<span style="color: #630000; font-size: 22.75px; background-color: transparent;">IVOA Roadmap for 2018B </span> This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the College Park and Paris Interops. --- * [[2018BRoadmap#IVOA_Roadmap_for_2018B][IVOA Roadmap for 2018B]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Applications_WG][Applications WG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Data_Access_Layer_WG][Data Access Layer WG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Data_Model_WG][Data Model WG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Grid_and_Web_Services_WG][Grid and Web Services WG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Registry_WG][Registry WG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Semantics_WG][Semantics WG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Data_Curation_Preservation_IG][Data Curation & Preservation IG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Education_IG][Education IG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Knowledge_Discovery_IG][Knowledge Discovery IG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Operations_IG][Operations IG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Solar_System_IG][Solar System IG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Theory_IG][Theory IG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Time_Domain_IG][Time Domain IG]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Standard_and_Processes][Standard and Processes]] * [[2018BRoadmap#Science_Priorities][Science Priorities]] --- ---++ <a name="Applications_WG"></a> [[IvoaApplications][Applications WG]] <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---+++++ *Python* * Continue to engage with Astropy community * Offer support for VOTable in Astropy core * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Astroquery VO registry module</span> ---+++++ VOTable Standards * Shepherd <a target="_blank" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpNov2018TDIG/Nebot_TDIG_Interop2018B-TIMESYS.pdf" title="TIMESYS element proposal">TIMESYS element proposal</a> through the change process. * Changes need to include the 3 existing errata. * Work towards [[IVOA.VODML-Mapping][VODML-Mapping]] consesnsus. * Determine if there are other driving factors for a new VOTable version. ---+++++ Authentication * Encourage application support for client authentication, working with Grid and Web Services WG to outline the scope and details. ---+++++ HiPS * Continue to encourage HiPS providers to declare their services in the VO registry according to the <a target="_blank" href="http://ivoa.net/documents/HiPS/index.html" title="HiPS Standard">HiPS Standard</a>(section 5.3). ---++ <a name="Data_Access_Layer_WG"></a> [[IvoaDAL][Data Access Layer WG]] * TAP-1.1 * New PR reflecting decision * Alert community and update RFC accordingly * Update reference implementation and validator * Go REC and put TAPRegExt in RFC * SLAP-2.0 * Release official WD, then wait “VO-DML” SSLDM-2.0 * ObsLocTAP & ObjVisSAP * Progress WD * ADQL-2.1 * Continue 2nd reference implementation * Tackle REGION issue * DataLink-1.1 * Start revision on (subset?) of identified features * Services weather report SHOULD warnings: take a decision * Continue effort on polygon winding interoperability <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Data_Model_WG"></a> [[IvoaDataModel][Data Model WG]] Priority model efforts: * Errata: * generate errata page for ObsCore-1.1 and migrate through process _(early 2019)_ * generate errata for 2 STC-1.33 errata and migrate through process _(early 2019)_ * Coords: Astronomical Coordinates and Coordinate Systems _(Nov 2018)_ * migrate RefFrame, RefPosition, TimeStamp enumerations to vocabularies * complete WD documentation, and distribute for review * Meas: Measurements and Errors _(Dec 2018)_ * restore basic Velocity, correct Correlation Matrix * complete WD documentation, and distribute for review * Trans: WCS Transforms _(Dec 2018)_ * restore transform operations needed by LSST, implemented by AST library * complete WD documentation, and distribute for review * WG concensus on coord, meas, trans model content, move to PR/RFC process _(Jan-May 2019)_ * Provenance _( May 2019 )_ * review/address RFC comments _(Nov 2018)_ * assess impact of compromise model on implementations _(Dec 2018)_ * update model/document accordingly _(Dec/Jan 2018)_ * update implementations _(Jan 2018)_ * revised model through RFC _(Jan/Feb 2018)_ * work ProvSAP/ProvTAP (DAL projects) Secondary model efforts: * Dataset Metadata * no contention, ready to move forward when measurement model dependency is satisfied. _( May 2019 )_ * NDCube * no open issues, ready to move forward when dependencies are satisfied... most likely AFTER "STC" and Dataset are completed _( May 2019? )_ * SSDL-2.0 * get volute workspace setup _( Jan 2019 )_ * vo-dml compliant model representation - WD _( May 2019 )_ Upcoming model efforts: Most of these projects are being driven by the time domain work and feedback from the 'Hack-a-thon" in Victoria with data providers exercising existing models. There are no hard goals for these projects at this point, but will be worked as a 'best effort' level * <a rel="nofollow" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/TimeSeries?topicparent=IVOA.2018ARoadmap;nowysiwyg=0" title="TimeSeries (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">TimeSeries</a> * continue working with TDIG to flesh out requirements for time domain data models and prototype/develop models as time and resources permit * <a rel="nofollow" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/PhotDMv1-1?topicparent=IVOA.2018ARoadmap;nowysiwyg=0" title="PhotDMv1-1 (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">PhotDMv1-1</a> * Generate VO-DML compliant model; it is not yet clear if this is a major version update or minor.. the original model had gone far in this direction. * preliminary work has been done in Volute in preparation for Victoria demos * pick up from there with 'official' model project; modeler=Jesus, domain=??, tech=?? * Characterisation * Migrate Characterisation to a VO-DML compliant model; this is a major project, at least in part motivated by time domain project needs * modeler=Francois/Mireille?, domain=??, tech=?? * <a rel="nofollow" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/SourceDM?topicparent=IVOA.2018ARoadmap;nowysiwyg=0" title="SourceDM (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">SourceDM</a> * It is still unclear if a full <a rel="nofollow" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/SourceDM?topicparent=IVOA.2018ARoadmap;nowysiwyg=0" title="SourceDM (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">SourceDM</a> is required or useful at this point given the resources available. * A better approach might be to concentrate on the Entities which might be most useful TO a <a rel="nofollow" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/SourceDM?topicparent=IVOA.2018ARoadmap;nowysiwyg=0" title="SourceDM (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">SourceDM</a>, and work to get those entities included in the proper model (eg: meas ). <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Grid_and_Web_Services_WG"></a> [[IvoaGridAndWebServices][Grid and Web Services WG]] ---+++++ For Paris: * VOSI best practices note * Science Platforms: call for standardization proposals on: * How to lookup registry capabilities for a platform * New capabilities applicable to science platforms * Container execution? Input Params? Output location? * Group Membership Services -- feedback from community, new working draft * XML Schema Versioning -- address known issues * Bring 2 VOSI erratum to TCG * Hold 2 or 3 GWS telecons ---+++++ For consideration: * Work with DAL on potential VOSI-based table uploads * Extend Credential Delegation Protocol to include OAuth 2.0 * See if ICRAR pyvospace implementation experience can improve VOSpace standard <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Registry_WG"></a> [[IvoaResReg][Registry WG]] * RegTAP 1.1: Incorporate changes from Authentication/Authorization re TAP 1.1 and endpoints, including example queries * Work on reference implementation at MAST/NAVO * Continue work on VODataService 1.2 regarding MOCs in the Registry, present May 2019 * Discovering Dependent Resources: Incorporate changes required by Authentication / Authorization re: TAP. * Standards Records: We will continue to work with the chairs of the other IVOA working groups to ensure that they register their standards as envisioned by StandardsRegExt * VOEventRegExt: A new approach to registering event streams is being developed within TDIG. Registry will contribute to this work, preliminary effort to be presented May 2019 * Operations: We will keep making sure the registry system runs; in particular, we will address anomalies diagnosed by ESAVO especially including inconsistencies in the Registry of Registries * Registry will review validation done at the RofR level based on standards which have since been updated. * Registry will develop VOResource errata regarding # in identifiers, which causes validation failures * Registry maintainers will work on resolving OAI and Resource validation errors in their publishing registry implementations <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Semantics_WG"></a> [[IvoaSemantics][Semantics WG]] ---+++++ Vocabularies A new page is set to gather vocabularies thanks to Giulia I. and Markus D. [[http://ivoa.net/rdf][ivoa.net/rdf]]. with n<span style="background-color: transparent;">ew vocabularies are proposed. We need to check how these are used and can be updated following the evolution of the IVOA protocols and services. </span> Bring the Theory SKOS concept vocabulary into the ivoa repository and allow easy reference with the LUTH SKOS services. UCD available in RDF was asked for during ADASS meeting. A short meeting and a few testing iterations are planned this spring with ARI/Markus Demleitner and CDS /M.Louys to propose a UCD /RDF representation and a maintenance process. More visibility on the vocabulary pages (main page of Ivoa document repository ? ) T<span style="background-color: transparent;">his can be part of the new ivoa site design. and deiscussed together with the Media group and Giulia.</span> A discussion to come up with a revision Note about the way vocabularies may be used in the VO eco system. (Proposed by Markus D. ) ---+++++ Instrument and Telescope Nomenclature Automated xmatch tools for list of names have been tested in Strasbourg in November 2018 (Coll. Graz, CDS, LESIA) <span style="background-color: transparent;">Iteration on the PDS4 Information model helped to provide a simple description of links and classes relevant to build up a telescope list and to bind instruments description and features to it . ( CDS/ LESIA ) . We</span><span style="background-color: transparent;"> got a positive feedback from Greg Schwarz (AAS journals) and Marion Schmitz (NED). </span><span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> A new curated list by Marion Schmitz to be circulated and tested this spring to help confirm or update this information representation. Prototype for a telescope and instrument database planned at CDS as an Internship project. ---+++++ Interactions with other DataModel projects We plan to keep track of the terms defined in data models currently proposed , SimulationDM revision, TimeDomain DM , IVOA Provenance DM in collaboration with these projects. <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="DCP_WG"></a> [[IvoaDCP][Data Curation & Preservation IG]] * IVOA Note about (PID)DOIs * Discussion and editorial team is constituted * First outcome will be presented in Paris <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Education_IG"></a> [[IvoaEducation][Education IG]] * organize an EduIG session and invite plenary talk at the Interop in Paris * renew application for IAU DAEPO Working Group <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Knowledge_Discovery_IG"></a> [[IvoaKnowledge][Knowledge Discovery IG]] For the meeting in Paris: * organize a KDIG session and invite talks * present a first prototype of anotating structural properties in projected spaces * foster the discussion on bulk data-retrieval and on site data processing by bringing code to the data, <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Operations_IG"></a> [[IvoaOps][Operations IG]] <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Solar_System_IG"></a> [[IvoaSS][Solar System IG]] <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Theory_IG"></a> [[IvoaTheory][Theory IG]] <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Time_Domain_IG"></a> [[IvoaTD][Time Domain IG]] * Status of model: * PhotDMv1-1 is in the process of being DMLized * Characterisation needs to be DMLized * Status of serializations * VODML-Lite & utype * For the next interop concentrate on the practical usage by clients * A proposal for a TIMESYS element in VOTable: * Work with Apps to add element to VOTable * Work with Semantics to set-up the needed vocabulary * Work with data providers towards implementations * VOEvent * Take input from SSIG into account <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Standard_and_Processes"></a> [[IvoaStdsDocsProc][Standard and Processes]] <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> ---++ <a name="Science_Priorities"></a> [[IvoaSciencePriorities][Science Priorities]]
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r13 - 2021-04-13 - GiuliaIafrate
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