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Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 12:00 (GMT)

1 2 3 4 5 6 titolo centrato stanza di riferimento orario speaker title time attach PaginaVuota Interop DAL...
1 here is a numbered list 1 this is the second item 1 and the third Here`s a link to another Twiki page, which should open in a new window. Here`s a link to...
Validators DAL DALI DALI provides a set of basic capabilities that all DAL services are to implement. DALI capabilities are sometimes tested inother validators but...
Validators This page provides a comprehensive summary of the validation capabilities associated with published IVOA standards. Validators include any software which...
Session Time Room Session Notes Sunday May 16 2010 16.00...
tests for page names : UCDList 1.4June2019 no page creation UCDListTo(1.4) no page creation with 1.4 UCDList1dot4RFM Ok will create a page UCDListTo1dot4RFM Ok will...
Number of topics: 7

Topic revision: r6 - 2012-07-18 - AvalonJohnson
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