Difference: VarADDTOHEAD ( vs. 1)

Revision 12010-06-08 - TWikiContributor

META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

ADDTOHEAD -- add HTML to the HTML head section of the current page

  • Useful for TWiki applications to add custom CSS or JavaScript to the HTML head section of a topic. Supplied TWiki variables will be expanded. %ADDTOHEAD{}% expands in-place to an empty string, unless there is an error in which case the variable expands to an error string.
  • Syntax: %ADDTOHEAD{ "..." text="..." }%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description:
    <-- -->
    Sorted ascending
    requires="..., ..." Comma-separated list of other IDs this one depends on Optional
    text="..." HTML text to add to the head section Mutually exclusive with topic=""
    "..." ID of the head block, such as "MY_CSS" Optional but recommended
    topic="Web.TopicName" Name of topic that contains the full HTML text to add to the head section, such as topic="Main.MyCssTopic" Mutually exclusive with text=""
  • Example: %ADDTOHEAD{ "MYBOX_CSS" text="<style type=\"text/css\"> .myBox { height: 22px; background-color: #AFB3C5; } </style>" }%
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.VarADDTOHEAD.