
 27 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 26 UpdateInfoPluginTest
2018-01 2118 0 0 892 WebHome
326 WebCreateNewTopic
197 WebSearch
 82 WebNotify
 67 WebPreferences
 51 WebChanges
 48 SanboxValidators
 47 RedirectPluginDestination
 41 WebSearchAdvanced
 38 HelenTranSandbox
2017-12 1751 0 0 677 WebHome
274 WebCreateNewTopic
 94 WebSearch
 72 WebPreferences
 61 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 58 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 50 WebSearchAdvanced
 48 RedirectPluginDestination
 48 WebChanges
 45 WebNotify
2017-11 1540 0 0 351 WebHome
338 WebCreateNewTopic
215 WebSearch
 80 WebSearchAdvanced
 48 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 36 WebPreferences
 33 RedirectPluginDestination
 33 WebChanges
 33 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
 31 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
2017-10 1252 0 0 388 WebHome
221 WebCreateNewTopic
106 WebSearch
 47 WebSearchAdvanced
 38 WebChanges
 29 SarahWeissmanSandbox
 28 WebTopMenu
 28 SanboxValidators
 28 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 27 RedirectPluginDestination
2017-09 1004 0 0 283 WebHome
154 WebCreateNewTopic
 67 WebPreferences
 54 WebSearch
 49 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 41 WebChanges
 37 WebSearchAdvanced
 36 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 22 WebNotify
 19 SanboxValidators
2017-08 1185 0 0 311 WebCreateNewTopic
254 WebHome
120 WebSearch
 69 WebSearchAdvanced
 47 WebPreferences
 32 WebChanges
 29 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 21 WebTopMenu
 21 WebNotify
 18 WebTopicList
2017-07 975 0 0 231 WebCreateNewTopic
213 WebHome
 99 WebSearch
 53 WebSearchAdvanced
 44 WebChanges
 28 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 24 WebIndex
 23 RedirectPluginDestination
 23 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
 17 WebTopicList
2017-06 974 3 0 424 WebHome
 67 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 WebSearch
 50 WebPreferences
 35 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 27 WebChanges
 26 WebNotify
 25 WebSearchAdvanced
 24 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 21 RedirectPluginDestination
  3 SarahWeissman
2017-05 1493 0 0 477 WebHome
224 WebCreateNewTopic
 99 WebPreferences
 89 WebSearch
 64 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 54 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 52 WebNotify
 34 WebSearchAdvanced
 30 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
 29 WebTopicList
2017-04 1254 0 0 277 WebHome
222 WebCreateNewTopic
 96 WebSearch
 69 WebSearchAdvanced
 49 WebChanges
 46 WebPreferences
 44 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 38 WebNotify
 36 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 33 WebTopMenu
2017-03 871 0 0 277 WebHome
 81 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 76 WebCreateNewTopic
 58 WebSearch
 38 WebPreferences
 36 WebSearchAdvanced
 23 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 23 WebNotify
 23 WebChanges
 21 MarkusDemleitnerSandbox
2017-02 1016 0 0 393 WebHome
 78 WebSearch
 62 WebCreateNewTopic
 46 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 41 WebPreferences
 37 WebSearchAdvanced
 34 WebChanges
 33 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 29 WebNotify
 28 WebTopMenu
2017-01 1023 0 0 335 WebHome
136 WebCreateNewTopic
 66 WebSearch
 50 WebSearchAdvanced
 42 WebChanges
 38 WebPreferences
 36 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 25 JQueryPluginExamples
 21 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 20 UpdateInfoPluginTest
2016-12 1365 0 0 567 WebHome
139 WebCreateNewTopic
111 WebSearch
 69 WebPreferences
 50 WebChanges
 47 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 46 WebSearchAdvanced
 36 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 26 WebNotify
 25 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
2016-11 473 0 0 146 WebHome
 64 WebCreateNewTopic
 26 WebChanges
 22 WebSearch
 19 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 WebNotify
 17 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 16 SanboxValidators
 16 WebPreferences
 15 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
2016-10 977 0 0 211 WebHome
200 WebCreateNewTopic
 61 WebSearch
 47 WebChanges
 45 WebSearchAdvanced
 32 WebPreferences
 30 SanboxValidators
 30 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 25 WebNotify
 24 MarkTaylorSandbox
2016-09 598 0 0 170 WebHome
 74 WebCreateNewTopic
 40 WebPreferences
 31 WebSearch
 30 WebSearchAdvanced
 28 WebChanges
 23 WebNotify
 19 SanboxValidators
 19 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 17 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
2016-08 723 0 0 207 WebHome
112 WebCreateNewTopic
 98 WebSearch
 37 WebPreferences
 31 WebSearchAdvanced
 24 WebChanges
 17 SanboxValidators
 16 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 16 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 16 PlainSimpleGarat
2016-07 728 0 0 199 WebHome
121 WebCreateNewTopic
 94 WebSearch
 32 WebChanges
 24 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 23 WebPreferences
 21 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
 18 MarkTaylorSandbox
 15 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
2016-06 945 0 0 233 WebHome
160 WebCreateNewTopic
129 WebSearch
 45 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 40 WebSearchAdvanced
 32 WebPreferences
 31 WebChanges
 27 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 21 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
 21 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
2016-05 711 0 0 162 WebHome
104 WebCreateNewTopic
 73 WebSearch
 46 WebSearchAdvanced
 36 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 23 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
 22 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 21 WebPreferences
 20 MarkTaylorSandbox
 19 WebTopMenu
2016-04 696 8 0 161 WebHome
 96 WebCreateNewTopic
 80 WebSearch
 44 WebChanges
 36 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 32 WebSearchAdvanced
 23 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators
 21 WebPreferences
 18 WebTopMenu
 15 WebTopicList
  8 MarkTaylor
2016-03 673 0 0 188 WebCreateNewTopic
134 WebSearch
103 WebHome
 71 WebSearchAdvanced
 31 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 13 WebChanges
 12 JQueryPluginExamples
 12 WebTopMenu
 10 WebTopicList
 10 WebPreferences
2016-02 845 0 0 173 WebCreateNewTopic
136 WebHome
131 WebSearch
 45 CommentPluginTemplateExample
 44 CommentPluginExampleComments
 39 WebSearchAdvanced
 27 WebChanges
 21 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 20 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 18 JQueryPluginExamples
2016-01 859 0 0 240 WebCreateNewTopic
164 WebHome
139 WebSearch
 65 WebSearchAdvanced
 22 WebChanges
 20 WebTopMenu
 20 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 19 WebNotify
 18 WebPreferences
 18 MarkusDemleitnerSandbox
2015-12 735 0 0 173 WebHome
154 WebCreateNewTopic
 96 WebSearch
 40 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 28 WebSearchAdvanced
 28 WebNotify
 27 WebPreferences
 26 WebChanges
 22 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 17 UpdateInfoPluginTest
2015-11 615 0 0 140 WebHome
 85 WebSearch
 82 WebCreateNewTopic
 35 WebSearchAdvanced
 26 WebChanges
 23 WebNotify
 21 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 20 WebPreferences
 18 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 16 WebTopMenu
2015-10 794 0 0 217 WebHome
126 WebCreateNewTopic
107 WebSearch
 70 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 46 WebSearchAdvanced
 22 WebChanges
 21 WebPreferences
 21 CommentPluginExampleComments
 17 WebNotify
 16 CommentPluginTemplateExample
2015-09 812 0 0 177 WebHome
 99 WebCreateNewTopic
 82 WebPreferences
 81 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 75 WebSearch
 28 WebChanges
 25 WebNotify
 21 WebTopMenu
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
 20 CommentPluginExampleComments
2015-08 767 0 0 230 WebHome
 75 WebCreateNewTopic
 62 WebPreferences
 37 WebSearch
 35 WebChanges
 34 WebNotify
 26 WebTopMenu
 25 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 24 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 23 WebSearchAdvanced
2015-07 506 0 0 114 WebHome
 89 WebSearch
 88 WebCreateNewTopic
 29 WebSearchAdvanced
 26 WebPreferences
 16 CommentPluginExampleComments
 13 WebIndex
 13 WebTopMenu
 11 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 10 CommentPluginTemplateExample
2015-06 533 1 0 137 WebHome
112 WebCreateNewTopic
 48 WebSearch
 23 WebSearchAdvanced
 20 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 18 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 17 JQueryPluginExamples
 14 WebNotify
 14 WebPreferences
 12 CommentPluginTemplateExample
  1 FrancoisBonnarel
2015-05 740 3 0 170 WebCreateNewTopic
114 WebHome
 77 WebSearch
 48 WebSearchAdvanced
 37 DraftInteropJune2015DAL
 28 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 24 WebChanges
 22 WebNotify
 22 CommentPluginTemplateExample
 19 WebLeftBar
  2 MarcoMolinaro
  1 TomMcGlynn
2015-04 774 0 0 186 WebHome
 90 WebCreateNewTopic
 57 WebSearch
 40 WebChanges
 39 MarcoMolinaroSandbox
 32 CommentPluginExampleComments
 31 WebSearchAdvanced
 28 WebPreferences
 27 WebTopMenu
 27 CommentPluginTemplateExample
2015-03 615 0 0 177 WebHome
 88 WebSearch
 77 WebCreateNewTopic
 47 WebSearchAdvanced
 28 WebNotify
 27 WebChanges
 25 WebPreferences
 16 JQueryPluginExamples
 14 CommentPluginExampleComments
 13 InterOpOctober2012
2015-02 343 0 0  87 WebHome
 71 WebCreateNewTopic
 32 WebSearch
 19 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebLeftBar
 11 CommentPluginTemplateExample
 10 JQueryPluginExamples
 10 WebNotify
  9 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
2015-01 391 0 0  99 WebHome
 77 WebCreateNewTopic
 35 WebSearch
 26 WebSearchAdvanced
 20 WebChanges
 16 WebTopMenu
 16 WebPreferences
 15 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
 14 CommentPluginTemplateExample
 13 CommentPluginExampleComments
2014-12 410 0 0  94 WebHome
 88 WebCreateNewTopic
 55 WebSearch
 31 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebNotify
 12 WebChanges
 10 InterOpOctober2012
 10 CommentPluginTemplateExample
 10 CommentPluginExampleComments
 10 PlainSimpleGarat
2014-11 383 0 0 102 WebCreateNewTopic
 69 WebHome
 45 WebSearch
 22 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebNotify
 14 WebTopMenu
 12 WebPreferences
 12 WebChanges
 10 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 10 InterOpOctober2012
2014-10 323 0 0  86 WebHome
 58 WebCreateNewTopic
 28 WebSearch
 21 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 MarkusDemleitnerSandbox
 10 UpdateInfoPluginTest
 10 WebNotify
 10 PlainSimpleGarat
  9 JQueryPluginExamples
  9 InterOpOctober2012
2014-09 659 0 0 263 WebCreateNewTopic
116 WebSearch
 60 WebSearchAdvanced
 59 WebHome
 13 WebPreferences
 12 MarkusDemleitnerSandbox
 11 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 11 InterOpOctober2012
 11 WebLeftBar
 11 PlainSimpleGarat
2014-08 156 0 0  46 WebHome
 43 WebCreateNewTopic
 10 WebSearch
  7 WebChanges
  5 WebNotify
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 UpdateInfoPluginTest
  4 WebPreferences
  4 CommentPluginExampleComments
  3 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
2013-11 6 0 0   2 WebSearch
  2 WebCreateNewTopic
  2 WebHome
2012-10 48 0 0  20 WebHome
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
  3 UpdateInfoPluginTest
  2 WebSearch
  2 CommentPluginTemplateExample
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebIndex
2012-09 7 0 0   5 WebHome
  1 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
2012-08 144 0 0  55 WebHome
 12 WebSearch
 10 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
  8 JQueryPluginExamples
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebChanges
  5 UpdateInfoPluginTest
  5 InterOpOctober2012
  5 WebNotify
2012-07 356 5 3 114 WebHome
 49 WebSearch
 17 WebNotify
 16 WebTopicList
 15 WebTopMenu
 14 WebPreferences
 13 WebLeftBar
 12 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
 12 WebCreateNewTopic
 12 InterOpOctober2012
  6 AvalonJohnson
  2 AlexCarciofi


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Related: SiteStatistics, WebStatistics in IVOA, IVOA.PDL1RFC, IVOA.PhotDM1, IVOA.Spectral2, IVOA.SpectralDM2, Know, Main, TWiki webs

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