Difference: UserBookmarks ( vs. 1)

Revision 12011-06-24 - TWikiContributor


Bookmarks Application Page

This page contains several parts that are used by user bookmark pages. Bookmark pages reside in the Main web and are named <wikiname>Bookmarks, such as JimmyNeutronBookmarks.

Bookmarks Preview in Account Pulldown Menu


Edit Table Definition

%EDITTABLE{ format="| label, 1, <!--BOOKMARK--> | text, 40 | text, 20 |" changerows="add" buttonrow="bottom" editbutton="Edit bookmarks" }%

Comment Plugin Input Form Definition

%TMPL:DEF{PROMPT:bookmark_page_comment_template}%<div class="commentPlugin commentPluginPromptBox" style="display: %IF{ "defined 'ettablenr'" then="none" else="block" }%">
---++ Add Bookmark
<table border="0" style="background-color: #f4f4f8; padding: 10px; margin-top: -6px">
</th><th colspan="2">
&nbsp; &nbsp;
%GRAY% =Web.TopicName= or =URL= %ENDCOLOR%
</th><th colspan="3">
*Link Label:*
&nbsp; &nbsp;
%GRAY% keep it short %ENDCOLOR%
<tr><td align="right">
<input type="text" name="link" id="linkTarget" value="%URLPARAM{ "link" encode="html" }%" size="35" class="twikiInputField" style="font-size: 95%" onKeyUp="disableSubmitIfEmpty()" />
<input type="text" name="label" id="linkLabel" value="%URLPARAM{ "label" encode="html" }%" size="20" class="twikiInputField" style="font-size: 95%" onKeyUp="disableSubmitIfEmpty()" />
<input %DISABLED% type="submit" id="bookmarkSubmit" value="%button|Add Bookmark%" class="twikiButton" />
</td><td colspan="2">
</td><td colspan="3">
=Status report=
<script language="javascript">
function disableSubmitIfEmpty() {
  var linkTargetValue = document.getElementById( "linkTarget" ).value;
  var linkLabelValue = document.getElementById( "linkLabel" ).value;
  document.getElementById( "bookmarkSubmit" ).disabled = !(linkTargetValue && linkLabelValue);

<div style="display: %IF{ "defined 'link'" then="block" else="none" }%">
<span style="background-color: #fcf995; margin-top: 30px; padding: 5px;">
%T% Modify the Link Label if desired, and press "Add Bookmark" to create a bookmark for [[%URLPARAM{ "link" encode="html" }%]].

Comment Plugin Output Form Definition

%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:bookmark_page_comment_template}%%POS:BEFORE%| <!--BOOKMARK--> | %URLPARAM{ "link" encode="moderate" }% | %URLPARAM{ "label" encode="moderate" }% |

Related: UserBookmarksTemplate, UserList

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.UserBookmarks.