Difference: GoodStyle (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32001-08-30 - MikeMannix

TWiki has very simple TextFormattingRules. You won't go wrong if you start each line without spaces and separate paragraphs with a blank line. Run capitalized words together to make WikiWords, which become hyperlinks. This sometimes requires creativity; you're up to it. WikiWords tells you how to create good topic names.
    • separate paragraphs with a blank line
If a discussion is going on on a WikiTopic, separate each follow up with a separator. It is style to add your WikiName and date at the end.
  • Run together capitalized words to make WikiWords:
    • WikiWords automatically appear as hyperlinks
    • make up meaningful Wiki names - it can be a challenge (it'll sharpen you up!)
    • WikiWords has name-creation tips that may help
A good format for a new topic is "dissertation followed by discussion": a factual introduction followed by opinions. After a while, the discussion will die down and the page will become static. At that point, feel free to "refactor mercilessly" to capture the key points whilst reducing the noise; this is how wiki content matures with time.
  • If a discussion is going on on a WikiTopic:
    • separate each follow up with a horizontal rule
    • add your WikiName and date at the end
If you summarise an old discussion and merge or delete individual contributions, you can add the word "Contributors:" to the bottom of the page, and list the contributors there.
  • A good format for a new topic is "dissertation followed by discussion":
    • start with a brief, factual introduction
    • then bring on the opinions.
If you want to link to external sites: Just type hyperlinks directly into the text - that makes it clear to readers whether they're browsing within TWiki or leaving it. It is usually better not to use the HTML tag <A HREF="..."> .
  • When a discussion dies down and the page becomes static, feel free to refactor mercilessly:
    • fearlessly edit down to capture the key points
    • reduce the noise without losing the facts or the flavor
    • if you merge or delete comments, you can group list "Contributors:" at the end of the page
    • That's how Wiki content matures and grows in value over time.
Date format: TWiki is international, so the ISO date format like "06 Feb 1998" is preferred to one like "2/6/98", which can mean either February or June to different readers. For the month use Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov or Dec.
  • For external site links, you can type URLs directly into the text - http://etcete.ra/... - it'll clear to anyone where they're headed on click.
-- PeterThoeny - 30 Jul 2000
  • TWiki is international, and an ISO international standard date format like 06 Feb 1998 is preferred. A date like 2/6/98, can mean either Feb or Jun, depending on the local conventions of the readers. For months, use the first three letters: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,...

  • Look at the source when you want to find out how something is formatted: click Raw text on the lower toolbar. A bit of HTML experience can't hurt, but you'll soon see with TWiki how far that is from necessary.
Feel free to look at the source to an existing page (click Raw text) if you want to see how something is formatted. A bit of HTML experience can't hurt, but is far from necessary.
-- PeterThoeny - 30 Jul 2000
-- TWikiGuest - 27 May 2000
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.GoodStyle.