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Package =

=head1 NAME

CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite - CGI::Session driver for SQLite


$s = new CGI::Session("driver:sqlite", $sid, {DataSource=>'/my/folder/sessions.sqlt'}); $s = new CGI::Session("driver:sqlite", $sid, {Handle=>$dbh});


B driver stores session data in SQLite files using L<DBD::SQLite|DBD::SQLite> DBI driver. More details see L<CGI::Session::Driver::DBI|CGI::Session::Driver::DBI>, its parent class.


Supported driver arguments are I and I. B only one of these arguments can be set while creating session object.

I should be in the form of C<dbi:SQLite:dbname=/path/to/db.sqlt>. If C<dbi:SQLite:> is missing it will be prepended for you. If I is present it should be database handle (C<$dbh>) returned by L<DBI::connect()|DBI/connect()>.

As of version 1.7 of this driver, the third argument is B optional. Using a default database in the temporary directory is a security risk since anyone on the machine can create and/or read your session data. If you understand these risks and still want the old behavior, you can set the C option to I<'/tmp/sessions.sqlt'>.


None known.


For support and licensing see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session>

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